Page 50 - Studio International - July 1966
P. 50

Nele : menace in miniature

                              London commentary by Charles S.Spencer

      Born Berlin 1932; Studied at   Nele, a small, neat woman, is an all-round professional.  thing remains of the Beckett-like sadness, angularity,
      Central School of Arts and   She has achieved considerable success in graphics, jewel-  jagged menace of these machine remnants, car spares
      Crafts, London, and Berlin
      Academy of Art; Studied   lery, sculpture, and stage design, including a number of  and old boxes, and contributes to the final atmospheric
      lithography at Studio   commissions and prizes.                            image. Her first maquettes are made from these materi-
      Lacourière, Paris; First one-  Superficially her sculpture bears a resemblance to the  als; the combinations seem so inevitable that they almost
      man exhibition 1956
      (jewellery); First showed in   work of Gunter Haese, another German sculptor who  look as though the elements were self-propelled on to a
      London at the Molton Gallery   recently showed in London; they both make small,  magnet, spontaneously arranged of their own accord.
      1960; again in 1962; current   almost miniature, jewel-like constructions, pleasing and  Cast first in wax and then in bronze, they take on forms
      London exhibition at the
      Hamilton Gallery.       at the same time strangely disturbing. On closer study  which combine all the qualities of the contributory elem-
      Major group shows include   Nele emerges as a more virile, direct and intuitive artist,  ents and a new organic finality.
      Milan Triennale, Antwerp   making up in emotive power what she may lack in tactile   During her student days in London, Nele worked for a
      Sculpture Biennale, Kassel
      Documenta, Carnegie     elegance. In fact, I do not think the latter is a failing;  while with Henry Moore, and was attracted to the work
      Institute (Pittsburgh), Marzotto  Nele makes no submissive obeisance to please or engage  of younger English sculptors such as Armitage, Chadwick,
      Prize and Venice Biennale.   your sympathy. One of her positive qualities is the  and Paolozzi. Their influence remains, particularly that
      Commissions: 1958 Brussells
      World Fair; Hilton Hotel,   absorption in a private world of imagery and technical  of Chadwick's flat, angular shapes in his earlier work. But
      Berlin; Intercontinental   curiosity which is never finicky or claustrophobic. The  a more positive effect is derived from Paolozzi, which
      Hotel, Frankfurt; the   complex experience which has helped form her work com-  Nele has interpreted with feminine intimacy into smaller,
      Gewerbuschule, Kassel.                                                     more intimate forms. Whereas Paolozzi is concerned with
      Stage designs for Hesse State   municates itself to the viewer.
      Theatre, Kassel.         This distinct personality is compounded of many facets  the total, overall statement, a powerful, single image,
                              and reminders, so that any attempt to analyse or distin-  Nele is still deeply involved in the original elements,
                              guish them carries the danger of suggested superficiality  whose quality and effect is never quite lost.
                              or imitation. The scrap-heap origin of her material holds   As a German writer has said, any attempt at describing
                              both the menace of Tajiri and the ironic comment of  Nele's visual world is to enter 'a world of contradictions'.
                              Tinguely; her forms have something of the faux-naif gro-  There is a child-like primitivism about it, a playing with
                              tesqueness of Dubuffet and a primitive, totemism reminis-  toys, but guided by a sophisticated intelligence which
                              cent of Max Ernst. There are all kinds of surrealistic,  almost unwittingly uncovers significant human fears and
                              symbolic, even literary echoes. Indeed the magpie  motives. Thus, no matter how intuitively she collates the
                              character of her art also includes her skill as a graphic  scrap objects, guided by a refined skill in design, the
                              designer, the constructivist basis of her jewellery, the  forms invariably end up as spiky and menacing. She her-
                              monumental effect of her stage work; all are present in  self has commented: 'Sometimes faces and paintings
                              the sculpture with its assemblage structure, its dominant  force themselves on me as if in dreams, which one cannot
                              linear rhythms and engaging theatricality.         forget; friendly faces, but also others of which I am afraid.
                               The scrap-heap, as I have said, is the initial source;  They do not let me go until I have sculpted them. The
                              although the material is eventually transformed, some-  sculptures which I have made under these circumstances,

                                                                    Left                            Above
                                                                    Framed torso 1965              Head 1965
                                                                    Bronze                          Bronze
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