Page 56 - Studio International - June 1967
P. 56

Two details of Liquid
                                                                                                        reflections 1966
                                                                                                        perspex and water

      is strange', she remarks, 'how groups or families   if only the reflections could be coloured without   preconceived idea as to what they might be. There
      of balls stay together, while pairs separate, as in   having the whole painting coloured.' She hoped to   is something like the controlled experiment : testing
      life.' These moving balls not only reflect the drops   do this by means of prisms but could not see how   an hypothesis. There is the goal and the attempts
      under them, but also the drops reflected in each   the colours could be isolated. Then one brilliantly   to reach it; the new direction given by a chance
      other. Here is how she describes the effect:   sunny morning last year in Paris, as she was col-  discovery; the solution of a problem by means
       Water trapped in transparent disk condenses, forms perfect   lecting materials to take to Greece, and feeling   which all the time have been lying ready to hand.
      spherical lenses alive and changing with temperature   depressed, her eye was dazzled by flashes of pure   There is the same imaginative activity, the ability
      and movement. Pressure of heavy ball on thin perspex   colour from a shop on the other side of a broad   to make connexions, see and seize on possibilities.
      surface makes contact with water leaving trail of vibrat-  boulevard. The shop sold prisms. So it was possible   There is even the intuitive grasp—as in the case
      ing drops. Dewdrops become lenses, reflections in rotating   to isolate colours. Her depression left her. She   of the sequence of prisms—of principles which
      ball are magnified. . . . One sphere finds its lonely   could not afford to buy those prisms, but in Greece   science arrives at by other means. But the whole
      orbit reacting to different forces.. . . In it is echoed   she found the secret of isolating colour with   purpose of this activity is different from that of the
      the interior life of the disk. When there are two spheres   ordinary prisms (Rays). 'I found the way to place   scientist. Liliane Lijn expresses it when she writes
      they seem to play with each other, as if attracted. The   the prisms in sequence—they look like opposite   of her prisms :
      small one rotates around the larger and in the large   patterns—I found it by chance but saw immediately   Tonight I love these prism paintings I have made—I love
      sphere see the reflection of the small as it passes, small   that the prism took on its own brilliant light.  to see them around me. During the day they did not give
      and far, and then filling up the whole of the larger and   Placed together in sequence the prisms transferred  off much colour but now they have been shining. I know
      swallowing you too.                      light like diamonds—They find their own life—  that it is due to the incidence of light waves but it makes
       Ever since 1963 Liliane Lijn has wanted to use   There is a certain mathematical symmetry in-  me feel that they are alive and moody—and I like them all
      reflected colour as well as pure light. But she did   herent in crystals—find it—breaks up the light in   the more for the surprise.... I am really going into the
      not want to reflect the whole spectrum or to   flashes.'                          heart of LIGHT. I become familiar with it like a
      colour the surface of the perspex. 'Colour is a   Following Liliane Lijn's progress we find that it  friend, it speaks to me. Especially the three prisms, they
      problem', she wrote in her notebook, 'I want to  does  resemble scientific research in many respects.   talk in colours instead of sound—red words and blue,
      split the ray of light and use the colours of the   There is what might, be called trial: trying out,  dazzling me as I walk into the room.... There is
      spectrum; isolate the blues or reds, pulse colours,   seeing what effects will be produced without any   warmth between us. I find out their secret life.

                                                                                                        Far left Echo-Light 1967
                                                                                                        Left detail of Cosmic Flares
                                                                                                        1967 perspex
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