Page 27 - Studio International - September 1967
P. 27

Below: Infra red frankfurter roast and eater—fallout shelter 4.
         July—September 1965
         pencil and coloured pencils, 22 x 15 in.

         Right: Chesterfield settee August 1964
         pencil, 15 x 22 in.

         Lower right: Picasso (forgery) and thermonuclear explosion 1966
         ink and pencil, 15 x 22 in.

                                 I like snapshots of amazing or mysterious events, like  vision (Ephemeral).
                                 that Japanese mountaineer's photos of the airliner  The immediacy of machinery, whose forms, created
                                 breaking up and crashing into Mount Fuji. It's the  for their functional value, have brought with them new
                                 witnessing. To witness.                            beauty and rhythm.
                                 Displacement and upheaval of peoples, animals and   Many purely functional objects are manufactured
                                 minerals from their natural haunts and formations  which have an extremely potent purely visual force. It
                                 (Zoos, Belsen, etc.). Chain reaction caused by this.   is a logical step to borrow (foster) these objects for use
                                 Awful ugliness in the photo I have of the blue whale  as I personally see them. To arrange them. My view of
                                 which has been dragged from the sea, where it fits,  them is my own. Priority of one image over another, in
                                 functions (and looks beautiful) to the factory. The  my mind, is something personal. The act of fostering
                                 great gaping mess of flesh whose collapsing rib cage  rather than conceiving.
                                 causes its suffocation by the extra gravitational pull  Oriental art forms. Their difference to Western art-and
                                 in the air.                                        their validity. (Moon gazing parties, asymetrical raku
                                 Its colouring is now wrong, shape-everything is wrong.  pottery, Noh plays, etc.).
                                 I enjoy the way museums present peoples. Antique
                                 trivia on velvet backgrounds, broken fragments of pots
                                 displayed and guarded. Most important thing (the
                                 People) being missing. In time our records become us.
                                 The hot-dogs were created incorporating that 'museum'   [Notes from Nov 1965 to Jan 1967]
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