Page 17 - Studio International - February 1968
P. 17

displays.  Cybernetics  is  consistent  with  leading to his new behaviour, as witnessed  automatic  environments  together  consti­
            Behaviourist Art; it can assist in its evolu­  in his reaction to the work. The art process  tute an understanding of the human being
            tion just as, in turn, a behavioural synthesis  then, as comprehensible in the new cyber­  which calls for and will in time produce new
            can embody a Cybernetic Vision. It is impor­  nate syndrome, is complete, as a perpetual  human values and a new morality.'
            tant  to  remember  that  the  Cybernetic  and  infinite  process  of  events,  in  cross­  Roy  Ascott's  words once again.  Concern
            Vision  in  Art,  which  will  unify  art  with  a  connected  permutations  of  interaction,  for morality implies a concern for the total
            cybernated society, is a matter of "stance",  towards further and enlarged communica­  behaviour and inter-relationship of humanity
            a fundamental attitude to events and human  tion; always answerable to new possibilities  at large. Through a cybernate approach on
            relationships,  before  it  is  in  any  sense  a  invested in a constant of change.   this level alone the artist can today achieve
            technical or procedural matter.'          When put into the antiquated communica­  integration  into  a  whole  social  structure.
             Such then is the basic vision of the ideas  tion  form  of  words  the  function  of  the  Ascott has been well aware of this need for
            expressed in words. Now how do they relate  cybernate aesthetic may not be too  easily  some considerable time.
            to and find expression in Roy Ascott's work?  understood. But we should remember that   His  recognition  of  human  interdependa­
            When  confronted  with  one  of  Ascott's  all new systems of communication vehicles,  bility and the artist's responsibility here as
            recent painted-wood reliefs  we  are  faced,  even the phonetic alphabet, involved initial  a  useful  activator  to  human  experiences,
            in the first instance,  by a recording of his  stress; and that the most noted character­  led  him  to  formulate  his  Cybernetic  Art
            behaviour.  The  colour  of  the  reliefs  is  istic typical of man, is his persistent quest  Matrix; not devoted exclusively to the train­
            always  singularly  overall  and  bland.  The  for conceptual  understanding  of even the  ing of art expertise, but rather a fundamen­
            undulated  jig-saw  perimeter,  punctuated  most random phenomena and activity. From  tal plan of advancement of creativity in our
            with more concisely cut frontiers,  forming  now on the artist has only two alternatives,  forming cybernated society.
            the  total  of  the  parameter,  is  a  sum  of  either to be carried along in the stream of   It  is not  my  purpose  to  outline  this  pro­
            specific  decisions  and  casual  visual  facts  events, mindless, dictated to by the environ­  gramme in any depth here. My concern is
            that he has  accepted  and  decided  to pre­  ment shaped by the new technologies, and  more strictly limited to the singular stature
            sent to us in the precise state that the work  as a result hostile and maladjusted to it; or  of what Roy Ascott stands for in the world of
            is in. The work is not finished, so much as a  he  can  make  terms,  help  shape  it  and  fine arttoday. However I did start by pointing
            frozen ideogram of pure visual information.  develop  it.  But  only  by  understanding  its  out that Roy Ascott the artist is impossible
            The blandness of the total field of the work,  underlying cybernetic  characteristics.  Un­  to separate from Roy Ascott the educator. In
            together with the random and interim con­  derstanding and awareness  here are from  an earlier paragraph I discussed the actual
            trolled character of the perimeter configura­  now on the conditions for optimism in art.   art works that he makes in terms of the new
            tion assures a coolness in the work and also   'Fundamentally Cybernetics concerns the  cybernetic aesthetic. The art hardware, the
            a  consequential  inquisitiveness  in  the  idea of  the  perfectability  of systems;  it  is  objects that he makes, can and should also
            spectator. It starts the interaction of respon­  concerned in practice with the procurement  be understood in terms of his educational
            ses from the spectator to the work, creating  of effective action by means of self-organiz­  programme. If the artist figure is thought of
            the  necessary  feedback  for  the  work  to  i ng systems.  It recognizes the idea of the  as  a  visual  communication  planner,  as  a
            remain qualified as an open-ended process  perfectability  of  Man,  of  the  possibility  of  designer of visual information banks capable
            of making,  pure visual information carrier,  further evolution in the biological and social  of  holding  information  with  a  view  to
            as well as spectator activator. The work then  sphere.  In this it shares its optimism with  catalyzing infinite situations of communica­
            is not an end product, but rather an inter­  Mollecular  Biology.  Bio-cybernetics,  the  tion  dialogues,  then  the  art  work  can  be
            product reflecting the artist's behaviour; a  simulation  of  living  processes,  genetic  seen  as  a  model  towards  the  multilateral
            trigger of free information for the spectator,  manipulation,  the  behavioural  sciences,  expansion  of  such  a  process.  The  validity
                                                                                              of  any  art  object  today  relies  on  to  what
                                                                                              degree it can reflect this stance and help
                                                                                              instigate the wider participation and more
                                                                                              total integration of a creativity game played
                                                                                              by  everyone.  Roy Ascott's C.A.M. sets out
                                                                                              how this could become a practical fact.
                                                                                               Mcluhan argues that sensation and sensi­
                                                                                              bility today  are  best understood as audio­
                                                                                              tactile. 'Twiggy is tactile because she's just
                                                                                              an abstract outline.' This is not in the way of
                                                                                              dismissing  the  idea  and  importance  of
                                                                                              visual responses in the cultural ambience.
                                                                                              It  is  however  his  way  of  dismissing  the
                                                                                              determination  of  perceptual mechanics in
                                                                                             · any attempt to understand the significance
                                                                                              of  media.  The  hardware  which  is  media
                                                                                              can  really,  only  sensibly,  be  understood
                                                                                              today  as  an  extension  of  the  individu­
                                                                                              al's  particular  syndrome  of  experiences
                                                                                              and  responses;  as  information  carriers,  if
                                                                                              you like,  of psychic and physical persons,
                                                                                              triggered towards more telling communica­
                                                                                              tion. The logic implied here is that creative
                                                                                              facilities can and will be totally integrated
                                                                                              with  every  conceivable  facet  of  manipu­
                                                                                              latory  paraphernalia.  To  this  degree  then
                                                                                              Roy Ascott's  reliefs,  like Twiggy,  are  best
                                                                                              understood as audio-tactile.         □
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