Page 66 - Studio International - September 1968
P. 66

No frontiers                                        John Halas came to England in 1936 where he
                                                           established his cartoon film company with his wife
       John Halas                                          Joy Batchelor. The company has been enormously
                                                           prolific, ranging from `Animal Farm'  to
                                                           educational shorts and a new interest in computer
                                                           generated films.

      After an unsuccessful attempt to make a living in Paris,   and the importance of design before drawing. We saw
       I joined the newly formed private school of Robert   beauty in simplicity and objectivity and thought that we
       Bortnyik in Budapest. Bortnyik, typographer and     ourselves had discovered good design by understanding
      constructivist painter, had just arrived from Bauhaus   the inner harmony of basic geometric relationships in a
      where he had several years' teaching experience. One of   composition. We hated symmetry and superfluous
       the visiting teachers was Laszlo Moholy-Nagy who had   decoration. We accepted the necessity of environmental
      also returned from Bauhaus and had temporarily settled   relationships and the concept of workshop practice,
       in Budapest.                                         which provided the students with practical experience
       I could not afford to pay for tuition and, in spite of my   with the materials they used and personal practice in
      limited experience, I was assigned the job of assisting   crafts. The snag was lack of space; unfortunately we
       both Bortnyik, Moholy-Nagy and later other teachers.   only had two rooms for the whole school.
      This position provided an opportunity for me to meet
      and know my masters much better than if I had been    By 1933, after winning a series of competitions and
      a pupil, since I could spend the whole day in their   scandalizing the population with abstract designs,
      company and deputise for them in their absence.       mobiles and displays, the school made its mark and, as
       Besides, my authority to look after pupils much older   far as tuition is concerned, was considered equal to
      than myself flattered my vanity.                     Bauhaus. Bauhaus strength, as was borne out by time,
      There were about eighty students, among them the     was not so much what the pupils produced as what the
      famed painter, Vasarely now living in Paris, and Lanyi   teachers achieved on their own. Walter Gropius,
      and Rado, both first-rate designers settled in South   Kandinsky, Albers, Klee, Itten and Schlemmer are
      America. The establishment was a small but precise   appreciated more as architects, painters and graphic
      replica of Bauhaus in every aspect, and the only one in   designers on their own than as brilliant teachers. Possibly
      existence to carry on the tradition at that time. The   this did not apply to Bortnyik and Moholy-Nagy; the
      method of teaching, the organization, and the system of   former was a brilliant teacher in spite of his impatience,
      working in small units, were all closely copied from its   shattering humour and sarcasm. Both were first-class
      German counterpart. Like Bauhaus, the master and     communicators, able to explain the inner meaning of
      student relationship was based on the closest possible   their strong convictions. By that time our establishment
      partnership. Projects were developed in co-operation   was desirable enough for Gropius and Klee to pay a visit
      with the masters.                                     to Budapest, especially as Bauhaus was forced to close in
      The system did not always work however. The           April 1933.
      enthusiasm of the pupils seldom matched their talents   It is worth noting that as a typographer and graphic
      and capabilities. The savage sarcasm of both Bortnyik   artist, Bortnyik was an outstanding talent himself and
      and Moholy-Nagy in criticising sub-standard work often  his work, produced in the early 1930's, would still be
      shattered their confidence and I was left to pick up the   considered well ahead of its time by today's standards.
      pieces later.                                         His interest expanded over animated films and, especially
      As with Bauhaus, the primary introduction to all courses  in this medium, I was lucky to be able to assist him. He
      was the study of basic geometry and the understanding of  knew how to delegate. The repetitive labour-consuming
      relationships between such basic forms as the triangle   donkey work was left to me to deal with. At times this
      and circle. Exercises with tetrahedral and octahedral   meant activity until sunrise. The eventual reward later
      shapes followed, and gradually led to some practice in   was learning how to avoid unnecessary labour in stop-
      three-dimensional design and textures which widened   motion film techniques. It is a paradox that this revolu-
      to the use of colour.                                 tionary from Bauhaus became, after the war, President
      Then the construction of letters, based on geometrical   of the Academy of Arts in Budapest.
      principles and asymmetrical exercises of simple       As for Moholy-Nagy, he was not a good delegator,
      typographic designs followed. As at Bauhaus, the belief   though just as determined to put across his convictions
      in functionalism was accepted with religious fervour.   and propogate his beliefs in the manner of a high priest.
      Through some brilliant lectures given by Bortnyik and   Few of his works were created with the assistance of his
       Moholy-Nagy and a painter, Berény, who later became   disciples. The 'Space Modulator' was possibly the only
      an internationally accepted artist, all of us were easily   work with students' assistance. This brilliant construc-
      convinced of the Bauhaus philosophy of functional design   tion, built during his 'Bauhaus' period between 1925-7,
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