Page 50 - Studio International - April 1968
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suggests, communication is a by-product of art. then   think.  that to  require  nothing of an  artist  can  harm   it  allows  mindless  acceptance.  One  could  hardly
       one presumes that the only relationship of the artist   him.)                    imagine a group of artists today with the strength and
       and critic is  of manufacturer and  publicist. He.  the   If the Stuyvesant Exhibition at the Tate did not show   integrity of the Impressionists to show on their own.
       artist. requires not to be understood but to be sold, to  that this Foundation has been able to cream galleries   I would imagine a modern Manet would be happy-to
       win the prizes which count. So we, i.e. the public.   of  their  most  promoted  artists.  it  showed  nothing.   receive  a silver medal when a gold was given to a
       the  art  lovers  etc .•  subscribe  to  a  vastly  distorted   A retrospective of some of those artists whose works   modern Bouguereau.
       version  of  the  romantic  image  of  the  independent   were shown could have told more about English art.   I  would  like  to  know,  then,  whether  Caro  would
       artist.  and  he sacrifices  himself  on  the altar  of  that   If the Venice Biennale does not demonstrate that we   like  instant  fame  and  if  Mr  Harrison  feels  he  has
       independence to the gods of  promotion  and publi­  have committees who know how to avoid choosing   failed as a publicist in not acquiring it for him?
       city, namely your journal. the papers. the  processes   bad  art  and  do know what  will  win  the  big  prizes,   Yours faithfully,
       of  the  new  academies,  which  are  the  Stuyvesant  then it will demonstrate nothing. Neither Stuyvesant   Adrian Rifkin
       Foundation  and  the  Venice  Biennale.  (Professor   nor Venice can actually do anything for art. let alone   Salford 6
       Wind suggested in Art and Anarchy, not wrongly  I   help it to be better understood; rather the opposite,   Lancashire

      .News                                       foreign areas, second-generation ideas  of many   The competition is open to artists.  designers.  manu­
                                                                                         facturers  and  schools  of all  countries.  Closing  date
                                                It should be realized that the primary unit of wealth   for entries: April 30.
                                               is the  attention-unit  and its availability. The artist is
                                               to  be  thought  of as  operating  in  the  generation  of
                                               attention-units  rather  than  in  currency as  a  primary   The /CA 's opening exhibition at its new premises
                                               aim.  John  Davy,  science  correspondent  of  The  on The Mall. LonGlon. from April 10 to the end of May,
                                               Observer  commenting  on  the  Dainton  Committee   will  be The  Obsessive  Image 1960-68' -the image
                                               report on the  'swing from science·  had this to say:   of man in contemporary art. There will be sculpture
                                               The  swing  will  continue  if  industry  continues  to   and  paintings  from  England.  Europe  and  America,
                                               employ technologists as devices for producing profit­  and  films  by  Andy  Warhol  (Sleep).  Bruce  Conor
                                               able developments. rather than as people who may be   (Cosmic  Ray)  and  Robert  Rauschenberg  will  be
                                               capable of making.a managerial and social contribu­  shown during the exhibition.
                                               tion both to the company and to its customers.'
                                                Since we received our first public grant £1000 from
       The Artist Placement Group was formed to pro­  the Arts Council, many large companies have  been   An exhibition of Contemporary Art presented by
      vide artists with working situations within organiza­  approached.  Factories  have  been  visited  together   Medical  Aid  Committee  for Vietnam is  at  Camden
       tions to which it was felt they could contribute, and   with  artists. Several  large  firms  have  discussed  our   Studios, Camden  Road,  London,  NW1, from April 9
       to  inform  and  persuade  such  organizations  of  the  proposals at board-room level and we are now be­  to April 18-from 10.30 a.m. till 9 p.m. Among artists
      benefits they might derive from the artists' participa­  ginning to be able to present the artist as a profes­  who have given work are John Piper, Takis, Paolozzi,
      tion. Preliminary discussions took place in September   sional  rather  than  as  someone  begging  for  scrap.   Michael Ayrton, David Leverett and Timothy Drever.
       1966, but it was only after receiving its first allocation   Organizations  such as the  Confederation  of  British
      of public money, in April 1 967, that the APG was able   Industry  and  the  Industrial  Society  have  also  ex­
      to undertake research into the problems and  possi­  pressed support for our activities.   Work  by  seventeen  British  concrete  poets  is
      bilities involved. The Group is now hoping for results.   The  work  and  advices  have  to  date  been  in  the   planned for Buenos Aires this December. The exhibi­
       Barbara Latham writes:                  hands of:                                tion  will  be  under  the  auspices  of  the  lnstituto
                                               A. Shearer.  BSc,  MIEE,  chartered  engineer,  AMI  Torcuato di Tella, and will include work by Ken Cox,
       The current problem of Artist Placement Group is to  MechE.                      Tom  Edmonds,  John  Furnival,  Sylvester  Hou�dard,
      shift an attitude off the idea of patronage and on to  Alan Osborne, journalist, Editor of Patron.  Lilian  Lijn,  Richard  Loncraine  and John  Sharkey.
      one where the artist is seen to be an essential ingre­  Fredrick  Hunter,  industrial  programmes  editor,  The organizer in the  U.K. is John Sharkey c/o ICA.
      dient of the economy, while maintaining his proper   CC COi.                       12 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1.
      autonomy and authority. We recognize the existence   Bernard  Bertschinger,  Management  Committee  of
      of a  new professional discipline different from  that   ICA.
      which operates for an artist in isolation.   Barbara Latham.                       The  first  issue  of  Structure,  an  international
       We have been probing companies to find circum­  Barry Flanagan.                  quarterly  dealing  with  environmental  art  and  the
      stances that would afford the relationship and have   Jeffrey Shaw.   Eventstructure   possible extensions from other media into this area,
      arrived  at  some  provisional  conclusions:  an  artist   J. Latham.  }          includes contributions from  lvor  Davies,  Al Hansen
      could  draw  a  salary  or  retainer  with  professional   Tjebbe van Tijen (Holland).   Research Group   and  Dick  Higgins.  Cost  4s.  Available  from  the
      status within a firm  (comparable with other profes­                              Institute of Contemporary Arts.
      sional  personnel)  in  one  of  three  capacities,  each
      quite distinct from design, graphics, etc:   British  representatives  at  India's  First  Inter­
       1. Attached to Research and Development Depart­  national Triennial in Delhi. which ran for six weeks   In other publication
         ments.                                from  February 10, were Gillian Ayres, Patrick Caul­  Analisis No 359 of Buenos Aires began a coverage of
       2. As environmental consultant. e.g. in construction.  field,  Bernard  Cohen,  Robyn  Denny,  Howard   present-day British art, sparked off by the exhibition
         engineering and building.             Hodgkin,  Michael  Kidner,  Victor  Pasmore.  Ceri   of  the  Stuyvesant  collection  at  the  Tate.  The  first
       3. As  company  representative  artist,  e.g.  paid  to  Richards,  Richard  Smith  and  Joe  Tilson.  A  gold   article dealt with sculpture, and in particular the work
         operate  projects  at  home  and  abroad  under  medal  for the  best  foreign  painter  was received  by   of Paolozzi. Caro, Turnbull, Kim Lim, Phillip King and
         company insignia.                     Ceri  Richards.  Other  prizewinners  were  Kinura   a  number  of  younger  sculptors,  including  Barry
      The advantages to artists are thought to include:   Kentaro, Japan (Gold Plaque for the most outstand­  Flanagan,  Derrick Woodham and Colin Self.
         Facilities and opportunities to scale work to con­  ing  entry),  Joseph  Cornell,  U.S.A.  (best  foreign
         text.                                 sculptor),  and  Jos�  Luis  Cuevas,  Mexico  (best   The first  issue of Leonardo  (founder-editor  Frank J.
         Availability  of  materials  and  processes  and   foreign graphic artist). The Triennial was organized   Malina),  a  new  quarterly  published  by  Pergamon
         experience of specialists.            by  the  Lalit  Kala  Akademi.  Twenty-four  countries   Press,  Oxford,  at  an  annual  subscription  of  £8  2s
         Sponsorship  for  temporary  and  experimental   were represented.             ( $20),  includes  articles by Alcopley,  Frank Malina,
         work.                                                                          Gillian  Wise,  and  Yona  Friedman,  and  a  useful
      Those for the companies:                                                          listing  of  'International  Opportunities  for  Artists'.
         Ideas of many kinds in  Research and  Develop­ .  The XXVI International Competition of Artistic  Yona Friedman's article deals with 'Art and the City',
         ment.                                 Ceramics  in  Faenza  will  run  from  June  23  to   and  suggests  that  architects  and  town  planners
         Company status and promotion, public interest.   September  15.  There will  be  separate  sections  for   should  emphasize  architectural  systems  that  allow
         Other  rub-offs.  design,  communications  to   Industrial Design and for Art Schools and Institutes.   maximum expression of personality.
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