Page 56 - Studio International - October 1967
P. 56

strange creatures, filled with immaterial objects,   in Italy and later made a reputation as a stage   belong to the category of Rafie Lavie's child-like
       peopled by wingless beings that defy the laws of   designer. His work has a delicate, oriental quality;   images, although in Halevy they are even less
       gravity and hover in the air against all reason ... '   indeed Sharir himself looks distinctly oriental. His   forced, less imposed. Dubuffet, Lucebert are among
        This prognosis can be taken further to a deeply   family are of Russian, possibly Khazar origin, and   the familiar names these paintings conjure up—but
       held tradition in Jewish thought and art. Surrealism   he says that this preoccupation with oriental fan-  again less troubled, less profound perhaps than these.
       of a kind, after all, is a major factor in the early,   tasy and mannerisms is a return to childhood style   Tuvia Beeri is a print-maker of quite exceptional
       most authentic work of Chagall, just as it is  after twenty years. It occured when he was asked   quality. Born in Czechoslovakia in 1929, he came
       evident in Altman, Ryback, Lissitsky and other   to design a play 'Queen Esther' for the Cameri   to Israel in 1948 and later returned to Europe to
       Russian-Jewish artists who sprang from the same   Theatre, when the Persian background of the   study under Johnnie Friedlaender. He works in
       Yiddish culture of Eastern Europe. In the visual   story provoked and extended the earlier involve-  aquatint, precise elegant images which are a com-
       arts, this influence stems directly from Jewish   ment.                           pound of the Israeli landscape as it might have
       folk art, the sign-paintings, book illustrations,   The five artists I have so far mentioned all appear-  appeared in the book of Genesis, allied with
       synagogue murals which Chagall himself claims as   ed in the 'Image— Imagination' exhibition. To   organic, sexual symbolism. Thus a print bearing
       his origins. These primitive artists reflected a   these I would add a group who, despite differences,   the simple title The apple turns out to be a dissected
       Kabbalistic, legendary world of symbolism in   seem to me to express similar sur-real or fantasist   image of the fruit, with an ambiguous representa-
       quaint, mysterious, irrational images. From them   qualities. In the case of Rafie Lavie the 'infanti-  tion of its seed, against a strange head-like form,
       is derived Chagall's  Fiddlers on the Roof,  dancing   lism' is imposed. A round, tubby, gentle-faced   half mechanical, half human, from which shafts of
       cows, inverted heads, flying donkeys and the like.   man of 30, Lavie has never been outside Israel.   light pour forth. Symbolism of a very esoteric kind
       But it is hardly a tragic, introverted world, or even   He is, however, an extremely well-informed teacher   is here employed, perhaps relating to the apple in
       a disturbing one. It is story-telling, the poetic   of art and says he has been influenced by Dubuffet,   the Garden of Eden, to sexual corruption or the
       description of a milieu and a way of life, not a   Lucebert and Roger Hilton. His simplicity is   evil at the root of knowledge. This is all con-
       neurotic, self-deprecatory gesture.      highly sophisticated, but unforced. After a short   jecture, but Beeri's complex image, with its mix-
        The Surrealistic or Fantasist factor in much of the   period of formal abstraction he abandoned texture   ture of reality and fantasy, is brilliantly expressive.
       new Israeli art is distinctly uneasy, a hankering back   for a more original Pop world, derived from comics,   Reuben Berman, born in Philadelphia in 1929,
       to remembered patterns of behaviour and thought   Batman, James Bond, the cinema. This fantasy   has been resident in Israel since 1950. He paints
       which only succeeds in heightening isolation. At   world of childish images, grinning faces, aero-  almost exclusively in black and white, forms which
       its simplest, in the work of Bonneh and Bezem,   planes, exploding pistols is organized with con-  are a mixture of organic and geometric elements,
       it remains well within the tradition of Jewish  summate skill and results in a sur-real formality of   or in other terms a conflict between irrational,
       fantasy, similar in fact to the hieratic unreality of   poetic charm.             subjective, emotional responses and a need to con-
       Italian primitives, and in terms of colour and   Also clearly related to the Pop-world are the   trol, to elucidate. While some paintings bear
       atmosphere close to the world of Fra Angelico.   pretty, coloured, photographic images of Segret,   simple titles like  Anatomy or Concave/Convex, a more
        Apart from Bezem and Bonneh, the following   who was born in Trieste 33 years ago and has lived   irrational view is represented in  A hole eater under
       artists can be linked in this broad theme.   in Israel since the age of ten. His work fits less   surveillance,  as though the schizophrenic world of
        Yosl Bergner, who came to Israel in 1950 from   easily into the surrealist heading. They are realistic   Lifchitz has suddenly found its way into Berman's
       Poland, via Australia, inherited a Chagallian past   scenes of pretty girls in the city, full of a youthful   troubled domain. It is this breaking through the
       to which the reality of gas chambers gave a bitter   vitality and an unblinking response to the visual,   surface which gives Berman's forms their dramatic,
       edge. His earlier work depicted anonymous, gnome-  graphic qualities of the image. But in effect Segret's   imposing power.
       like heads, behind barred windows in blank walls.   world comes across as a kind of fantasy, as unreal,   Michael Gross, born in Israel forty-seven years
       Now after a period of wandering in landscape he   in comparison with the real world, as is Lavie's   ago, paints walls and windows, not solid, Magritte-
       has returned to walls and bricks, but seen with a   or Sharir's. It is, perhaps, a more recognizable case   like brick walls, but heavy mud structures with
       meticulous, Magritte-like surrealism, perhaps a   of an artist selecting and creating from the natural   gaping holes. If there are not walls, deep fissures
       little too playful in comparison with the tragic   world, less imbued with undertones of doubt or fear.   divide the canvas, suggesting untold mysteries.
       overtones of earlier work.                Uri Lifchitz represents an almost diametrically   Gross is more deeply influenced by Paris and  la
        Samuel Bak, also born in Poland, came to Israel   different response. Born on a Kibbutz in 1936, he   belle peinture than the other artists mentioned, and
       in 1948 at the age of 15. After studying at the   is largely self-taught. His powerful, agressive forms,   represents a kind of transition.
       Bezalel, he lived in Rome and there held his first   in bright, lurid colours, half-human, half-monster,   An older artist and a significant influence is Arie
       exhibition. His visual world is similar to Bergner's,   represent a nightmarish world which makes  Aroch, now 59 years old, who also studied in
       in which eerie inland lakes, gaunt rocks, cracked   Francis Bacon seem relaxed and tame. Lifchitz's   Paris. Here are the origins of a new kind of
       bottles and scarred jugs contribute to a kind of  art is a kind of Marat/Sade investigation of   anecdotalism, the mixture of the naive and in-
       Gothic mannerism. He sees his pictures as allegor-  schizophrenia. He says he paints this theme as a   tellectual in the scribbled, figurative, childish
       ies: 'I have a feeling of constant danger; my   public protest, 'because we don't recognise schizo-  manner and a more rational or French approach
       situation may collapse. When I feel like that I find   phrenia as a sickness'. His canvasses are full of   to art. Although less active of late, since he is an
       nothing so peaceful as two apples on a table. But   brute force and horror, fleshy, sensuous, anony-  official of the Foreign Ministry, Aroch remains a
       to paint a still-life is an attempt to conform. Yes,   mous Bosch-like bodies with soft, pudgy flesh,   highly respected figure with the younger generation.
       I suppose there is a connection between my  curiously defensive, warding off the real world.   Another interesting figure is Aika Brown, who
       isolated imagery and a childhood spent in a ghetto   Josef Halevy might be said to represent the other   died in 1964 at the age of 29. He worked largely
       and concentration camp, but I try to make it   side of Lifchitz's schizophrenia. Born in Tel Aviv   in Paris and developed a kind of Pop-surrealism in
       enigmatic, even a little humorous'. That perfectly   in 1924 of Yemenite parents, he too is self taught.   which dolls and puppets were incorporated in
       describes the intuitive Jewish philosophy which   After training and working as a physical-culture   roughly constructed reliefs, painted, or slashed,
       has ensured survival. The most common feature of   teacher he decided in 1962 to take up painting.   with black paint. In his work is the same kind of
       Bak's imagery, whether it is of desolate landscapes,   In Halevy's work the aggression has turned to wit,   sophisticated naivety, the withdrawal from 'fine
       vacated stone villages, still-lifes of bottles, is the   the heavy lumbering forms to Mire,- or Klee-like   art' traditions, the aggressiveness common to many
       depiction of every form as cracked and broken, a   images of birds, fish, and plant-life. It is a free   of the artists mentioned in this article.
       world struck by holocaust. This is very different   world of invention, in delightful pinks and browns,   In none are these qualities more marked than in
       from the tragicomedy of Chagall's milieux, or the   with relaxed spaces of white. The forms are charm-  Yigael Tumarkin. An  enfant—or  rather middle-
       ebullient optimism of the Zionist founders of Israel.   ing and inventive, opening out from themselves,   aged — terrible,  he is talked of in a mixture of fear
       David Sharir has an entirely different artistic   growing intuitively on the canvas. Here the sur-  and respect; his work, his exhibitions, his words
       personality. Born in Israel in 1938, he too studied   real elements are entirely unfrightening; they   make news. Now 34 years old, Tumarkin returned
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