Page 57 - Studio International - January 1967
P. 57

tachist compositions which contribute, so the catalogue  The problem is to ensure that their education helps them
                                 told us, to 'creating a better social climate'. It is impor-  to reach the same cultural level as their managers. There
                                 tant to 'appeal to the sensitivity of the worker' and 'lend  will then be no need to pursue them in the factory. They
                                 greater humanity to the dull working surroundings'. It is  will be able to discover the spirit of their age in art with-
                                 pleasing to think that Mr Ozlow's workmen can look up  out being forced to do so. Art requires a cultural back-
                                 from the millions of cigarettes they pack so neatly and  ground to be understood. A recent sociological survey
                                 gaze at a gigantic Saura, Crippa, or Coetzee. A few years  published by Editions de Minuit under the title 'The
                                 ago a similar experiment was tried at the Renault  Love of Art—Museums and their Visitors' analyses, on the
                                 factory: Impressionist paintings were hung in the can-  basis of statistics, the types of people who visit museums,
                                 teen and the attitude of mechanics and metal workers  and shows that artistic 'consumption' is directly related
                                 towards these masterpieces was noted as they ate their  to the level of education and restricted almost exclusively
                                 soup. These experiments seem to be based on the prin-  to those who have been to secondary schools and institu-
                                 ciple that workmen are underprivileged beings not yet  tions of higher education. We cannot expect miracles :
                                 touched by the grace of art and needing to be forced to  every work of art is the product of historical development
                                 appreciate art at their work place. (In 'Modern Times'  and can only be understood through this development. It
                                 Chaplin did not realize his workmen would not only have  is no use spending one's life in front of a work by Kan-
                                 to man the production lines but also at the same time  dinsky or Pollock if one cannot recognize the general
                                 make up their minds about works by Hantai, Lucebert or  meaning of the work and its origin in the period in which
                                 Lataster.)                                         it was created. When the whole population has an equal
                                  The problem, however, is not one of confronting work-  opportunity to follow all courses of education we shall
                                 men with paintings—be they good or merely indifferent.   have true lovers of art.  	q

                                 Composition spatio-temporelle no. 24 1966
                                                        39 3/8 x 23 5/8 in.
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