Page 65 - Studio International - January 1967
P. 65

Art prices current

           Highlights of the season by George Savage

           Sotheby record the successes of last season in the   certainly not diminish in value. But subsequent   may resort. Their cataloguing is a useful ancillary
           fourth annual publication of  The Ivory Hammer,   rises will also be relatively small unless they are   activity, although most dealers with any preten-
           price fifty shillings, which becomes more lavish   keeping pace with future currency depreciation.   sions to knowledge of their business could as easily
           with the passing years. This, in a trifle more than   Paintings of this kind may be likened to the shares   dispense with it.
           300 pages of plates in black-and-white and colour,   of the largest and soundest industrial undertakings;   The function of the dealer is to provide the
           surveys the 1965-6 season. The illustrations cover   the dividend will be low, the money safe.   market in which such works may be freely sold
           a variety of objects which passed through the rooms,   The tendency so far as Sotheby are concerned   at a price which bears a reasonable relationship to
           with description and price. Interspersed are short   seems to have been to offer the most important   demand. If the market were limited to private pur-
           articles on a diversity of subjects, ranging from   modern works in New York. Whether or not this   chasers buying only what they liked, then the value
           nineteenth-century American landscape painting   was a matter of deliberate policy it is difficult to   of any painting would be at the mercy of chance,
           to the Rolls-Royce as an objet d'art, a status which   say, since many of the works which at one time   and prices would fluctuate wildly and unpre-
           it has acquired fairly recently but which is none-  were sold in Bond Street came from American   dictably. The stability of the market is the work
           theless justifiable. I first drew attention to the   collections, and it is obviously easier to sell in   of the dealer, something which ought never to be
           potentiality of vintage and veteran cars as objects   New York than accept the expense and hazards   overlooked. Without him the art-market, bringing
           worthy of the attention of the collector in these   of shipping across the Atlantic. The Americans   in £5o m. a year in foreign currency, would not exist.
           pages about five years ago, and the best have since   offer the most lively market for modern work, and
           achieved noteworthy prices.              in any case most important paintings of this kind
            Christie's celebrate their bicentenary with an   offered in London make the journey across the
           Annual Review on a much larger scale than usual,   Atlantic to their ultimate home.   Christie's, London
           costing thirty shillings. This also is a repertory of   The danger that the burden of taxation will so
           objects sold during the past season, with 345 pages   weaken the market here that insufficient money   Cassatt, Mary
           in black-and-white and colour, enlivened with   will be available for the purchase of notable works   Femme tenant un enfant sur les genoux
           reproductions of some of the title-pages of past   is a very real one, and equally the danger that   284 x 221 in.
           catalogues taken from the firm's extensive archives,   restrictive legislation—the modern cure-all— may
           which are a major source for the art-historian   be imposed as a corrective to the flow of works   Lowry, R.A., L. S.
           interested in price-movements.           overseas must not be overlooked. Any such move   Narrow Street 	 £2,730
             Together the two books form a review of the   would, of course, be extremely damaging to the   20 x 16 in. Signed and dated '62, on board.
           market indispensable to the serious student of the   continuing supremacy of the London market
           modern scene, through which anyone interested in   which is, in any case, increasingly dependent on   Parke-Bernet, New York
           art and what it takes to buy it will love to browse.   the sale of old works rather than new. The effect
           Both list a large number of modern and con-  of bureaucratic control and the imposition of taxes   Fresnaye, Roger de la
           temporary works of painting and sculpture, and   on the market in Paris should be sufficient warning   L' Arrosoir 	  £35,710
           both testify to the value of carefully chosen works   to the legislators.          34 1/2 x 78 3/4 in. Painted in 1913, and also known as
           as a major investment. Christie's, for instance,   The export trade in works of art is worth   Emblèmes : Le Jardin, commissioned by André Mare
           refer to the sale of a collection of Impressionist   £50,000,000 a year at least to the United Kingdom,   c.  1912
           paintings formed in the 1920's in South America   built up on the expertise of its sale-rooms and
           which cost the owner £3,789 and realized no less   dealers (neither of whom are now allowed to charge   Guillaumin, Jean-Baptiste-Armand
           than £136,143—an appreciation of 4,000 per cent,   the cost of a lunch to an important buyer or seller   Portrait de Martinez dans l' Atelier 	£16,070
           difficult to match in any other field.   against tax, although the tax-gatherer happily   354 x 294- in. Signed and dated '78
            An appreciation of this magnitude necessarily   garners the lion's share of the profits), and many
           involves not only careful choice, but a willingness   of the objects sold come from abroad. Reading   Newman, Barnet
           to take risks. As a rule (as in every other field of   the two books mentioned one could easily lose   Tundra 	     £9,280
           investment), the safer the purchase the smaller the   sight of the fact that although the sale-rooms are   72 x 89 in. Signed and dated 1950
           ultimate profit, and the buyer of modern art today   the largest single agency for the disposal of works
           who hopes for an eventual profit on the scale   of art in London, the greater part of the total sum   Pollock, Jackson
           mentioned must not only be adventurous and able   is the product of exports by dealers, whose pur-  Composition No. 16 	£11,450
           to recognize good quality in a painting when he   chases are largely responsible for the massive totals   301 x 24 in. Duco enamel on paper. Signed and
           sees it, but he must also be able to guess rightly   announced each year by the auction-houses. The   dated '49.
           about the course which will in future years be   figure also includes the dealers' private purchases,
           taken by economic, social, and intellectual currents,   as well as those made at auction.   Wyeth, Andrew
           because on these will depend the later demand for   Dealers have two important functions, neither of   Winter Fields 	£12,140
           the works he buys now.                   which could possibly be undertaken by the auction-  17 1/4 x 41 in. Tempera on gesso panel. Signed.
            No one today could buy a Monet or a Cezanne   rooms. They nurse the artist through the difficult   Painted in 1942
           with an expectation of a large profit. Some kind of   and expensive stages of his career in acquiring an
           profit is inevitable in most cases, for all the reasons   international reputation, and they support the   Sotheby, London
           previously discussed in these pages, but the price   market to a point where prices are predictable
           for important examples of their work is now so   within reasonable limits. Their activities may make   Miro, Joan
           high that it leaves little scope for appreciation on   it difficult for the private buyer to obtain a painting   Vase de Fleurs et Papillon  	£12,800
           a massive scale. Sotheby's record $800,000   in the sale-room at a bargain price, but he reaps   32 x  251 in.
           (£265,680) for Cezanne's  Maisons  a  l'Estaque   the benefit when he sells, since he has the advantage   Egg tempera on panel. Signed and dated 1922-23
           realized at their affiliated sale-room, the Parke-  of the market dealers have established.
           Bernet Gallery in New York, and $412,000   The function of the sale-room is to act as the point   Tanguy, Yves
           (£160,700) for Monet's  Le Fumeur  at  the same   of dispersal, gathering together works of an accepted   Je Vous Attends  	 £13,200
           place, and paintings of comparable quality will   standard and providing a centre to which buyers   284 x 45 in. Signed and dated '34
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68