Page 27 - Studio International - August 1966
P. 27

tribute to a great teacher from the Bauhaus, Johannes  world of little cut-out puppets is a wry, often witty
                                 Itten; the Dutch to Constant, the co-founder of COBRA,   comment on urban identity where clothes in particular
                                 engaged since 1956 on the multiple creation of his rather  make the man. Martial Raysse — in a French Pavilion
                                 hearty fun-city ambience,  The New Babylon.        shared by the dismal abstract-expressionism of Schneider,
                                  Pop art (one always hesitates to use the term, but  a show of Victor Brauner (which his death in March has
                                 there's no other) erupts only occasionally, most interest-  turned into an obituary), and massive, elaborately
                                 ingly perhaps in the work of Sweden's Fahlström, whose   gouged and pitted sculpture by Etienne Martin which
                                                                                    seems curiously un-French in its Nature-romanticism —
                                                                                    looks smooth, proficient but a little tricksy; his pop-
                                                                                    imagery is only given force by techniques which are
                                                                                    basically Parisian belle peinture in terms of furry textures.
                                                                                     The instinctive fine taste of the Japanese survives in
                                                                                    Ikeda's colour-printing, but takes a severe beating in a
                                                                                    thoroughly vulgar Rainbow environment by Ay-o, while the
                                                                                    instinctive bad taste of Austrian surrealism is given a
                                                                                    riotous outing in Curt Steuvert's shop-window show-
                                                                                    cases, as morbid as they are ultimately banal. In the
                                                                                    German pavilion Gunter Haese's delicate and attractive
                                                                                   watch-spring constructions are contrasted with satirical,
                                                                                    rather brutal paintings by Horst Antes which, with their
                                                                                    compacted figures—all head, hands and feet but no body—
                                                                                   suggest a kind of Chagall with teeth. It is a relief to turn
                                                                                   from these to the admirable new Brazilian building,
                                                                                   where Camargo's white sculptures and reliefs impres-
                                                                                   sively exploit the play of texture and light in splintered,
                                                                                   angled surfaces which manage to be simultaneously
                                                                                   lively, varied and strangely calm.

        Martial Raysse with his Seven movable   Above
        elements 1966—'La connaissance du visage   Paysage a géometrie variable et  a MKM heure,
                                                                                   Two of Camargo's sculptures
        permet une programmation émotionnelle des   1966, by Martial Raysse, whose mixed-media
                                                                                   of white-painted wood standing
        elements particuliers. La bouche a Los   paintings and neon objects were awarded
        Angeles peut-etre'                     a painting prize. 	                 in the new Brazilian Pavilion
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