Page 48 - The Studio First Edition - April 1893
P. 48
Recent Publications
SEVENTY-FIVE artists took part in the competition Adeline's Art Dictionary, with nearly 2000 illus-
for the decoration of the dining-hall for the Hotel trations. 7s. 6d. (London : J. S. Virtue & Co.)
de Ville, Paris. Their designs are on exhibition at —To notice fully an art dictionary in the first
" La Palais des Arts Litéraux." issue of a new periodical devoted to the arts, would
The exhibition of the works, sketches and studies have a pleasant sense of fitness ; for as a knowledge
of Meissonier now being held at Paris, has attracted, of words, especially of those to avoid, is, or should
as might have been expected, a considerable amount be, the constant study of a literary craftsman, so an
of interest and attention. artist should first be acquainted with the ABC of
At the beginning of the year 1884, fifty years the arts. Yet a lengthy review already in type
after he had exhibited his first picture at The Salon, must needs be held over ; not, however, without
Meissonier, it will be remembered collected together saying that it is by far the most useful book of
from the different parts of the world where they reference of its kind yet published.
had found resting-place a large 'number of his Old Wedgwood. By F. Rathbone. Part I.
pictures to form a representative exhibition in the (London : Bernard Quaritch.)—Anything that
Rue de Sèze. The 35,000 francs which resulted tends to revive interest in a school of pottery that
from this the artist generously gave to a charity. was distinctly English, and in its own way of great
The present exhibition numbers 3o5 pictures, artistic importance, is welcome ; and this sump-
about double those which comprised the exhibition tuous monograph to be completed in eight parts
which celebrated his golden wedding with the arts. at a guinea each bids fair to reflect lustre on the
In addition there are 85o studies, water-colours, subject it describes, and on the taste and energy of
and drawings. The exhibition authorities have its publisher. The art of Wedgwood, with its
insured them at six million francs. careful precise detail, is peculiarly suitable for
A considerable number of these pictures will be chromo-lithographic reproduction, and the famous
brought to London for exhibition in May, and Barberini Vase and the other subjects here repre-
certain additions will be made from the collections sented have caught the colour of the ware and
of Her Majesty the Queen, Baron Schroder, Lady much of its general effect. The somewhat harsh
Wallace, and others, who have kindly consented to nature of the paste, and its sharp definition of
lend examples of the artist's work. white upon colour are faithfully depicted, and if
Amongst the many stories about Meissonier the result seems a little hard, it is not owing to any
which are now being repeated in Paris, there is an lack of perception on the artist's part. The notes,
amusing one concerned with the painting of his with reproductions of the marks of different periods
last picture, Napoleon at Wagram. Those who are concise and to the point.
have seen the picture will remember the figure of The Relation of Art to Social Life. By Walter
Napoleon sitting on his white horse, standing Crane. The Leek Press Papers No. 1.—This
quietly. Meissonier, while painting this in the dainty volume forms the first number of a
courtyard of his hotel in the Boulevard Malesherbes, series of booklets tastefully printed, on 'subjects
endeavoured his utmost to keep .the horse quiet. of interest to collectors, limited to a hundred
Edouard Detaille, his neighbour and friend, was copies small paper, and twenty-six large paper,
at the same time working on the other side of the with dainty cretonne covers. Of the lecture itself,
wall upon his colonel of the artillery of the guard, one sentence, " the imitation of solid bodies on
charging at a gallop at the head of his regiment. plane surfaces is not the Alpha and Omega of
In order to study the action of the horse Detaille art," will suffice to show that design, rather than
used every effort, and caused great noise to be pictoral art, is its theme, and the gospel of hard
made, to excite the animal ; poor Meissonier was work its doctrine. Mr. Crane's discourses on art
much troubled until Detaille ultimately agreed to need no commendation ; as the utterance of a very
make the din of battle only at stated times. warm partisan they are always worth reading.
Mr. Charles Meissonier intends to present seven Book-plates, by W. J. Hardy (Books about Books,
of his father's studies to the State. edited by A. W. Pollard). London : Kegan Paul,
The Liberal union of French artists is authorised Trench, Trübner & Co.—The subject of book-
by the prefect of police to organise a lottery of plates, which we notice elsewhere in this number,
works of art exhibited at The Salon and the has already provoked this year two excellent works
galleries at the Champ de Mars. by Mr. Egerton Castle and Mr. Walter Hamilton,
Le Duc et la Duchesse de Gramont have in- on English and French Ex-Libris respectively ; but
augurated with a splendid reception the completion this volume by Mr. W. J: Hardy, comes with quite
of the decorations of their superb mansion on the its own utterance. It is less concerned in the
Champs-Elysees. This fine house, which the duke design of the plate, and frankly disdains any par-
purchased some three years ago from Madame de ticular interest in modern examples ; but is a
Brantes, has its entrance in the Rue de Chaillot. digest of the whole subject, showing an intimate
The decorations have been carried out under the acquaintance with the heraldry and personal details
direction of the duke and duchess, and different of the plates and their engravers.
Nor is it
rooms are in the style of Louis XIV., Louis XV., limited to English examples. Chapters on German,
and Louis XVI. The house is lighted throughout French, and American book-plates round off the
by electricity. subject, and justify its comprehensive title. Mr.