Page 87 - Studio International - April 1968
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social realism—the European schools. The trend   30  Painting, oil on canvas, 76 x 51 in., by Bram van   32  Ladies on the Avenue  1908, oil on canvas,
           towards abstraction removed it too far from Soutine   Velde at Knoedler, 14 East 57th Street, New York 22   14 x 11 in., by Abraham Walkowitz at Zabriskie, 699
           whose work was grounded in direct observation of   from April 2-26. Bram van Velde was born in Holland   Madison Avenue, New York 10021, from April 2-27.
           nature. The Abstract Expressionists' belief in   in 1895. His work contrasts with that of his younger   Born in 1878, Abraham Walkowitz died in 1965. The
           spontaneity and in an actively articulated surface   brother, Geer van Velde, in that it is fluid and   show includes paintings, watercolours and prints of
           disposed the painters of that movement towards an   expressive.                   the lower East Side. sunny park day scenes and
           appreciation of Soutine. But Soutine, essentially   31  Untitled  1967, plexiglass (yellow and pink),   bathers which show this pioneer modernist in a lesser
           tradition based, was crowded out of modern art   54 x 76 x 13 in., by Craig Kauffman at the Van-  known aspect of his work. Figurative work from the
           history by anti-traditionalist art movements. So that   couver Art Gallery. 1145 W. Georgia Street, Vancou-  year 1900 to shortly after Walkowitz saw the Cezanne
           no matter how big his personal stature was, his   ver 5, from March 31 until May 5. This is the gallery's   Memorial Exhibition (1907) in Paris, has been
           influence on other painters was not too significant.   major Spring show: six contemporary Los Angeles   selected.
            I personally know of no Abstract Expressionist   artists of major creative imagination, chosen as   33  Succulence,  plaster, by Peter Agostini at the
            painters whose work showed a Soutine influence.   individuals and not as sharing a 'Los Angeles sensi-  National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa 4, from April 26
           The exception may be De Kooning.          bility'. The other artists are Larry Bell, Ron Davis,   to June 9. The show, 'International sculpture of the
            'I myself was intensely moved by Soutine and still   Robert Irwin, Ed Kienholz and John McCracken.   sixties', has been arranged and circulated by the
           am. But my commitment towards abstraction, the   Only Kienholz has exhibited before in Canada.   Guggenheim Museum, which is currently showing
           trend away from working from nature, left little room   Organizing the show is the curator of the Pasadena   'Neo-Impressionism'. Born in New York in 1913,
           for a Soutine influence.                 Art Museum, John Coplans.                 Peter Agostini has held one-man exhibitions at
            'On the whole, my judgement is that Abstract                                      Stephen Radich, Columbia University and Richard
            Expressionism influenced a deeper appreciation of                                 Gray. He is now resident in New York.
           Soutine but that his influence was sidestepped by
           the urge towards abstraction.'
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