Page 44 - Studio International - September 1969
P. 44

The making of

      a multiple

      Peter Hobbs in discussion

      with Gene Baro

      BARO: Box is made up ofgeometric modules and   dealing with structural and formal geometrical   HOBBS:  Roughly speaking, yes. I had been
      is intended to be issued as a multiple. How do   problems. This was my initiation into the   thinking of box-formed sculptures for some
      you see this project—as closely related to your   fundamental beauty of pure geometry, which   time. This led me to think of the box as con-
      earlier paintings or as a departure from paint-  until then I had always avoided.   tainer—the whole box and content were to be as
      ing interests?                            This doesn't mean that I went wholly for im-  aesthetically and sculpturally valid. That is,
      HOBBS:  I think of Box  as sculpture. It relates   maculate anonymity. For instance, the sculp-  as a container in a necessary structural rela-
      to an architectural project I did in Italy in   ture that I'm making currently is realized   tionship to its contents. This was the basis of
      1964. This was most of the design of a luxury   through traditional rough sand-casting tech-  the present modular project.
      summer house; I provided conceptual draw-  niques. This method gives approximate    BARO: The elements of Box are capable of a great
      ings. In painting terms, I have been interested   results rather than exactitude of finish. Also,   number of arrangements. Do you take the
      in the box form from roughly 1961. From   it allows a flexibility of relating the separate   view that anything goes, or do you have pre-
      about 1959 British painting became accus-  cast parts in free composition.          ferred configurations in mind?
      tomed to Action Painting and Abstract     In the case of sculptures where I work through   HOBBS: Both. I started off with one configura-
      Expressionism, but also was beginning to take   industry, I can and do predetermine the   tion in mind — there's no ideal formulation—but
      on a secondary American influence — hard-  precise shape and surface.               naturally others began to suggest themselves.
      edge. It seemed to me then that the response   BARO :  You don't see any conflict in working   There are 192 elements in Box; all of them are
      of artists in this country was in some degree   in these two apparently opposite ways?   based upon cubes and rectangles. It's possible to
      academic, though I recognized the painting   HOBBS : No, I don't. For the reason that I'm   build many basic formal compositions, regular
      problems involved as valid. In my own work   not concerned with pursuing a stylized image   and static arrangements. But also it's possible
      of the time I tried to develop a new kind of   through the various media in which one works.   to make dynamic, irregular compositions— to
      pictorial space in order to express a personal   I'd rather get to the expression of content   be as romantic and expressive as you please.
      content. I thought of the box form as meta-  through the natural marriage of the idea and   One isn't stuck with symmetry and/or regu-
      physical, a world. In some of my paintings   the particular medium, its distinguishing   larity. The vocabularly of forms is sufficient
      of the period I populated the boxes. I was   qualities.                             for complex expression and depth of feeling.
      bringing personal expressiveness to formal   BARO: Box,  then, is closely related to the box   You might say that Box  covers all the archi-
      problems—a kind of relaxed spatial geometry.   form— the spatial vision—that pre-occupied you   tectural plots and scenarios from the Assyrians
      When I worked on the Italian house, for the   in painting. The problem is merely projected—  to Mies. And abstract sculpture being less
     first time in actual physical experience I was    extended and modified—in another medium.   complex, all those too. In practice, different
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