Page 68 - Studio International - November 1966
P. 68

Art prices current

       Growing interest in German painting by George Savage

       The fashion for the School of Paris, too often   which later merged with the Blaue Reiter group.   this true of modern architecture, the influence of
       un-critically accepted, two world wars and the   Equally impressive is the work of Emil Nolde,   the Bauhaus being especially strong in the United
       repercussions of the Nazi regime (as disastrous for   Karl Schmidt-Rotluff, and Erich Heckel, all mem-  States. It can equally well be seen in the treatment
       Germany as for the rest of the world), have com-  bers of the Brücke. Oskar Kokoschka whose work   of a good many modern buildings throughout the
       bined to prevent twentieth-century German paint-   has emerged as probably the most significant from   world and in the design, for instance, of the so-
       ing from achieving its potentiality in the world   this period occupies a unique position which owes   called 'Barcelona' chair of Mies van der Rohe.
       market. Since 1945, however, its importance has   much less to these early movements.   Two outstanding German sculptors are Lehm-
       come increasingly to be recognized internationally,   The Blaue Reiter movement, represented princi-  bruck and Barlach. The latter has been likened,
       a movement which started in the United States   pally by Franz Marc, Wassily Kandinsky, and   not without cause, to Riemenschneider and Veit
       where a not inconsiderable proportion of the popu-  Paul Klee, who are the most widely known, had its   Stoss, while Lehmbruch was obviously influenced
       lation is German in origin, and where many   roots in medieval German mysticism, always a   by Maillol.
       artists and intellectuals fleeing from Nazi per-  force in German art generally. Of these three   There is space only to mention a few of the artists
       secution found refuge.                   Kandinsky developed in the direction of abstrac-  who have contributed to the development of
        This process of recognition, although it began   tion, striving to achieve in painting concepts more   twentieth century German art. There are many
       slowly, has become much more rapid in the last   peculiar to the art of music. Kandinsky, in fact,   more whose work is likely to be sought in the
       five years or so. Exhibitions have been frequently   may be said to have founded German abstraction   future. It must be remembered, however, that so
       held in London and New York, even of the work   about 1911, but this was a plant which grew  much was destroyed by the Nazis that the quantity
       of painters who could be considered comparatively   uneasily in German soil, where painters have been   surviving is likely to be less than that existing from
       minor in importance, and the available literature   too much interested in the ramifications of the   artists who were not subjected to this kind of
       in English is also growing. This year, for instance,   human mind to dispense entirely with a figurative   systematic persecution. This will not be without
       has seen the publication of a major work on the   basis, and most abstract painters who are included   its effect on price.
       graphic art of Kirchner, and Dr Hodin's definitive   in the German school were actually foreign in
       biography of Oskar Kokoschka is due in the  origin—Moholy-Nagy, for example, who was a
       autumn. Much more has made its appearance in   Hungarian.                          Sotheby
       the States during the past few years, and auction   Like Klee, Schlemmer, Baumeister, Feininger, and
       prices have reflected this growing interest by a   Moholy-Nagy, Kandinsky was associated with   Lyonel Feininger
       steady upward movement. Whether prices for the   Walter Gropius in the founding of the Bauhaus in   Hauser und Menschen (Houses and Men) 1909 0,200
       best of modern German painting can eventually   1921, an organization which had as its aim the  21 1/2 x 18 in. Exhibited Hanover, Kestner Museum,
       challenge those for the leaders of the French School   formulation of a new kind of artistic consciousness.   Feininger und Klee, 1920; Amsterdam, Stedelijk
       remains to be seen, but in my opinion it is quite   It owed something to Russian collectivism which   Museum, Lyonel Feininger, 1955; Hamburg,
       likely.                                  was then attracting the attention of western intel-  Kunsthalle, Feininger Gedachtnisausstellung, 1961.
        The attention given to the Impressionists and the   lectuals, although the flirtation with Communism,   Reproduced by Hans Hess
       Post-Impressionists in France has undoubtedly   if modern trends in France are to be taken as a
       tended to obscure parallel developments in Ger-  guide, has now ended. Schlemmer was among the   Erich Heckel
       many. We must remember, too, that the Germans   first of the members of the Bauhaus to attract the   Haus an der Förde  (House on the Fiord)
       have, as a nation, been more attracted to music,   hostility of the Nazis when, in 1930, his murals at   32 x 37 in. Signed, dated 1922, inscribed on the
       literature, and philosophy, although there were in   Weimar were whitewashed.      stretcher. Bought from the artist. To be included
       the past some especially notable painters—Darer,   As a political satirist of uncommon power Georg   in the forthcoming Oeuvre Catalogue by Paul Vogt.
       Grünewald, and Altdorfer are among the most   Grosz, a fine draughtsman, has seldom been sur-  Gelbe Dahlien (Yellow Dahlias)  	£1,750
       obvious whose names spring to mind.       passed in the present century, occupying a position   31 1/2 x 27 1/2 in. Signed, dated 1922, and signed,
        The influence of the Impressionists in Germany is   much the same as that of Daumier in the nine-  inscribed, and dated on the reverse. Bought from
       represented by the work of Max Liebermann, born   teenth century. Otto Dix and Max Beckmann did   the artist.
       in 1847, who was followed by Max Slevogt and Lovis   notable work along the same lines. These three
       Corinth. The Salon du Champ de Mars in 1890   represent in painting the sort of thinking to be   Wassily Kandinsky
       had its counterpart in the Secession in Germany,   found in dramatic literature in the work of Brecht.   Sommer bei Murnau (Summer near Murnau) 1908 £5,000
       which was founded in Munich four years later.   Grosz attacked those who had made money from   12 1/2 x 15 3/4 in. Illustrated by Grohmann.
         The Norwegian Edvard Munch had a parti-  the war, the Schweinerei who spent money in mind-
       cularly powerful influence on German painting at   less self-aggrandisement. Otto Dix was less political   Gustav Klimt
        the beginning of the present century, when painters   and more social in his approach, depicting the   Frauenkopf (Woman's head) 	£120
        became absorbed in the then current wave of  dingy futility of the life of the common man whose   16+ x 111 in. Pencil, signed with initials and
        psychological speculation for which the dramas of  limited imagination hardly lifted him above the   inscribed by Hermine Klimt. Drawn c. 1895.
        Strindberg and the theories of Freud and Jung   level of the grosser animals. He is perhaps best   Aktstudie (Nude)
        helped to lay the foundation. This interest in turn   known for his portrait of his parents, done in 1921   17 3/4 x 12 1/2 in. Pencil, inscribed by Hermine Klimt.
        gave rise to the Expressionist movement and the   and often reproduced, which is notable for its
        beginning of the Brücke group in Dresden in 1905.   intense realism. Beckmann's art is a protest against   Franz Marc
        Unlike Impressionism, the Expressionist move-  the submergence of the individual in the machinery   Knabe und Pferd (Boy and horse) 	£45
        ment was a way of interpreting what the artist felt   of the modern State, against the number instead   7 x 3 1/2 in. Black crayon.
        rather than what he saw. It was an interpretation   of the name, against the insolence of an organizing
        of dreams carried a step further with the founding   bureaucracy.                 Max Pechstein
        of the Blaue Reiter School, to which the graphic   If German painting has not in the past beer   Berglandschaft (Mountain landscape)
        work of Kirchner, one of the founders of the   accorded its true importance in the field of modern   Watercolour. Signed and dated 1925.
       Brücke, contributed. Max Pechstein, connected   art other kinds of German design have had a fat   Segelboote (Sailing-boats)
        with the Brücke, helped to found the New Secession   reaching effect on modern styles. Particularly    19 x 24 in. Watercolour, signed and dated 1931.
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