Page 6 - Studio International - May 1965
P. 6
studio international binders
* advertising artists and photographers
Now available at 30s. a new annual providing a gallery of con
temporary work for advertising by Britain's artists and photo
Advertising Artists and Photographers, a newcomer from the
WPN & Advertisers' Review stable, provides for the art director,
the publicity director and all who inspire creative advertising, an
illustrated guide to the best work with the brush, the pen and the
Printed on high quality art paper, Advertising Artists and
Photographers has been produced to the same high standards
which have distinguished International Model, its eight-year-old Studio International binders are obtainable lo readers who wish lo protect
successful sister publication. their copies of the magazine. There is no need to wait until six copies are
assembled, as each issue can be quickly and easily inserted into this sturdy
Yet built into its top quality production will be an essential Easybincler as you receive them. Each binder is designed to take six-monthly
practicality. For Advertising Artists and Photographers will volumes, and is supplied with an index for January /June and .July /December
accordingly, see illustration. Price 1 7 /6cl post-paid.
do what no other reference book has ever done before: it will
enable those who buy art-for-advertising to look, see and compare Des reliures du Studio International sont maintenant disponibles pour les
the widest possible range of skills available to them and provide lecteurs qui clesirent proteger leurs exemplaires de la revue. In utile cl'attenclre
the artist and photographer with a unique opportunity for dis que soient reunies six copies etant clonne que chaque numero pcut etrc
rapiclement et facilement insere clans cette solicle reliure pratique, au fur et
playing his current work. a mesure que vous les recevez. Chaque reliure est corn;:ue pour recevoir six
exemplaires mensuels; elle est accompagnee cl'un index, allant de janvier a
Advertising Artists and Photographers is a must for every juin et de juillet a clecembre, suivant le cas. (voir illustration). Prix franco
buyer of creative work. Order your copy now by completing the 10.28 F.
order form below and addressing it to the Circulation Manager,
WPN & Advertisers' Review, 9-10 Old Bailey, London, E.C.4. Per proteggere la vostra collezione clella rivisla Studio International, potele
ottenere la sua copertina-raccoglitore, aclatta a contenere cla uno a sei
esemplarie, facilmente inseribili e provvecluta con un inclice mensile Gennaio
To: the Circulation Manager Giu_gno o Luglio-Dicembre.
WPN Advertisers' Review Moclello normale, lire 1520.
9-10 Old Bailey
London EC4
Please supply C=:] copy/copies of Advertising Artists
and Photographers at 30 shillings per copy, post free, to: Order form/Bon de commande/Modulo d'ordinazione
Studio International, Belgrave Library, 22 Armoury Way, London, S.W.18
Company Send me binders for D January/June D July/December
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veuillez m'envoyer reliures pour D .J anv /J uin OJuil/Decembrc
Pregovi speclirmi _ copertine D Gennaio/Giugno D Luglio/Dicembrc
Signature I enclose cheque for/Veuillez trouver ci-inclus cheque/Accludo asscgno
Cheque/Postal Order for£ is enclosed
Che7ues and Postal Orders should be made payable lo the Worlds Press News Acldrcss/Adrcsse/Indirizzo
Publishing Company Limited