Page 53 - Studio Interantional - May 1967
P. 53

Grey and aluminium 1967, 87 x 75 in., one of the
          works in Malcolm Hughes' recent exhibition at the
          Axiom Gallery

          uses canvas stretched over a shaped wooden   charming little landscapes in the Euston Road   matism of the brush. The colour is bright and
          frame. This isn't a new idea; what is new, perhaps,   manner, but it's difficult to see that five are   cheerful. This kind of painting enjoyed such a
          is the degree of complication to be found in some   necessarily more eloquent than one. William   vast success in the years immediately following the
          at least of the pieces. A good many of them seem   Brooker, as a colleague has already observed,   war that it's hard to be fair to it now, having seen
          to be about the sexual impulse. They remind me   seems to want to combine the manner of Cold-  it so much over-valued. Appel seems to me an
          of the much more clearly figurative images  stream with that of Morandi. The result is a   Expressionist without bite—in which case, why be
          created by Richard Lindner, and still more of the   series of pictures with a sheer painterly skill which   an Expressionist artist at all?
          three-dimensional versions of these made in cloth   it would be hard not to admire. These tables
          by Jan Haworth. Bullmore seems to be showing   loaded (but rather sparsely) with objects really do   At the LEICESTER GALLERY  an exhibition of paint-
          some uncertainty of style at the moment; this is, I   exist in their own right, and each mark on the   ings by the Indian artist Rama Rao has been
          suspect, very much a transitional exhibition.   canvas has meaning and purpose. If my tone   followed by one of work by Michael Wishart.
                                                   sounds grudging for all that, it's because all this   Rama Rao finds himself in the dilemma which
           `Transitional' is not quite the word for William   effort seems a little dogged, and tends to leave me   seems to face most contemporary Indian artists:
          Brooker and Adrian Berg at TOOTH'S, or for Karel   untouched and unmoved.         of how to retain the Indian heritage while still
          Appel at the REDFERN.  All three are artists with   But so, for that matter, do the histrionics of   producing work which is distinctively modern.
          an established style of their own. Berg makes   Appel, whose current work is still clearly related to   His free abstractions draw on the Indian sense of
          assemblages of images—his are pictures which you   the kind of imagery which he has been using since   colour—sharp, clashing pinks of a kind which one
          read as much as look at. The images are not   1948, when the Cobra Group was formed. The   associates with Indian miniatures. The forms, not
          always very original in themselves. A picture   figuration relies somewhat on the conventions of   always quite convincing or inevitable, also seem
          called  Spring, Gloucester Gate  shows us five very   child-drawing; it is also governed by the auto-   to owe something to traditional Indian patterns.
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