Page 34 - Studio International - March 1969
P. 34

follow  up  to  this  momentous  start-his  firsl   Van  Doesburg  knew  that  we  arc  able  to  in­  obsolete  and  must  be  replaced  by  Beeldende.)
      archiLcctural statement and the most success­  Auence  change.  One  twentieth-century  sick­  It  has  demonstrated  that  everything  i ·  re­
      ful  construction  embodying  the  space/time   ness  is  our  inability  to  accept  this.  Most   lationship, relationship of the one to the other.
     concept.                                   architects and artist  have failed to understand   The  'new  architecture'  has  broken  through
      While  Rietvcld  was  making  the  Schroder   the  fundamental  implications  of  his  concept   the  wall  and  in  so  doing  has  completely
      House, van  Docsburg was putting into words   of space/time because they do not understand   eliminated the divorce or inside and outside.
      his  own  architectural  ideas  in  'Towards  a   space. His inLenLions arc vital for today.   The two-dimensionally projected spatial com­
      Plastic  (Beeldende)  Architecture'  of  1924·.  In   The reconstruction of Lwo  rooms in the  Cafe   position,  fixed  in  a  ground  plan,  shall  be
      'Composition  with three  paintings'  1920,  the   Aubelte  in  Strasbourg  in  1926-8  was  van   replaced  by  an  exact  calculation  of  the  con­
      work suggests an infinite number of possibili­  Doesburg's  first  practical  work  in  a  human   struction.  For  this  purpose  our  Euclidian
      ties with a set of given colour-form units. This   scale. In such works as Composition no.  7 191 7,   mathematics will no longer serve.
      idea is used in his concept of an architectural   he had treated the canvas as the equivalent of   The 'new architecture' reckons not only with
      language, a basic language flexible enough to   a spatial void.  Vertical and horizontal colour   space but also with Lime as one of its charac­
      be  applied in many ways. His ideal was that   elements  arc  related  to  make  the  space  be­  teristics. The unity of space and time gives the
      the  reality  of  space/time  should  become  the   tween dynamic. Realizing that the canvas was   architectonic  appearance  a  new  and  com­
      reality  of  'new  architecture',  a  formless   in physical reality a plane, van Doesburg used   pletely plastic aspect.
      architecture  with  a  working  language,  disci­  the  diagonal  to  oppose its  static nature.  For   The  'new  architecture'  is  anti-cubic.  And
      plined  yet  free.  This  was  the  challenge  in   the  same  reasons  he  needed the  diagonal  to   through  the  means  of  height,  width  and
      the 1920s, a period of fertile crcaLivc actitivity.   oppose  the  static  box  form  of  the  existing   depth,  pi us  time,  approaches  a  totally  new
      He  was  wo1-king  out  these  revolutionary   architecture  of  the  Cafe  Aubette  to  create  a   plastic expression in open spaces.  In this way
      concepts.  He was  in closer  contacts  with  the   dynamic visual entity.          architecture gets a more m- lcss Aoating aspect
      major  movements  (Cubism,  Futurism,  Bau­  Had he worked directly in the  void of space,   that works against the gravatational forces of'
      hau ·,  Dada,  Constructivism)  than  any  other   in three dimensions,  he would have  used the   nature.
      artist,  and  a  relentless propagandist  for  any   vertical-horizontal  means  of  the  space/time   A complex is a.  much a whole as the indepen­
      ideas  altempling  a  ocial  and  artistic break­  construction diagrams to make the space itself   dent  house.  The  same  laws  arc  required  for
      through, travelling all over Europe, spending   dynamic  by  implying  organic  movements  in   the complex and for the city as for the indepen­
      time in Holland,  France  and  Germany,  and   space and time.  Unfortunately,  however, the   dent house. The 'new architecture' instead of'
      in 1920-22 teaching  at the Bauhaus.  'I  have   Cafe  Aubette was not reconstructed in terms   using  symmetry,  establishes  a  balanced
      radically  turned  everything  upside-down  at   of  his  space/time  concept.  Instead,  he  ex­  relationship  of'  dissimilar  parts.  In  contra t
      Weimar,'  he  wrote.  'The  "style"  will  shortly   tended painting into architecture by working   to  the  frontality  which  results  from  a  fixed
      appear  again,  more  radical.  I  have  any   in  the  Renaissance  sense  of  embellishing  a   static  outlook, the  'new architecture'  offers a
      amount  of  energy  and I  now  know  that  our   building. In doing this he realized his personal   plastic  richness  of  multi-sided,  time/space
      ideas will triumph, above all and everything.'   need to work as a public artist.   activity.  The  'new  a1-chitccturc'  absorbs
      (Letter to Antonie Kok, 1919.)            A  year  later  he  attempted  architecture  by   colour organically into itself as an immediate
      Lack of direction has led to the inhuman mess   building his own  studio-house at Meudon;  it   cxpressional clement of its relationship in time
      of all twentieth-century domestic architecture.   turned out to be an ordinary building, far less   and  space.  vVithout colour these relationships
      Those  associates  of  van  Docsburg  who  arc   exciting than the earlier  'House  for an  artist'   arr not a living reality.
      now  called  'fathers'  or  modern  archiLecture   model.                           In  a  further  stage  of  development  these
      (Oud,  Gropius,  Breuer,  Mies  van  cler  Rohe   But the Cafc Aubctte remains an  outstanding   colours will be replaced by synthetic material
      and Co.) and f om whom most 'new' architec­  achievement,  both  bold  and  original.  It  was   having its own colour. This can be accompli­
      ture  clcsccncls,  agreed with the  social  aims  of   treated as a complete whole, an 'environmen­  shed only v,·hen practical demands require the
      van  Doc burg's concept, but initially used his   tal'  situation.  Van  Doesburg  worked  as  a   material.
      his spaLial language in a most superficial way,   painter,  not  a  a  space  constructor.  Jn  the   The  'new  architecture'  is  anti-decorative.
      and  subsequently  gave  up  all  idea·  of  space.   cinema  room  the  use  or colour  and  drawing   Colour  has  become  not  a  decorative  or
      In  his  'new  architecture'  van  Docsburg  was   on  the  fixed  surfaces  of  walls  and  ceilings  is   ornamental  factor  but  rather  an  organic,
      concerned  with  developing  a  spatial  Aow   dynamic,  and  the  t1-catmcnt  ant1c1patcs   exp1-essivc architectural clement. Architecture
      between  outside  and  inside.  He  suggested   modern  synthetic  coloured  materials.  In  the   as the synthesis of the new plasticity (Beelding).
      articulating separate elemenls to define space,   dance  room light is  used  as  a  positive  visual   Jn  the  'new  architecture'  building  is  under­
      which  when  used  never  formed  enclosu1es.   clement, considerrd equally with the coloured   stood as a part, the summation of all the arls
      These  'fathers',  however,  made  boxes-and   panels  as an integral  part  of the  design.  The   in  their  most  elementary  manifestation.  It
      large boxes sub-divided into smaller boxes and   way  light  was  used  suggests  light-cmilling   presents  the  possibility  of  thinking  in  four
      displaced still remain boxes; the most elegant   surfaces, vvhich have yet to be invented.   dimensions, i.e., the plastic architect, of which
      box is still a box.  In doing this they betrayed   In  the  Cafe  he  enforced  the  original  de  Stijl   I count the painter, must construct in the new
      van Docsburg·s concept and missed the chance   idea  by  making  the  general  public  aware  or   sphere or space/time.
      of developing a new human architecture.   what the artist can do.  He created a place for   As the 'new architecture' permits no separate
      The  generation  of  today  want  to  fulfil  their   people.  It  functioned  as  cafe,  cinema,  dance   painting or sculpture, its intention is to employ
      needs  a  individuals,  not  as  pre-conceived   area,  meeting  place-a  multi-purpose  space.   all the essential means to create an harmonic
      mass-produced  human  beings.  They  do  not   Niost important,  it created a nrw  1-calization   whole.
      wanl  Lo  fit  inLo  the conlainers architecls de­  between art and society.   D
      sign for them. What are necessary arc flexible                                      ['New architecture' must not be confused with
      buildings which can be changed according to   Extracts  from  To:.vard  a  plastic  ( Bee/drnde)   what  is cuncntly  meant  by  the  word  'archi­
      needs and moods;  sets of bu i I ding parts tech­  Architecture,  1924              tecture'. Van Docsburg invented a new word­
      nically  up-to-date  and  Acxible  enough  to  be   The 'nc\,· architecture' is formless yet definite,   Beeldmde-of' \\'hicli  there  is  no  exact  transla­
      assembled in many different ways so that we   it ignorrs a prcco;1ccived aesthetic  formula,  a   tion.  Thi,  word  suggcst1.  'encl  or object', i.e.,
      can shape our own environment and avoid the   mold.                                 single building or painting or sculptur·e-and
      prcdclermincd package Lhat architects impose   The 'ne\\' architecture' has removed the notion   implies the constructing of  relationships to/of
      on us.                                    of  monumental  (the  wo1-d  monumental  is   /in space and time for a living purpose.J
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