Page 20 - Studio International - January 1969
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continuous basis. In this space age there is really                               Robert  Irwin  and James Turrell will collaborate
       no beginning or end to aesthetics any more than   News                             on an experimental project at the Life Science Divi­
       with ph ys ics. Art exists along the relative scale,                               sion of Garrett Aerospace;  V asarely  will  come  to
       and segments of both will attain such intensity as                                 San Jose, California, during the new year; Robert
       to contain our own being. Less is now expected   The  1970  Pittsburgh  International  at  the   Morris will take up residence in a major aerospace
       of the artist, and more is demanded of the spec­  Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, will see a major   industry early in 1969-he is at present concerned
       tator.  Like the current song:  "Lady  Madonna,   change  in  the format  of  this triennial exhibition.   with  environmental  situations  involving  sophisti�
       lying on the bed, listen to the music playing in   There will be no ju ry  or prizes; instead, the Director   cated  heating  devices;  Robert  Rauschenberg  has
       your head." '                            will select a total of 7 5 to 100 artists to show several   recently taken up residence in a Los Angeles elec­
      I would like to hear Lawrence's or Leavis's com­  works  apiece.  In  announcing  these  changes  the   tronics  corporation;  Roy  Lichtenstein  is  to  work
      ments on the stunning verbal slackness of this text,   Director, Mr Leon Arkus, said 'Hi�dsight indicates   with University City Studios from Februa ry ; Larry
      the spurious allusions to science, and the degrada­  that  too  seldom  have  prizes  been  given  to  great   Bell will take up residellce with the Rand Corpora­
      tion of art to a kind of masturbation with the artist   artists Jithin their own time. How can there be a   tion early in this year where he will be concerned
      as passive stimulus. The paradox is that Mr Coe's   best in' the world of art? While we expect that the loss   with the forms of decision making and other theoreti­
      exhibition looks (from the photographs) to be most   of publicity usually attached to prize-giving will be   cal artistic  problems;  and Jean Dubuffet has pro­
      interesting.  One  of  the  most  healthy  signs  in art   considerable, nevertheless I sincerely feel that the   posed  an  ambitious  sculptural  monument  which
      today is its growing links with technology. Artists   upgrading of the  exhibition will make it a  much   will  stretch  the  ready  resources  of  the  American
      are being brought into working contact with engi­  more vital and distinguished display of the art of our   Cement  Company  of  Riverside,  California.  The
      neers and programmers, to whose own professions   day.' The Pittsburgh Internationals were start,:;d in   results of the project will be shown in a major ex­
      exacting standards; of a different kind,  are essen­  1896.                         hibition at the Los Angeles County Museum in the
      tial.                                                                               spring of 1970. Work at eve ry  stage will be docu­
      For  this  and  other  reasons,  we may  hazard  that   The British Council's selections for loan exhi­  mented for the catalogue by a photographer. The
      Ove ry 's insistence on critical evaluation is in tune   bitions in thefirstsixmonthsof l969wereannounced   programme  and  exhibition  have  been  made  pos­
      with the truly important  tendencies  in  the  visual   recently.  The  first  Ni.irnberg  Biennial  is  on  the   sible  by  the  participation  of  corporations-26  to
      arts today. The reinstatement of standards will be   theme of Constructivism, with a historical section   date- which sponsor projects or contribute aid.
      bitterly opposed by those who have vested interests   of works by invitation and a section illustrating cur­
      in art as higher decor or as ephemeral fashion. But   rent trends to which individual countries have been   The 5th Grand Prix International du Dessin et
      on  the whole a  more  astringent climate than  the   asked  to enter a  minimum of  twenty works.  The   de la Gravure will be awarded under the auspices
     present one is likely to be widely welcomed.   British _Council has selected John Ernest, Anthony   of  the  Centre  International  de  Documentation
                    Yours sincerely,            Hill,  Ma ry  Martin,  Kenneth  Martin and Gillian   Artistique et Culturelle. Artists wishing to partici­
                    Jonathan Benthall.          Wise as British representatives of the movement. To   pate  should  submit  two  works,  either  drawings,
     Londo�, W.11                               the eighth International Exhibition of Graphic Art   watercolours  or gouaches,  or  engravings  or litho­
                                                in Ljubljana the Council will be sending prints by   graphs to the Secretariat General de !'International
     Wanted: letters by or to Turner            Robyn Denny, David Hockney, AllenJ ones, Henry   Arts Guild, 'Palme d'Or des Beaux-Arts', 218-221
     Dear Sir,                                  Moore,  Eduardo  Paolozzi,  Victor  Pasmore, Joe   Palais  de la Scala,  Monte  Carlo.  AQ works  sub­
     I am compiling a Collected Correspondence ofJ. M. W.   Tilson, John Hoyland, Mark Lancaster and Colin   mitted wiU be shown to a ju ry  which �ill allocate
     Turner, R.A., and should be most grateful to any   Self. To the First International  Print Biennial in   prizes to a total value of 10.000 FF. The competition
     readers of Studio International who could supply in­  Liege  they  will  be  sending  three  prints  each  by   is open to artists of all ages and countries.
     formation  of  letters  by·or  to  Turner,  other  than   Patrick Caulfield, Alan Davie, Robyn Denny, Allen
     those  in  the  British  Museum,  Sir John  Soane's   Jones  and Victor Pasmore. British representatives   A multiples competition is being organized  by
     Museum,  the  Bodleian  Libra ry ,  the  Fitzwilliam   at  the  Sixth  Tokyo  Print  Biennial  1968-9  are   the Ikon Galle ry  Ltd., 38a Paradise Street, Birming­
      Museum,  the  National  Libra ry  of  Scotland,  the   Anthony Benjamin, Harold Cohen, Richard Ham­  ham 1. Entries, to be submitted between 18 and 27
      Wiltshire Record Office, and the Turner and Lugt   ilton (awarded the prize offered by the Museum of   Februa ry  1969, should be prototypes or examples of
      collections.                              Western Art), Howard  Hodgkin, John Hoyland,   works to be produced in unlimited editions. The use
                     Yours sincerely,           Tess Jaray,  Mark Lancaster, Bridget Riley, Colin   of any communication technique will be acceptable;
                     John Gage.                 Self and Richard Smith. The British representatives   the competition is intended as 'an open enqui ry  into
      School of Fine Arts,                      at the Terith Sao Paulo Bienal will beJ ohn Hoyland   the nature of multiple art'. Entries will be judged by
      University of East Anglia,                and Anthony Caro.                         Eduardo Paolozzi, Hugh Shaw of the Arts Council,
      Wilberforce Road,                                                                   Kenneth Grange and representatives from the mul­
      Norwich. NOR ?7H                          Leecls  College  of Art  announces the appoint­  tiples organization 'Unlimited'. There will be two
                                                ment of George Brecht as Research Fellow in the   prizes of £100 and one of £50. Eve ry  effort will be
      Art in Canada                             Fine  Arts.  Mr  Brecht  will  car ry  out  a  program   made to interest manufacturing concerns in the pos­
      Dear Sir,                                 aimed at studying the relationship of science and   sibility of production and marketing. Further infor­
      Without in  any way undervaluing  Mr Demarco's   art, in particular the ways in which scientific ideas   mation  and  ent ry  forms  (fee  £1),  from  David
      achievement in showing modern Canadian paint­  and techniques can be applied by artists. He intends   Prentice at the Ikon Galle ry .
      ing  at  the  recent  Edinburgh  Festival,  may  I  say   to establish a quarterly journal in Leeds designed to
      that  my  three  articles  on  the  subject  in  Studio   increase the flow of scientific information to artists
      International  were  not  exactly  'inspired'  by  the   and art students in a form most useful to them.
      exhibition 'Canada 101'. I did not, in fact and un­  Mr  Brecht  is  a  former  research  chemist,  having
      fortunately, see it, although I had seen all the works   carried out industrial research over fifteen years for
      ultimately included  in  it  while  I  was  in  Canada   such companies as Chas. Pfizer (antibiotics), John­
      myself. My 'inspiration' came from the experience   son & Johnson (surgical goods), and Mobil Chemi­
      of touring the count ry  independently at the Canada   cal Company  (laser technology applied to plastics
      Council's invitation.                     research).  He is  also  an  artist  who  has  exhibited
      A second, more recent, visit has shown me already   internationally  since 1959, having works in many
      that several points in the articles could do with re­  collections including that of the Museum of Modern
      defining, but may I correct here at least one factual   Art in New York, and has done sets and music for·
      slip: the Structurist movement led by Eli Bornstein,   New York dance companies. His music and theatre
      which was featured prominently by William Seitz   pieces have been performed widely in the U.S., in
      in the Seventh Biennial of Canadian Painting later   Europe, and in Japan.   .
      in 1968,  has  its centre  at Saskatoon and not, as I                .
      implied, at Regina.                       Los Angeles County Museum of Art is organ­
                    Yours faithfully,           izing an ambitious Art and Technology programme
                    David Thompson.             during 1969, under the direction of Maurice Tuch­
      Little Bardfield,                         man,  the  Senior  Curator.  The  instigation  of this   St Martin's-in:the-Fields by Glyn Foulkes,
      Essex.                                    project follows two years of exploratory work. Eight   reproduced here by kind permission of the editors of
                                                artists are already contracted to work in advanced   Potlatch, the magazine of the St Martin's sculpture
                                                technological  corporations  for  extended  periods   department.
                                                                                          ('Sculpture then seemed a vast empty field, and we
                                                during  1969.  Claes  Oldenburg  will  take  up  resi­  had just climbed over the gate' -David Annesley,
                                                dence  in  Walt  Disney  Productions  in  Februa ry ;   quoted in Potlatch.)  ,
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