Page 23 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 23

Austrian sculpture

         Oswald  Oberhuber       Lohner and  Franz  Pohacker work less in the limelight.   by and large of less importance. The present improved
         Phantasmagoric Figure  1949
         Plaster for  bronze     Alfred Czerny is committed to the Jugendsti/ (and there  position may be bound up with the development in the
                                 above  all  to  its  Viennese  variation).  His  sculptured  first  post-war  years.  when  in  many  respects  a  clean
         Fritz Hartlauer
         Analythische Gesam1d1sposit1on  7   portraits.  slender  figurines  and  horses  tearing  along  break  was  made  with  the  Austrian  art  of  the  thirties.
         1956                    take on the strange tense proportionalities characteristic  This change,  however,  in particular in the field of the
         30 cm.  high
                                 of  the  early  Secessionism.  Above  all.  his  dramatically  plastic arts,  is due to Wotruba.  who-as already men­
                                 rearing  prone  figures.  the  linear  surge.  the  sensitive  tioned- by his example of unlimited creative effort has
                                 leaps  and  curves.  smack  of  an  assimilation  of  the  encouraged  and  enabled  the  young  generation  to
                                 Jugendsti/.  Like  Czerny.  Alfred  Hrdlicka  also  passed  develop their own individual creative idioms. A similar
                                 through  the  ·master  school'  of  Wotruba  in  the  later  stimulus is perhaps also to be found in the new English
                                 fifties.  only presently to be converted to very different  plastic art. which analogously is based on the work of
                                 figure ideals.  But by taking the style of a Michelangelo.   Henry Moore and still. in its most personal formulations.
                                 Puget and Rodin literally, and extending it into the con­  remains orientated on this pioneering style of sculpture.
                                 temporary.  Hrdlicka creates out of the  special propor­  On the  basis  of  its  fundamental  artistic aspiration,  a
                                 tions and distortions. pathetic and highly effective situa­  pattern is given in the new Austrian plastic arts in respect
                                 tions.  A  more-th ,in -life-size  sculptured  portrait  of  of how continuity is possible. even within the standards
                                 Kokoschka  takes  its  place  among  the  m:)st important  of a thoroughly contemporary vocabulary of form. The
                                 likenesses  in  contemporary  sculpture.  The  etcher  reproach  sometimes  levelled  at  Austrian  creative  art.
                                 Hrdlicka is at least the equal  of the sculptor.   that it remains in aloof self-sufficiency, has precisely to
                                  That talent and personalities are emerging in the field  this extent turned out an advantage. The advance-by
                                 of  the new  Austrian plastic arts.  and the  scale  of  this  no means reactionary. but deliberately analytic. difficult
                                 emergence. become very clear in a comparison with the  to  seduce.  following  an  inner  compulsion-from  one
                                 circumstances  before  1938.  Even  the  years  so  richly  thing to the next (preferring to consummate its exciting
                                 endowed with painters. architects. writers and scientists.   transitions  beneath  the  surface  of  appearances)  may,
                                 from  1898 to  1918. can only point to a few sculptors.   once more.  turn out to be the most fruitful way.   ■

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