Page 17 - Studio International - February 1969
P. 17

I ntorporating
         'The Studio'                              Studio
         Founded 1893

         Editor: Peter Townsend                    February 1969                              Volume 177 Number 908
         Assistant Editor: Charles Harrison
         Editorial Assistant: Elizabeth White
         Art Editor: Malcolm Lauder                B an Robertson's achievement              Maurice de Sausmarez                 58
         Advertising and Publicity Manager:        at the Whitechapel
         Benson Zonena
         Advertising Assistant: Anthony Collins    The Whitechapel's future                  Mark Glazebrook                      59
         Contributing Editors:
         Dore Ashton (New York)                    Sculpture· and reality                   � Garth Evans                         61
         Jean Clay (Paris)                         Correspondence
         Frank Whitford (Berlin)
         Editorial Advisory Committee:             News
         ]. P. Rodin (International relations)
         Alan Bowness                              A proposal to provide studio                                                   65
         Andrew Forge                              workshops for artists
         David Thompson·
         International Advisory Panel:             Rene Magritte and Andre Breton            Simon Watson Taylor                  6
         Austria: Dr Werner Hofmann                                                                                                9
         Argentina: Jorge Romero Brest             Rene Magritte                             Andre Breton                         70
         Belgium: Michael Seuphor                  Magritte's breadth of vision
         Brazil: Mario Pedrosa
         France: Jacques Lassaigne                 An interview with Rene ·Magntte           Paul Schwartz                        74
         Germany: Dr Werner Schmalenbach
         Holland: Prof. A. M. Hammacher            Yves Gaucher                              David Silcox                         76
         Isra�l: Haim Gamzu
         Italy: Pro£ G. C. Argan                   Ian Hamilton Finlay: 'The                 Stephen Bann                         78
         Ja pan: Shuzo Taki gu chi                 structure of a poetic universe'
         Scandinavia: Leif Ostby
         Spain: Alejandro Cirici-Pellicer          The Corcoran Galle -Dupont                Nina Osnos                           82
         Switzerland: Dr Carola Giedion-Welcker    Center
         U.S.A.: Thomas M. Messer
        ·J.J. Sweeney                              Germany: The New Objectivity             .  Robert Kudielka                    84
         Yugoslavia: Aleksa Celebonovic
                                                   London commentary                         Joseph Masheck, Frank
                                                                                             Whitford                             90

                                                   New York commentary                       Dore· Ashton                         93

                                                   Towards a definition of American          Peter Plagens                        96
                                                   football uniforms

                                                   On exhibition                                                                  98

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