Page 40 - Studio International - February 1969
P. 40

       Cloud board 1968
       Weathercock  1968
       wood and perspex
       Starlit waters

       of Finlay's poetry that his use of language   which is presumed in the ordinary circum-  demonstrates the point to the full. As the title
       should involve this high degree of formal refer-  stances of communication. But it is surely clear   suggests, the signs which are used cluster
       ence, just as the use of form in the work of many   in addition that it represents an entirely valid   around an imaginary centre like the petals of a
       visual artists possesses a high degree of literary   technique of communication, at least as far as   poppy. But this reference is not the main sub-
       reference. In certain cases a common form may   the communication of aesthetic information is   ject of the poem. Each of the composite signs is
       serve as a link between two distinct verbal ex-  concerned. Since the point at which he decided   the registration mark of a fishing boat, involv-
       pressions—as in the Cloud poem, where the   that traditional discursive procedure — 'the   ing both a number and a contracted form of the
       form remains unstated, but nevertheless helps   movement of language in me, was no longer   name of the port of origin—usually made up of
       the structure to cohere. In the case of the Fir-  there', Finlay has been trying to discover new   the first and last letters of that name. Each
       tree rocket—one of the charming series of toys   types of syntax, new methods of combining   element of the poem therefore testifies to its
       which Finlay has constructed— the verbal link-  linguistic units. As the body of his work grows,   place within a system beyond the poem, point-
       age implied in the title takes second place to   it becomes increasingly plain that this new   ing both to its place of origin and its position
       the unified formal expression : fir-tree as rocket   syntax is not simply or exclusively the 'graphic   within the paradigm or sequence of other like
       or rocket as fir-tree. There is also a further pos-  syntax' proclaimed by the concrete poets. At   objects. At the same time, it is the visual pres-
       sibility, where the fragment of language sug-  a more fundamental level, it is a syntax based   ence of the signs that asserts itself. There is a
       gests a link between objects originally outside   on the binary structure of language, reflecting   curious tension between the cluster which we
       the 'poem', and in this way formalizes them.   the ultimate cleavage between visual presence   see and the implication of other clusters—other
       Such is the case with Finlay's  Cloud board,   and semantic inference and exploiting the pos-  meaningful associations— beyond this visual
       which was also completed in 1968. The     sibilities of relationships of affinity and dis-  presence.
       single word to appear is 'cloud', inscribed on a   similarity between linguistic components.   Finlay's use of language implicitly assumes a
       wooden board between two conventional point-  The system which I have sketched corresponds   view of mankind as 'the fabricator of meanings'
       ing hands. Since the fingers point both upwards   in many respects to that which is presumed in   rather than 'the possessor of particular mean-
       to the sky and downwards to a small pool in   the study of semiology or the science of signs.   ings' —as Roland Barthes has put it in his essay
       which the sky is reflected, a relationship is es-  My distinction between visual presence and   on 'The Activity of Structuralism'. If we return
       tablished between the cloud in the sky and the   semantic inference is of course directly derived   for a moment to his original sensation of the
       reflected cloud in the reflected sky. Finlay ex-  from the distinction between significant and   loss of traditional linguistic movement, we can
       tends the analogy by planting two types of   `signifié', which is one of the cardinal points of   interpret his career as a poet since that time as
       aquatic plant in the tub. The water-lily be-  semiology. In direct contrast to the 'semiotic'   an attempt to capture or confer meaning. The
       comes a metaphor for the billowing cloud in   poets of Brazil, who attempt to confer semantic   structure of a poem like  Sea-poppy,  which is
       summer, while the small white flowers of the   values on arbitrarily chosen geometrical forms,   so finely poised between different strata of
       starwort perform the same role during the   Finlay exploits the possibilities inherent in the   meaning, can surely be best understood as a
       winter.                                   very structure oflanguage. A recent glass poem   demonstration of the act of conferring mean-
       By this stage it should be obvious that Finlay's   entitled  Sea-poppy,  which makes use of a   ing. Despite the semantic pull of the other sys-
       use of language is radically different from that    specialized 'language' particularly dear to him,    tems, the work is held in the precise order
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