Page 20 - Studio International - May 1966
P. 20

source, and run them through an agile—perhaps a little  that comedy comes, in essence, from our awareness of
                              too agile—sensibility. But to what end?           the Fall: comedy is our sense of the gap between what
                                                                                man ideally could be and what, blocked and surrounded
                              In all Dubuffet's writing about his own work, which con-  by his limited nature and his loss of grace, he is. The

                              stitutes one of the most intelligent and profound com-  epitome of this is Alfred Jarry's grotesque figure of Ubu,
                              mentaries on his own art by any painter since van Gogh,  King of Poland (`That is to say: Nowhere'), the lumber-
                              no remark is more famous than his observation that art  ing incarnation of stupidity, pettiness, and greed. W. B.
                              should make you laugh a little and make you a little  Yeats went to the first night of Ubu Roi  in 1896 and,
                              afraid.                                            though unable to follow the play properly, came out of
                               That remark has a long ancestry in French culture but  the theatre with a brilliant insight:
                              almost none in English. It goes back to the serio-comic   ... we have shouted for the play, but that night at the Hotel
      Ciseaux 1966            figure of Gargantua, but it was most effectively re-made   Corneille I am very sad, for comedy, objectivity, has dis-
      Felt pen on paper
      11+ x 8+ in.            by Charles Baudelaire and Alfred Jarry. I am thinking   played its growing power once more. I say, after S. Mallarmé,
      Robert Fraser Gallery   of Baudelaire's essay on the Comic, in which he argued    after Verlaine, after G. Moreau, after Puvis de Chavannes,

                                              Piano 1966 	                       Jouhandeau aux lunettes (Jouhandeau in spectacles) 1946
                                                                                 Chalk and white gouache
                                              Vinyl on canvas
 	                                            51 1/4 x 38 7/8 in. 	16 1/2 x 12 5/8 in.
                                              Robert Fraser Gallery
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