Page 28 - Studio International - March 1969
P. 28

justifying my observations) it started at St Martin's   reminders in it. And I think therefore one tries
    Correspondence                            as figurative (although I do not believe it was in   really to get a material with not too much art
                                              any way academic) and progressed to my present   history in it.'
                                               non-figurative work slowly, at the dictates of my   Unfortunately clay does carry with it a ponderous
                                               personal development some time after leaving the   backlog of craft and terracotta tradition, but for a
                                               Art School. I make no claims as a spectacular in-  number of reasons, not least of which are the
                                               novator and I do not know what place, if any, my   activities and work of a group of painters, sculptors
                                               work will occupy in the history of contemporary   and ceramists who gathered around Peter Voulkos
                                               sculpture, yet I am attempting to push my work   in Los Angeles and who, much affected by Abstract
                                               forward on two levels: first in a period which des-  Expressionist painting, set about breaking down the
                                               pises monumentality, I want to work on a scale   traditional (pre-)concepts which so seriously
                                               which encroaches on the territory, and possibly at   limited the use of clay.
                                               times on the functions of architecture, and second,   Further liberating factors were technical advances
                                               in a climate which seems to me to encourage   in the development of epoxies and acrylic paints,
                                               superficiality, I am seeking to attain depth. I feel   which in terms of form, colour and scale have given
                                               both these aims to be far from reactionary and at   the material a new lease of life, opening the way to
                                               least as worthy of attention as the efforts of some of   all kinds of new possibilities with the medium.
                                               my contemporaries collectively chasing the phan-  One of the articles which followed the symposium
                                               tom of each new fashion or trying desperately to   in your January issue, and dealt with some recent
                                               initiate them.                            sculpture in Britain, whilst describing sculptures
                                                                   Tony Bottell          in sand, oranges, etc. {incidentally not dissimilar
     Sculpture at St Martin's                                      Head of Sculpture,    from the efforts of Nauman, Andre and others on
                                                                    Woolwich Institute
                                               London, S.E.18  	                         the West Coast), failed to comment upon the
     Dear Sir,                                                                           emerging movement towards clay sculpture. The
     In the January issue of  Studio International  you                                  question remains therefore as to whether sculpture
     devoted considerable attention to St Martin's                                       in clay is to be viewed at the Craftsman-Potter
     `Advanced Sculpture Course' and the work of the   West Coast clay                   level, or whether a more enlightened directorship
     two generations of sculptors who have emerged                                       of Britain's public galleries will give a viewing to
     from it, under the wing of Tony Caro. As a sculptor   Dear Sir,                     the sculptor who today wishes to work in clay.
     who studied at St Martin's from 1957-61 (con-  The seemingly indiscriminate way in which David                   Peter Layton
     temporary to Aggis, Annesley, Bolus, Tucker, etc.),   Annesley uses the phrase 'freaky West Coast shit'   London S.W.11
     who was not drawn into Caro's orbit, but who has   in reference to assemblage ( January issue) has   William Seitz — The Art of Assemblage.  Mus. of
     been inadvertently included in your articles (the   prompted me to make some comment in defense of   Modern Art, New York, 1961.
     sculpture in the circle on the title page is one I made   the work going on in California. Not that the work   2   Studio International. vol. 171, no. 873. Jan. 1966.
     whilst a student there—incidentally not very good   in itself necessarily needs to be defended but simply
     and long since destroyed), I should like to make   that one who has recently returned from a pro-
     some observations.                        longed teaching spell in that part of the world I
     Whenever mention is made of the sculptors who   might imagine myself to be in a better position   January issue
     have emerged from St Martin's during this last   than the majority of your readers to understand
     decade, it inevitably centres around a certain type   what it is to which Annesley refers so specifically.   Dear Sir,
     of work, orientated towards or stemming from the   Since I find myself at a loss, I am led to believe that   Thank you for the hilarious articles on recent sculp-
     influence of Caro, and it never seems to occur to   a survey of West Coast sculpture, preferably in the   ture, it amazes me that you should take so much
     anyone to consider that St Martin's might have   form of an exhibition or through your columns,   trouble to make your readers laugh. However, this
     also produced the odd sculptor during this period,   would enable people here to make their own   levity must not become a habit, so I would recom-
     equally deserving of interest, who has gone his own   assessment.                   mend a return to more serious articles in the future.
     way.                                      Certainly there is an enormous amount of 'rubbish'             Yours faithfully,
     Perhaps there have not been all that many, after   produced on the West Coast, which as it happens       Robin Lord
     all Caro's influence can be rather overwhelming   compares rather favourably with our own brand of   Shaftesbury, Dorset
     and it must be increasingly difficult for any young   Best British shit, but at the same time there is a
     art student to go it alone and reject the collective   great deal of strong and sensitive work going on,
     concepts of all those who are now teaching there,   exuberant perhaps, often irreverent, but with a
     especially when they hold the 'aura' of being the   vitality I find sadly lacking in much of the work I   Old Master painting
     advanced ground of sculpture in this country.   see here.
     What really bothers me is not what Caro or the   `Assemblage' is a term adapted from Dubuffet,   Dear Mr Editor,
     others are doing as sculptors, this is their own con-  `which would include all forms of composite art and   Far too frequent to be pleasant is the reported news
     cern, although I would certainly question the place   modes of juxtaposition'—so writes William Seitz."   that a painting is 'not genuine', which means that
     claimed for them in contemporary sculpture; but   So to whom, and to what; does the phrase refer ?   the experts are in doubt and divided on the issue.
     partly the dangers inherent in the way their con-  Does Annesley's sweeping assessment mean that   There have been glaring examples in dispute lately
     cepts seem to have been allowed to dominate the   sculptors as diverse in their approach as Peter Voul-  which must be disturbing to connoisseurs and
     development of so many young sculptors at St   kos, John Mason, Bruce Nauman, John Chamber-  purchasers alike in this day and age when values
     Martin's in default of a wider ground freedom—  lain, Paul Harris, Bruce Connor, William Wiley,   in a pecuniary sense are rising rapidly, and why is
     surely this cannot be healthy for students!— and   Ed Keinholz and so on and on, who whilst working   this so? Is it because it is deemed safer to invest in
     also what I feel to be the deliberate ignoring of   with an enormously varied range of media and   such tangible assets alike to jewellery when gamb-
     anyone who chooses to follow a contrary path   techniques nevertheless all fit under the umbrella   ling on the future?
     because they do not fit into the 'Whiz Kid' image   of assemblage, should give up 'their bag' and try   Be that as it may, we are primarily concerned in
     of the place, perhaps created—dare one suggest it ,   his, or is it simply a rather meaningless statement   this matter on the analysis of the word 'genuine'
     without cries of 'sour grapes' ?—for the greater   by virtue of its lack of definition, especially as it is   which, when in dispute, is the division of opinion
     glory of Caro or because it suits the convenience of   followed almost immediately by 'junk yards are   between two schools of thought, when either can be
     the reputation makers.                    great' — which of course they are!         torn betwixt duty and loyalty towards an exhibitor
     In my time Caro's influence could be counter-  I was particularly interested by the comments   or a personal reputation.
     balanced by others who thought differently; some   made about clay, but again more by what was   The distinction could be so fine, not by confusion
     of us were older students having first done National   omitted than by what was actually said. Perhaps   or deception but by an honest endeavour to speak
     Service, and there did exist the circumstances in   one of the most startling things to occur on the West   the truth. How far is it possible to tell when dealing
     which one could develop personally on a wide front;   Coast is the 'breakthrough' in clay. By this I mean   with the artistry of a painter of a century ago when
     figurative study was still a possibility for those who   in its usage and acceptance as a valid medium for   time and climate can have affected it in some
     wanted it, and stone, wood, clay, plaster and   modern sculpture.                    minute manner? What of the degree of trans-
     cement were readily available as well as the weld-  Caro, in an interview with Andrew Forge in 19652    parency over the passage of time?
     ing plant and plastics; and finally the dictates of   said: 'perhaps it's impossible to make a sculpture   Yours truly,
     art fashion had not yet become so powerful.   out of clay at this moment, at the moment it's too         Francis B. Willmott
     As for my own work (which is only relevant in   difficult for me anyway—there are too many    Birmingham 5
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