Page 21 - Studio International - December 1968
P. 21
Cover: detail from a screenprinted video-disque.
one of an interchangeable suite. by Peter Sedgley.
Sedgley's video-rotors and video-disques were
recently shown at the Redfern Gallery. and the
exhibition was described in our November issue.
studio international
Incorporating The Studio Founded 1893 Volume 176 Number 906 December 1968
Editor: Peter Townsend The Canadian War Memorials Collection in Ottawa 234
Assistant Editor: Charles Harrison• R. F. Wodehouse
Advertising & Publicity Manager: Benson Zonena
Art Editor: Michael Young
An evaluation of visual poetry in terms of movement 237
Contributing Editors: Dore Ashton (New York) John Sharkey
Jean Clay (Paris) Frank Whitford (Berlin)
, Editorial Advisory Committee: J.P. Hodin News 238
(International relations) Alan Bowness
Andrew Forge David Thompson
Correspondence 239
International Advisory Panel: Richard Demarco, Peter Hall, Kay Hunt, George Rapp,
Austria: Dr Werner Hofmann Argentina: Jorge Roger Sutherland, William Tucker, Peter Varley
Romero Brest Belgium: Michael Seuphor
Brazil: Mario Pedrosa France: Jacques Lassaigne
Germany: Dr Werner Schmalenbach Holland: A Canadian scene, part 3 241
Prof. A. M. Hammacher Israel : Haim Gamzu David Thompson
Italy: Prof. G. C. Argao Japan: Shuzo Takiguchi
Scandinavia: Leif Ostby Spain: Alejandro Canadian Artists '68 awards 245
Cirici-Pellicer Switzerland : Dr Carola
Giedion-Welcker U.S.A.: Thomas M. Messer
J. J. Sweeney Yugoslavia: Aleksa Celebonovic De Kooning's women 246
Studio International (incorporating The Studio), 37 Museum Andrew Forge
Street London, W.C.1 (405 3956; cable address 'Studioart'
London W.C.1) is published monthly by Cory, Adams & Mackay
Limited. (Editorial Director: Anthony Adams.) Richard Lindner and the human being as a toy 252
Distributed in the U.K. by National Magazine Co Ltd, 22 Armoury Wieland Schmied
Way, London, S.W.18.
Great Britain: Single copy price 1 Os. Annual subscription (11
issues special July-August number) £5 1 Os (postage paid). Tantra art 256
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through the Subscription Department, W. & J. Mackay & Co Ltd,
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Office, Studio International, 155 West 15th Street, New York, New York commentary 266
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Overseas subscriptions other than in U.S.A. and Canada: Paris commentary 268
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