Page 53 - Studio International - November 1969
P. 53

Someday soon somebody may very well adorn   contradict there. It is as if a poem written in   naivete, is unavoidably apparent in  Viola
          London with its latest hip  graffitti  slogan :   linked stanzas were read aloud: sometimes we   Sudan No. 5, where a large right angle in the
          `Kasmin Likes Tiepolesque Colours'. Is it   would be aware of a division and accept it,   upper left answers a smaller right angle in the
          at all possible that he supplies visiting   sometimes not notice it, sometimes realize that   lower right : there is no anxiety that the situa-
          American artists with free paint in these tones   we were passing it over but enjoying that in   tion could. become tackily katty-cornered', so
          from his back room, or is it really the case that   itself. In a way the rectangles, and some patch-  it doesn't.
          it just reveals a current predilection of New   es of pigment (especially in corners of the   Visiting this show and expecting pleasure, one
          York painters themselves ? At any rate, he has   rectangles), remind me of Hans Hoffman, but   found it. Come sky-diving with Bannard, go
          now put before us a number of compellingly   the effect is quite different. For one thing,   surfing, have some sherbert, enjoy the touch
          beautiful and unexpectedly expressionistic   there is—and I report this with a sense of   of flesh.
          paintings by Walter Darby Bannard, in just   relief—an utter minimum of dynamic, asser-  JOSEPH MASHECK
          these 'flavours'.                         tive, 'problem-solving' push-pull. The parts of
          Five large canvases comprised this exhibi-  each work hang together, without strain, in
          tion. Their titles alone convey a mood of   the plane. When you do notice the rectangles
          lyrical opulence together with overtones of   as a pattern, when they may appear as blocks   6
                                                                                               Peter Hide
          rich relaxation, like Wallace Stevens at Key   in a wall, they are more like blocks in a wall   Steel sculpture 1969
          West :  Louvain lights, Nos. 2 and  3; Hawaiian   which we are right up against; like Monet's   Mild steel sandblasted and varnished
          snow, Nos. 1 and  3; Viola Sudan, No. 5.  And   Water lilies they seem flat on the eyeball.   102 x 192 x 108 in.
          the paintings themselves reward this expecta-  There is a very pleasing unselfconscious   David Evison
          tion. Light-drenched and sunny, clear-skied   (and un-historically-worried) panache at work.   Untitled 1968-9
          and smooth-sailing, they thrill with a Riviera   Bannard just doesn't care whether we think   Painted steel
                                                                                               10 x 8 x 6 ft
          suavity.                                   he is turning back a chapter or two in the art
          All the works except Hawaiian snow No. 1 are   history textbook. Some strokes splash, some   Gerard Hemsworth
          built on a three-by-three module of nine equal   swell, some drip, some passages explode (but   Fibreglass sculpture 1969
          rectangular subdivisions of the canvas area;   in politely small explosions), and then there   Each unit 15 x 57 x 57 in.
          in  Hawaiian snow No. 1  the same principle   are, too, spots like the ring of the bottom of a   9
                                                                                               Alan Barklay
          applies to the basis of four by four. But it is   paint can in the upper right-hand corner of   Marion's window 1969
          interesting to consider that the statement of   Louvain lights No. 2.  Bannard just paints a   Painted plywood
                                                                                               84 x 84 x 84 in.
          this fact seems to convey an entirely wrong   picture to make it beautiful. Sometimes there
          impression. There are no dividing 'members'   is even  deliberate  calligraphy (so what if it's   John Fowler
          and there is no insistence upon the regularity   1969; A Painting is Forever), just for the hell   Untitled 1969
          of individual rectangles or the pattern they   of it. In Hawaiian snow No. 1 there is even a   Fibreglass
                                                                                               36 x 108 x 36 in.
          form: no structural armature, independent   prominent area in which a form with a limply
          of the actual colours, is implied by the system.   wavering outline is punctuated with a trail of   Walter Darby Bannard
          It is simply unobtrusive there, to notice and   blurping dots, evoking Miró.         Louvain lights No. 2 1969
                                                                                               Enamel on canvas
          assert in some passage here, or to ignore or    This unselfconsciousness, this sophisticated    66 x 99 in.
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