Page 54 - Studio International - July-August 1969
P. 54



     9 JULY-24 AUGUST

                                               centre of the floor, each of these volumes   of shape and surface which seemed to me
                                               glowed with its own special blend of pearl-  the basis of Shafrazi's successes. His app-
                                               escent and translucent cellulose lacquer. In   roach to achieving his surfaces was also
                                               the traditional, decorative sense of the word   `serial'. Each piece was given three successive
                                               they were beautiful—like fabulously irridescent   layers of sprayed lacquer in different permuta-
                                               jewels shifting and changing under different   tions of three colours selected from red, yellow,
                                               light conditions and spectator's positions. And   blue, and green. (Four colours were chosen so
                                               in the foggy land of flatly enamelled 'post-  that each surface could be—not seem—differ-
                                               cubist' sculpture, this direct and literal rad-  ently composed.) The base layers were always
                                               iance is extremely striking and refreshing.   even, the middle layers varied in 'cloudlike'
                                               Three aspects of Shafrazi's three-dimensional   concentrations, the top layers were always
                                               shapes contributed to the surfaces' artistic   pearlescent and even. As an operative serial
                                               vitality. As three-dimensional objects, their   idea, this acts less artistically than as a recipe
                                               basic format of a dominant plane parallel to   for working procedure. And the results, again,
                                               the wall or floor alluded to the traditional   were uneven. Sometimes the combination of
                                               category of `painting'; this association with   three primary colours gave a truly light-filled
                                               the 'pictorial' was nicely congruous with the   brilliance and merged into something as new
                                               colour-light basis of their surfaces' impact.   as the mauve-ochre irridescence of the 7 x 1
                                               And the slowly turned curve of all edges and   ft piece now in the Arts Council collection.
                                               corners—demanding fibreglass rather than the   Sometimes the components were unevenly
                                               less laborious vacuum-formed construction—  operative in the results : like the red-yellow-
                                               both : 1) acted to internalize each piece to-  green 4 x 4 ft piece which came off with a
     Most artists complain of the lack of working   wards some central hidden focal-point, accent-  red-green irridescence. And sometimes the
     and exhibition space in London. It is a   uating its special integrity as an isolated   results were more colouristically muddy than
     problem, but one solved with resourceful   `beautiful object'; and 2) provided a varied   anything else.
     ingenuity by the young artists who lease the   planar surface for light reflection which was   If Shafrazi seems to be working with unre-
     building at 45 TABERNACLE STREET, EC2.  Not   as subtly integrated into the dominant planar   solved ideas and aims in this exhibition, it is
     only have they found ample studio space,   smoothness as were the modulations ofsprayed   not totally surprising. He is very young;
     but they converted the ground floor into a   colour. And the extremely simple quasi-  he has jumped rather far from his previous
     white-walled, well-lit exhibition area for them-  geometric shapes with slow curves accentuated   flat-coloured separated-surfaces of less sen-
     selves and their friends. Instrumental in this   the sensuous elegance of their surfaces' optical   sual 'minimal' objects, which I remember
     conversion was Tony Shafrazi, who was the   qualities. (Shafrazi seems to have developed   as really awful; he also has the awkward
     first of this group to publicly exhibit his work   a penchant for this sort of three-dimensional   position of being in London and very in-
     there. His exhibition was set forth with great   shape isolated on a flat plane: one sees it in   volved with artistic ideas strongly operative
     panache—with  champagne served by an ex-  his more 'Dada' series of progressively used-up   on the West and East coasts of America. One
     wrestler at the well-attended opening, a full-  bars of soap and photographic series of pills   cannot help thinking of the involvement with
     page 'advertisement' in  Artforum,  an Arts   and tablets.)                         colour and light from pseudo-metallic sur-
     Council purchase, and work which would not   The most disturbing thing to me in Shafrazi's   faces on the part of Californian artists like
     embarass any commercial gallery in town   show was the over-all employment of simpl-  Larry Bell and (particularly) David Novros;
     (which is not exactly a compliment). As an   istic serial ordering processes which seemed to   simple quasi-geometrical forms and much
     art-world event, Shafrazi's exhibition was a   contribute nothing but irrelevant labour and   more complex and completely operative serial
     stylish work of art with tremendous internal   sometimes inhibited the possibility of con-  orders have been used in New York for years.
     vitality. But I feel very ambivalent about the   centrated achievement in optical beauty.   To see such 'distant' styles synthesized with
     contents—the 'object-matter' — of his show. It   Shafrazi took the trouble to construct four   such determined incongruity in London is in
     was strikingly beautiful, but on second look its   separate fibreglass moulds to achieve the simple   itself amazing. It could only be done by some-
     vitality seemed to rest mostly in the brashness   serial progression of his dimensional shapes   one with unusual courage, determination, and
     of its stylishness and the quantity of work   (all 6 in. deep) from 4 x 4 ft 'squares' to 7 x   sophisticated naivete. These are important
     necessary to its execution.               1 ft 'lines'. Yet this 'serial order' was rendered   properties for an artist. If Shafrazi can get
     Don't get me wrong: there is a great deal of   irrelevant by the self-contained individuality   past this stage of stylish experimentation to
     visual magic in the colourful light-sensitized   which he attributed to each piece. And this   something more personally demanding and
     Murano finishes of the two sets of fibreglass   irrelevant 'necessity' of serialized working pro-  internally consistent, he ought to blaze forth
     volumes which dominated Shafrazi's show.   cedures produced some shapes (like the   in real rather than applied glory.  	q
     Ranged along one wall and laid down the    `squares') which inhibited the sensuous fusion    BARBARA REISE
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