Page 20 - Studio International - September 1968
P. 20
Illustrations on this spread are of students' and artists' demonstrations in Italy. Here De Carlo, one of
those responsible for the Milan Triennale, on May 30 addresses demonstrators at a sit-in at the
opening, and finds himself accused by the artists Simonetti (standing left), Gio Pomodoro, De Filippi,
Boriani and others. (Photo: Cattaneo.) Facing page, Police holding back demonstrators at the
Milan Triennale. (Photo: Cattaneo.)
Politics and art On Friday June 7 at 3 a.m. Julio Le Parc and the lives of two Argentinian artists who have
lived in Paris for about ten years, whose
Hugo Demarco were arrested by the police at
the Saint-Cloud bridge leading out of Paris. children go to French schools, who both have
After twenty-four hours in custody they huge studios, assistants, a clientele, a gallery
were told to leave the country within ten —and who will have to begin again from
In these two articles Jean Clay
days because they were a 'danger' to the scratch wherever they may settle this
and Robert Kudielka describe French state. autumn ?
the recent involvement of
In spite of a considerable number of peti- Le Paro and Demarco are among the best
politics and the arts in France
and Germany. A subsequent tions to about ten ministers and even a letter known artists in the field of kinetics, a
issue will cover similar from Georges Pompidou himself, then .still dominant trend in Paris since the 'Light and
developments in Italy and head of the government, saying that 'for once Movement' exhibition in 1966. When he was
elsewhere. they would not deal too harshly', Demarco arrested Demarco was showing an enormous
and Le Parc were expelled on June 18. retro ;pective of his work at Denise René. Le
Demarco had thought the affair was settled Parc, who won the Grand Prix at Venice in
and was sitting peacefully at home that day 196E, is not only the leader of the Groupe de
when the police appeared, arrested him and Recherche d'Art Visuel but a radical chal-
locked him up in the police station. There he lenger of the conception of art and artist—
was searched thoroughly—with all the humili- and his ideas are having more and more
ation that entails—and then asked to go to the influence on the younger generation.
frontier. Le Parc, who had not waited for the Officially they were accused of having that
police, arranged through his lawyer for a night been in a car en route to Flins (about
safe-conduct which allowed him to reach 25 miles from Paris) while scuffles were start-
Brussels safely. ing at the Renault factory there between
Why were these steps taken to break up police and strikers, supported by a hundred
Contributors to this issue Jean Clay, the French critic, is an editor of Réalités Gem Baro a frequent contributor to Studio
and contributing editor to Studio International. International, also contributes to Art International,
The London Magazine and other periodicals, and is
Robert Kudielka is assistant 'editor of des Kunst- London Correspondent of Arts Magazine and Art in
werk. Amer ca.
Tom Hudson is at present Director of Studies al Frank Whitford is at present living in Berlin and
Cardiff College of Art, a position which he inventec reseal thing into early- twentieth-century painting and
for himself, in fact a new role for the creative teacher graphic art.
It also includes building a new College of Art. HE
lectures extensively in both Britain and America.