Page 67 - Studio International - June 1969
P. 67
26 Untitled 1963, printed in colour, 28 S'accroupissant 1960, bronze, 9⅞ x 13 ⅜ x
261 6 x 36 in., by Sam Francis from an 5⅞ in., by Jean Arp from a retrospective
exhibition entitled 'Tamarind: Homage to exhibition of the artist's work at the
Lithography' at the Museum of Modern Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum running
Art until June 30. concurrently with that of Julius Bissier.
27 Granatapfel 42 1942, India ink on The show will reflect the artist's lifework
Japanese paper, 6¼ x 9⅜ in., from a from its beginnings in the 1910s, when he
retrospective exhibition of the art of was a leading figure in the Dada movement,
Julius Bissier, comprising more than 150 to the carved stone and bronze sculptures
works by the late Swiss artist, at the of the fifties and sixties, when Arp's 'organic
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New art' was coming to fruition.
York until June 29. Planned jointly by the 29 The striped bodice 1943, oil on canvas,
Guggenheim Museum and the San 39⅜ x 32⅛ in., by Pablo Picasso in an
Francisco Museum of Art, this is the first exhibition of twentieth-century art in the
retrospective showing of the artist's work to Nelson Rockefeller Collection at the Museum
be held in the United States. of Modern Art, New York until September 1.