Page 37 - Studio International - October 1967
P. 37

Extreme right Triangle
         steel and fur
         Centre Heart
         painted sheet metal
         Background  Waterfall
         painted sheet metal 6 ft. high

                                 of the composition.  Triangle  was essentially a study in   up and out some seven feet into space. (Originally, Dine
                                 volume relationships, bounded by the thin metal bars. In   had thought of doing a 'Layered Building' : stacked
                                 contrast to  Triangle,  the Heart—constructed of sheet  squares resting atop one another as it climbed into space.)
                                 metal—was entirely mass, and the two pieces complement-  The first four pieces—two opened, two closed forms—were
                                 ed each other perfectly: Tor the first time', Dine noted,   as yet unaltered: simple, natural metal finishes reflecting
                                 `I feel these pieces don't need a support, a canvas behind   the full glare of Dine's studio lights. Yet Dine was quick
                                 them. They can stand by themselves.'               to point out that: 'I don't want to keep the surface of
                                  Only after the Heart arrived from the sheet metal shop   these pieces the way they are now. In the first place there
                                 in Dine's studio and leaned next to Triangle, did the artist   are seams I want to cover up. I'm not interested in the
                                 begin his sketches for the third object. Also executed at   natural thing anymore, although I'm seduced by it. All
                                 the sheet metal plant, the third object—Tube—was a nine-  of these pieces could be executed in sheet metal, but I
                                 foot-high seamless cylinder of 24 gauge sheet metal.  want variety, although I do like the permanence of
                                 Already the three pieces were crowding the studio, and  sheet metal.'
                                 at this point, radical changes were made in the original   Waterfall, a large sheet metal object some six feet high
                                 scheme: 'When I add a piece the project changes, as  was the fifth piece to enter Dine's studio, followed by the
                                 everything changes, and I ask myself what the next piece   large sheet metal  Lips. Both were executed at the sheet
                                 will be'. At this point, there seemed to be a greater   metal shop after rather elaborate drawings and consulta-
                                 concern for balance and unity in the composition.   tions by Dine. It was at this stage—early December—with
                                  Bent Building, like its brother the  Triangle, was another   the first six pieces in the studio that the artist began
                                 open-formed structure welded out of steel bars; but the   altering the surfaces of Triangle, Heart, Tube, Bent Building,
                                 presentation of the form is entirely unbalanced, bobbling   Waterfall, and Lips. Rolling on a smooth coat of mustard
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