Page 21 - Studio International - March 1968
P. 21

Correspondence                            It  is  most  heartening  to  read  further-'We  feel   artists  than  any  American  alive  today.  Nor  does  it
                                                     entitled to claim that the idea has worked wel I for ten   make  sense  to  twist  Clement  Greenberg's  honest
            An example of censorship?                years and continues to do so.' The Belfast series of   enthusiasm for certain English sculptors so that it is
            Dear Sir,                                exhibitions has also proved most rewarding both to  seen as a 'deliberate rudeness'. It all begins to sound
            We understand that  David  Medalla, the founder of   artists  and  especially  to  the  public  in  Northern   like Elsa Maxwell shot out of a cannon ball, and seems
            the  Exploding  Galaxy,  is  at present living  in  Paris,   Ireland who, because of the  'sea barrier' have fewer   unfit material for a serious magazine.
            contrary  to  his  wishes,  with  few  friends,  and  no   opportunities than most to keep in touch with current   Yours very truly,
            money. He is unable to obtain a visa for re-entry into   thinking.                London, W.1                    Suzi Gablik
            this country.                             We  take pleasure,  on the tenth anniversary  of the
            The Galaxy, a recently formed and increasingly wel I·   John Moores Exhibition,  in recalling that their hope   Critical syndrome
            known dance group, have just completed a successful   'that others would follow the example of our Exhibi­  Dear Sir,
            European tour, and the company, with the exception   tion' was first fulfilled in 1962 in Northern Ireland.   I would think, much as I admire Tony Caro and Cos,
            of David Medalla, are now back in London. Link maga­     Yours faithfully,        work, that Mr Harrison's article (London Commentary,
            zine,  which happens to feature some of  their work,             J. Kenneth Jamison  February  issue)  is  something  of  an  anachronism,
            may serve as a pointer to the fact that David Medal la              Deputy Director  since  almost  everything  one  reads  now  on  current
            has been, in the last six years, extremely active in the   Arts Council of Northern Ireland   British  work  orientates  around  this  particular  syn•
           cultural life of this country.            Belfast 2                                drome, which is surely more than obvious?
            No reason has apparently been given for the refusal                                Equally  obvious  is the  fact that  over the  past few
           of  a  visa,  and  we  earnestly  request that those in a  Art in Israel           years there has been a number of sculptors, both here
           position  to  do  so  will  use  their  good  offices  and   Dear Sir,             and  in  America,  who  have  independently  been
           influence towards the granting of such a visa, or, at   We  refer  to  Mr  Spencer's  commentary  about   seriously concerned about a re-evaluation of 'sculp·
           the very least, towards the elucidation of some reason   Israel's Art (October issue). We have the impression   tural' aesthetics and it simply would not be true  to
           for such a refusal.                       that Mr Spencer did not study the problem thoroughly   attribute  all  initial  steps  in  this  direction  to  this
                         Yours, etc.,                and profoundly.                          particular Greenberg-manipulated area. The validity
                                         Kenelm Cox   Speaking about the young  generation and  the  old   of the alternatives must necessarily be questionable
                                Dom Sylvester Houedard   one,  Mr  Spencer  forgets  that  there  is  inbetween   but are surely not already redundant.
                                        John Furnival   another generation which worked,  still works,  dares   The widely-felt conclusion must be, because of their
           Kingscote                                 and  experiments.                        apparent inadequacies that to 'bat on a safe wicket'
           Tetbury                                   That  very  generation  exists  and  is  sometimes   (for want of a more appropriate term) has embarrass•
           Gloucestershire                          younger in spirit than the young generation which Mr   ingly become the trademark of a number of contem­
                                                    Spencer mentions. We may state that art in Israel is   porary British critics.
            (The winter '67 issue of Link, the journal of Glouces­  not isolated as Mr Spencer says in his article. It shows   Yours faithfully,
           tershire  College  of  Art,  Cheltenham,  featured  an   that Mr Spencer was misguided and we advise him,         David Hall
           interview with David Medal la and an illustrated article   for  his  next  visit,  to  study  the  problem  in  a  more   Brentford
           on  the  Exploding  Galaxy's  dance  drama  'The  Bird   serious way.
           Ballet'.  The  London  address  of  Galaxy  is  99  Balls   Very truly yours,      Charles Harrison writes:  Mr Hall seems to think that
           Pond Road, N.1-Ed.)                                                     J. Wexsler  I  intended to attribute 'al I initial stirrings' in the 're•
                                                                                    M. Propes  evaluation of sculptural aesthetics' to what he iden­
                                                                                 M. Sisselman  tifies  as  a  'Greenberg-manipulated  area'.  Either  I
           Northern Ireland's 'shop window'         Avni Art Institute,                      expressed myself very badly or Mr Hall has misread
           Dear Sir,                                Tel-Aviv                                 me.  I referred to  King,  Caro  and  Tucker  as  'major
                                                                                             figures'; Greenberg might agree with  two  of those,
            This letter is prompted by seeing recently a copy of   Chares Spencer  writes: Opinions, especially on the   but I doubt if he'd allow all three. I did also say that I
           the catalogue of the current John Moores Exhibition   visual arts, are virtually beyond debate. I have visited   thought  'variety  of  intention  and  effect  among  the
           at  Liverpool. The foreword  makes the claim for the   Israel almost every year tor the last five or six years,   works  of the  major  figures is  one  of  the  measures
           exhibition that 'Artists have got from it a shop window   and have always taken the keenest interest in the work   of  the  vitality  of  contemporary  English  sculpture'.
           that no-one else in the country offered them. No-one,   of its  artists.  No  doubt  I  have  much  yet to see and   Mr  Hal I accuses me  of 'batting on a safe wicket': it
           that  is,  until  this  year  when  Mr  Richard  Demarco   learn,  but whatever my conclusions they can hardly   was  not  my  intention  to  procjuce  any  startling  re­
           staged his Edinburgh Open  100 Exhibition. We  had   be based on lack  of information. Judgement?  Well,   evaluations or to uncover new  trends.  I  merely  felt
           always hoped that others would follow the example of   that's another matter.     that, although the importance of 'Caro and Co.' may
           our exhibition ... '                                                              be  obvious  to  Mr  Hall  and  his  fellow  artists,  the
            I confess I read this with a pang of disappointment,                             quality  of  British  sculpture,  in  all its diversity, has
           since I had thought that the  Northern  Ireland Open   An embarrassment of criticism   over the last few years hardly had the support it de­
           Painting  Exhibition,  held  every  second  year  since   Dear Sir,               serves from English critics in the English press. And
           1962, with another planned for this September, was   I  now find it embarrassing that Studio International  it deserves a lot.
           by now an established event of some importance in   should persist in publishing the maniac ravings of Mr
           the art calendar of the British Isles. This exhibition   Patrick  Heron.  No  matter  how  elaborate  and  in­
           was in the first place directly inspired by the splendid   genious  a  paranoid  system  he  devises,  he  cannot   The Italian scene
           example of the Moores venture and the first display in   make the facts fit convincingly to anyone who does   Dear Sir,
           1962 was modelled closely upon it, attracting an entry   not share his persecution manias. Nor can he single­  I write this letter, fearful that some of your readers
           (sustained in subsequent years) of between five and   handedly-however  admirably  he  tries-change  the   may have taken seriously Miss  Palazzoll's comment­
           six hundred paintings. Our judges have been drawn   history of art. That the most significant art is being   ary  on  Italy  in  your January  1968  number.  While  I
           from the same challenging ranks of authority-Bryan   made, by and large, in America today, is geographic   would be the last to curb the careless rapture and the
           Robertson and Ceri Richards in 1962, John Russell and   and  historic  fact,  not  anybody's  chauvinism,  and  illimited  enthusiasm  of  youth,  some  facts,  at  least,
           Robert  Medley  in  1964  and  Philip  James,  William   nothing to get so personally hotted up about. It could   must be respected.
           Scott and Anne Crookshank in 1966.  Past prize win•   change at any moment.        It is clear that 'What goes  on in the visual arts in
           ners have included: 1966-Richard Lin.Justin Knowles,   I will venture to add that great art is not about good   Italy  today'  does  not  stem  'from  a  situation  dating
           John  Hoyland,  Richard  Allen,  Terry  Frost,  _Peter   taste, as Mr Heron would like it to be; Ben Nicholson   back to about 1960 when  Italian artists found them­
           Snow:  1964-William  Culbert,  Trevor  Bell,  Adrian   has not superseded  Mondrian,  no matter how hard   selves faced with the choice of lining up with Pop art,
           Henri,  Henry  lnlander,  Cecil  King:  1962-George   Mr Heron tries to make  it so.  It is sheer hysteria to   primary  structures  and  other things Americans like
           Campbell,  Michael  Stokoe,  Geoffrey  Adams  and   attack  Gene  Baro  in that  manner,  accusing  him  of  to do, or recreating a European alternative based on
           Alicia Boyle. The exhibitions (presented in the Ulster   being  'so  outrageously  patronizing  towards  British   different  social  and  political-as  well  as  cultural­
           Museum)  have  each  contained  approximately  one   painting' when he has probably written more straight­  contexts'.
           hundred paintings.                       forward  and  informative  prose  about  living  British   Firstly,  I  am  doubtful  that  eight  years  ago  Miss
   , ....
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