Page 43 - Studio International - November 1969
P. 43

by the Russian aestheticians, and that the   The spiral as an image of advanced political   Development of a Bottle in Space is a construction
           spiral, above all else, appeared to symbolize   thought owes its source, however, to the   of essentially spiral theme, while Azari aptly
           their epoch. It seems to have expressed an   heightened style awareness from about the   expressed the character of Futurist spatial
           apprehension of disorder and of energy in   mid-eighteenth century, when the Mannerist   theory in a note on the Futurist Aerial Theatre,
           daily life (unlike the straight line of later   serpentine line began to acquire philosophical   describing aircraft 'climbing around an invisi-
           abstraction which asserted an underlying   connotations of a special kind. In English   ble spiral staircase . . . gymnastics on the
           harmonious cosmos despite the seeming hap-  aesthetic theory from Hogarth, through   invisible trapezes of the atmosphere'. W. B.
           hazardness of appearances). Tatlin's monu-  Burke, to the  Picturesque,  and beyond to   Yeats's 'widening gyre' is yet another example
           mental piece of architecture parlante is in many   William Blake, the free line became a line of   of the revolutionary-spiritual spiral: it is
           ways the culmination of the use of this form.   free men, came to typify an ideal of 'natural'   occult, and yet social in that it demonstrated
           Its origins are worthy of investigation.   order, of life and imagination; in landscaping,   historical change. But a possible link between
           The spiral has a broad inherited symbology   what has been called a Lockean-type contract   Futurist theory and Tatlin's tower could be
           as an essentially macro-cosmic image, and   between art and nature. But the spiral line   Russian  Rayonism,  which was also concerned
           historically was often used as a utopianist and   itself is rarely a specific symbol of these ideas,   with loaded and radiant 'rays' of force. I do
           aspiring form, representative of cosmic motion   but rather representative of their existence.   not wish to suggest, however, that Tatlin was
           and related to the general concept of the   (William Mason did, however, in 1797 des-  necessarily aware of any of these examples
           `mountain temple', with its associations of   cribe an undulating gravel path as an 'emblem   cited, rather that he was following established
           fire imagery. This finds parallel in the Man-  pure of legal liberty' !)             tradition in using the spiral to epitomize the
           neristfigura serpentinata, ' the forme of the flame',   In the formal vocabulary of French Revo-  energy of his age.
           which represents both insecurity and activity.   lutionary architectural projects, one finds that
           The sexual reference is also worthy of note   the spiral is not an especially prominent syn-  III
           and is manifested, for example, in Dada   tactical unit, and those that do occur seem   OfTatlin's tower, Mel'nikov is reported to have
           machinist imagery. But the dynamism of the   in the tradition of Roman triumphal columns,   said: 'Our age is dynamic. Tatlin is making
           spiral is most pertinent in this present con-  where the spiral naturally emerges from con-  the spiral a modern symbol'. It was dynamism
           text: as it 'grows' it extends itself into sur-  siderations more practical than symbolical.   that this form evoked to the Revolutionary
           rounding space. Velocity is its primary crea-  Only Lequeu's Monument a la gloire de nombre   mind, but a dynamism with stressed political
           tive impetus, and that which allows it reveal its   d'hommes illustrés of 1794 makes a direct Revo-  import.
           integrity to a maximum.                   lutionary point. Even then, it is still a com-  The capitalist individualist, when trying to
           Siegfried Giedion has compared Tatlin's   memorative emblem, with its inscription,   express his personality, prefers the horizontal
           tower to the spiral lantern of Borromini's   `Mères ! Calmez vos doleurs, ils ont sauvé la   line or an immobile column. The socialist, on
           S. Ivo della Sapienza.  His comparison is based   patrie'.                           the other hand, prefers the climbing vertical
           upon similarities of space-time concept (a   The first spiral of direct Socialist message   line (spiral), which embraces his fellow men in
           theme to which I will refer later) ; but in   which is aspirational rather than nostalgic   its course and soars upwards to embrace the
           iconographical terms, Borromini's spiral re-  occurs in Rodin's  Tour du Travail,  planned   heavens.
           lates to the theme of the Tower of Babel pre-  around 1890 as an epilogue to his Gates of Hell,   And the metaphor was not restricted to archi-
           valent throughout the Renaissance and the   and worked on from 1894 to 1897, though, like   tectural projects. It is the motive force of the
           Baroque. It may seem strange that a theme   Tatlin's, never getting past the model stage.   planes of some of Pevsner's sculpture and is in
           which seems to begin in relation to nationalism   The idea appears to have come from Dalou,   evidence in Gabo's drawing for a kinetic
           (the confusion of tongues) should reach a cli-  who in 1889 conceived of a  Monument aux   sculpture of 1922, as well as infecting such
           max in a monument dedicated to inter-     Ouvriers,  but this did not employ a spiral.   fields as book illustration and theatre design.
           nationalism. But the biblical interpretation   Nevertheless, both projects reflect the con-  Adolf Behne relates how Trotsky had used the
           of Babel was itself an etymological error, and   temporary strength of French Socialism.   image in a directly political sense :
           the original Ziggurat at Babylon called   Rodin, in particular, had close affiliations   Trotsky says about an essay by Lenin of 1917
           Etemenenanki,  the house of the foundation of   with the left, for example through his friend   that it resembled a powerful steel spiral,
           heaven and earth, and its symbolism that of   Eugene Carrière. Interestingly, Rodin plan-  surrounded by a strong band, which in the
           the holy mountain, and the spiral stair the   ned that work on his tower be undertaken on a   future will expand, spread out and embrace
           path to its summit.                       communal basis, so it could thus express the   ideologically the entire meaning of the
           During the Gothic period, European minia-  collective effort of ideologically motivated   Revolution.
           ture painters had begun to use Oriental   artists.                                   In the analogous Revolutionary situation in
           motifs, and representations of Babel were   It could be that Rodin's use of the spiral was   Germany, the spiral form never specifically
           based upon the formal characteristics of   influenced by Art Nouveau, for in the decora-  achieved the prominence it did in Russia; but
           Ziggurats and Mosques. Such representations   tive art of the 'nineties the spiral and its   a similar world consciousness of cosmic
           could involve either stepped or spiralling   variants are everywhere. But the only  Art   motion, of interpenetrating forces in perpetual
           forms; but the influence of Herodotus' des-  Nouveau  monument of real note for the pre-  activity extending their global influences,
           cription of spiral towers near Babylon caused   sent context is Obrist's Design for a Monument of   illuminates the writings and projects of the
           the latter type to achieve prominence. It   1902, which for the first time used the dia-  Glass Chain,  around such figures as Taut,
           appears that the seminal influence on such   gonally orientated spiral, while looking back   Scharoun and the Luckhardts. Hans Luck-
           images in the work of Jan Scorel, who for the   to the Rodin with its angel helping a figure to   hardt talked of his communist affiliations in
           first time transformed the traditional square   the summit. It is unlikely, however, that   the light of a demand for an un-schematized
           building with a flight of outside steps into a   Obrist was thinking in a specifically leftist   and 'dissolved' form, whose characteristic
           conical tower with a spiral ramp, was the   way, but rather of a general symbol for the   was to be freedom. Scharoun likewise men-
           helicoidal minaret of the Great Mosque at   elevation of mankind to spirituality.    tions 'passionate forces spreading from the
           Samarra. Borromini's spiral lantern can be   But international  Art Nouveau  did certainly   focal point of the red dawn of mankind'
           viewed against this background; and his   exert its influence on the revolutionary move-  which 'fill intellectual voids with whirlpools
           extension of the theme of the Holy Mountain   ment of Futurism. Van de Velde's famous   of fervent imagination'. And such descriptions
           to that of the House of Wisdom is thus an   dictum, 'a line is a force', is mirrored in   relate to the phenomenon noted by Siegfried
           important innovation.                     Boccioni's 'lines of force'; and Boccioni's    Kracauer where, in such films as  The Cabinet
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