Page 32 - Studio International - February 1968
P. 32

Social realism in blue : an interview

                               with James Rosenquist

                               Gene Swenson

       A James Rosenquist      Gene Swenson How did you first become interested in art?   and made woodcarvings. It seemed to me some kind of
       retrospective is at the
                               James Rosenquist  My grandfather in North Dakota used  freedom. I wondered why at his age he'd be doing that.
       National Gallery of Canada,
       Ottawa, until February 25.   to do wood carvings in the wintertime. He had a lathe  He should either be in high school or out working. That
       Rosenquist's Fill, 1965,   made out of an old sewing machine. He did jokes. He  gave me a question of why. Why should you be out
       'the largest Pop work' — it   would secretly make nice eggs out of wood, and paint  working? And values. Why shouldn't you be doing what
       measures 10 ft x 84 ft is   them white. He'd put them under the chickens, and my  you want to do?
       on exhibition at the    grandmother would go out and collect the eggs and come   What came easiest for me, easier—that was another idea.
       Metropolitan Museum,    to this one. It would be hard like a rock; she'd look at it
       New York, from February                                                   My parents never had any money. My father was a
       to April. It has been lent by   and try to break it.                      victim of the depression. My mother even said to me,
       Mr and Mrs Robert C. Scull.                                               `Why don't you get some work where you can use what
                               From my own midwestern experiences, I'd say it was  you do, so you can do it pretty easy? Get a job where you
                               hard for anyone in that part of the country to be in-  can do some drawing, you ought to be able to make some
                               terested in art.                                  money at that'. So I took some drawings to a guy who
                               True. My junior high-school art teacher committed  advertised in a newspaper, in Minnesota, an ad for a sign
      Growth plan
                              suicide. In this art class in the seventh grade, one time, a  painter.
       oil on canvas
                              great big kid about 19 years old came in, sent by some
      70 x 140 in.
      Coll: The National Museum   reform school. He never talked to anybody much, and  You studied with Cameron Booth at the University of
      of Modern Art, Tokyo    wore a red lumber jacket shirt and levis; he just sat there   Minnesota ?
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