Page 26 - Studio International - September 1968
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I am at present studying at the Fine Art Dept, New-  the art of the past. A permanent stock of eighteenth   the exhibition were selected from an entry of over
     castle University. I live on £89 a term (about £7 a   and nineteenth century English watercolours will be   550 by Elizabeth Frink, Merlyn Evans and Guy Brett.
    week or under). My father, who is a maintenance   maintained. The gallery will be open until 6 in the   The first purchase prize of £1,000 was not awarded,
     man in one of the Liverpool dock firms, earns about   evenings and until 10 p.m. on Wednesdays. Among   the money being divided equally between John F. B.
     £26 a week; due to the fact that I have to pay £20   those represented in the opening exhibition were   Miles, John Aubrey, Jeffrey Steele, Laurence Whit-
    a month for the flat where I live presently in New-  Elinor Bellingham-Smith, Elizabeth Frink, Patrick   field a ad Ernest Zobole. The second purchase prize of
     castle—and also due to the fact that I cannot keep   George, Frederick Gore, Josef Herman, 'von Hitchens.   £600 was awarded to Terry Setch and the third, of
     myself in food, drink, and the basic necessities of life   Helen Lessore, L. S. Lowry, John Nash, John Piper   £300, to David Saunders. Prizes of £50 were
     on £7 a week (and also pay for my materials) I am at   and Carel Weight.          award ad to two artists under twenty-five, Clive King
     present in trouble with my bank, where I am over-                                and H lary Fell. In the Fine Arts II section for amateur
     drawn to the sum of £30. I will have to change my                                 artists prizes were awarded to Gwyther Thomas.
    flat this summer and find other accommodation in   The Industrial Negative  is the title of a one-day   Phylip Jones, Hugh Delwyn Richards and Edward
     Newcastle. There is not much chance of my getting a   syposium for industralists to be held at the Mermaid   Thomas Shallis. Prizes were also awarded for crafts,
    job here this summer, either.            theatre, Puddle Dock, on September 11 under the   for architecture, for photography and for arts and
      I'm not going to preach at the end of this letter (I   auspices of the Artist Placement Group. The sym-  crafts from Welsh schools.
    will be very happy if it's printed anyway) : the facts   posium will be opened by the Lord Mayor and has
    speak for themselves. I'd just like to say that a lot has   the blessing of the Minister of Science and Tech-
     been said in public about supporting the arts. How-  nology. Guest speakers from various countries will   The third Mostra Mercato d'arte contempora-
     ever, it's a damn sight better to support living artists   be concerned to explore and expose possible func-  nea will  be held in the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, from
    who are in straits than to indulge one's necrophile   tions and places for the artist in contemporary tech-  October 15 to November 15. Twenty-two Italian art
    tendencies by buying dead men's artifacts. (By the   nological society. APG is concerned to find ways of   galleries will be taking part, and invitations have been
    way—I'm not a bad painter and draughtsman.)   merging 'the unfettered creative ability' of the artist   sent to eight of the most important London galleries.
      If anyone wants to check the facts stated here, I will   with the 'applied productive capability' of industry.   Eight Italian galleries of graphic art and fifteen other
     be only too glad to meet any enquiries (please write   Those interested should get in touch with the Secre-  Italian galleries will be represented in two collective
    to the address above). I really don't like living in this   tary, APG, 22 Portland Road, W.11.   exhibitions, of graphic art, and of 'Sources of Con-
     Micawberish fashion. Can anyone find a solution?                                  temporary Art from Italian Galleries'. It is intended
                  Yours faithfully,                                                    that II works should be labelled with their prices.
                                   B. O'Toole   At the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales, held   The English galleries invited are Gimpel Fils, the
     4 Newman Street                         at Barry in July, a competitive exhibition of con-  Redfern, Kasmin, Robert Fraser, the Axiom, Alecto,
     Kirkdale                                temporary Welsh painting and sculpture was held   the Grosvenor, the Rowan and the Hanover.
     Liverpool 4                              under the title 'Wales Now'. The fifty-three works in
                                                                                       The second Cologne Art Fair will be held in the
                                                                                       Kunsthalle from October 15 to 20, organized by the
                                                                                       Association of Progressive German Art Dealers. Each
                                                                                       gallery will have a separate display-booth and will
                                                                                       also present one artist in a special exhibition to be
     News                                                                              held in the Kolnischer Kunstverein. Galleries partici-
                                                                                       pating will be Appel & Fertsch, Block, Brusberg,
                                                                                       Guna ., Muller, Neuendorf, Niepel, Op-Art, Ricke, Der
                                                                                       Spiegel, Springer, Stangl, Thomas, Tobies & Silex,
                                                                                      Van   cle Loo, Wilbrand and Zwirner, with Bucholz,
                                                                                       Friedrich, Schmela and Bucherstube am Dem
                                                                                       participating as guests, and with the following galleries
                                                                                       from abroad: Feigen (New York), Ziegler (Zurich),
                                                                                       Ariete (Milan) and Sonnabend (Paris).

     The Arts Council of Northern Ireland's fourth                                    The honorary freedom of the Borough of St.
     Open Painting Exhibition will be opened on Septem-                               Ives, Cornwall, is to be conferred on Bernard Leach,
     ber 11 by Alan Bowness who, together with Robyn                                   Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth in recognition
     Denny and Derek Hill, selected the exhibition and                                 of their international contribution to the arts. To mark
     awarded the prizes. Seventy-five works out of the                                 this occasion exhibitions of their works will be held
     525 submitted will be on display during September                                 in St. Ives from September 23 to October 5, 1968.
     and October in the Northern Ireland Arts Council's                                An information bureau at High Street, St. Ives, will
     spacious new gallery near Belfast City Hall. Total                                provide advice on accommodation for those intend-
     priie money of £2,400 was distributed as follows:                                 ing tc visit the town for this occasion.
     first and second prizes (total £1,600) shared between
     Harold Cohen, Alan Wood and Michael Wood;
     prizes of £100 to Telfer Stokes, Edward Middleditch.
     Peter Lloyd Jones, William Culbert, Colin Middleton,
     Jeffrey Steele, Howard Hodgkin and Keith Brockle-

    An exhibition of watercolours by Emil Nolde is
     at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art until
     September 15, and will be shown subsequently at
     the new Hayward Gallery on the South Bank, Lon-
     don, and at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.

    A new gallery,  the New Grafton Gallery, opened
     on July 25 at 1a Grafton Street, W.1. with an exhibi-
     tion of contemporary figurative work. It is intended
    that a figurative element shall be present in all works   Abu boo boo by Laurence Whitfield, joint 1st
     exhibited at the gallery and that exhibitions of work   prizewinner at the Royal National Eisteddfod of
    by living artists shall alternate with those devoted to   Wales 	                  Bern rd Leach
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