Page 29 - Studio International - July 1966
P. 29
exploration of new scientific concepts and attitudes has the visual impact in his works is of a complex nature and
taken different aspects of which the complementary transcends the conventional aesthetic limits of all defini-
domains of permutational and kinetic art seem to be the tively completed and uniformly visible works of art.
most promising. Agam, on the contrary, wants to go beyond the physical
Agam's early attempts at creating a new relationship vision and replaces the image by an intimate experience
between the artist, the spectator and the work of art have of the notion of time and its diverse manifestations.
had considerable repercussions in recent solutions pro- Agam's sustained and profound pursuit of perceptible
posed by younger artists. Although Agam can rightly be absence enriches kinetic art with an essential spiritual
considered as a founder of what is now called 'Op Art', dimension. q