Page 35 - Studio International - April 1970
P. 35

For the Nazis there were no such problems.   modern art. The art of their 'new time' was   persecution (e.g. Nolde), while past membership of
                                                                                              a left-wing party did not automatically guarantee it
         In the total synchronization of all units to   not to be revolutionary but was to assert,
                                                                                              (e.g. the former  S.P.D.-affiliated architect, Paul
         total control, the administrative was more   through its concern with eternal formative
                                                                                              Bonatz), provided that the work in question did not
         important than the aesthetic. Those arts   values, its continuity and authority. Art, for   look leftist. But less prominent modern architects (i.e.
         which directly furthered practical or 'moral'   Hitler, was 'the faculty of overtaking the   those whose had not been attacked in the Nazi press)
         ends achieved prominence. Architecture has   reality of a time, that is of the present time,   were generally able to continue working if not in the
         been mentioned. Design and even gardening   through feeling and forming, and to render   public eye (e.g. Hans Mehrtens, teaching at Aachen,
                                                                                              Werner Hebebrand, practising at Frankfurt). Likewise,
         were also considered important for their   it with means especially adequate for such a
                                                                                              sculpture (excepting abstract and expressionist sculp-
         practicality. Interior decoration, it has been   task'. The 'adequate means' were especially   ture-e.g. Belling, Barlach) was less affected-Kolbe
         suggested, also contributed to the living plan   concerned with clarity. The stress placed by   received official support (as did sympathetic film-
         of the future since interior designers were   the Nazis on education, on controlled patron-  makers like Riefenstahl and art historians like Sedl-
         involved in producing special furniture for   age, on authoritative models indicates a   mayr). Moreover, the degree of persecution of 'degener-
                                                                                              ate' artists varied greatly: Freundlich was sent to a
          those receiving marriage loans, hence in-  belief in a 'rational' aesthetic of broad appeal.
                                                                                              concentration camp (where he died in 1943), Otto Dix
         directly furthering national fertility! Painting   And if some of this seems just a little familiar   was jailed (in 1939), Nolde and Schmidt-Rottluff were
         and sculpture were pushed into a clarity of   we should remember that the propagandist, as   forbidden to work at all, and Pechstein was simply for-
         depictive style so as to specifically illustrate   Aldous Huxley said, 'is a man who canalizes   bidden to exhibit. But those whose work did gain official
                                                                                              approval were very well off indeed: the sculptor Breker
          the new mythology. (Hitler threw out some   an already existing stream. In a land where
                                                                                              earned more in one year than Goebbels did in three.
         works from the 1937 exhibition of German   there is no water he digs in vain'.
                                                                                              8   Letter of June 1934. Gropius also initiated appeals by
         art at Munich with the words : 'I will not                                           Wagner and Häring. Wagner wrote of modern archi-
          tolerate unfinished pictures', dismissed the   Cf. Barbara Miller Lane,  Architecture and Politics in   tecture as suitable for the new 'revolutionary' times and
         jury members and appointed a photographer   Germany, 1918-1945, Cambridge, Mass., 1968, without   Häring stressed the original nationalistic connections of
          to administer the show.) All this was barbaric,   doubt the most useful book in this present context in   the Werkbund (cf. Lane,  Architecture and Politics,  181
                                                    discussing the inheritance of the political view of   and 263).
          but need not necessarily have produced bad                                          9  Novembergeist (November spirit) refers of course to the
                                                    architecture from Weimar to Hitler.
          art. After all, David's revolutionary style ful-                                    1918 Revolution. Hitler had called Weimar politicians
                                                    2   The party newspaper,  Völkischer Beobachter  (People's
          filled similar demands of clarity through the   Observer), was established in December 1920 by   `November criminals'.
          precise depiction of correct events; and Nazi   Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart. Völkisch implied racial   10   The importance of this speech was very considerable.
          painting is in some ways a kind of totalitarian   identification with the  Volk  (folk) who constituted a   Of it  Der S.A.-Mann  of September 18, 1937 noted:
                                                    nation; and with such words as  Kampfbund  (literally,   `This speech is undoubtedly the most important
          Istoria.  But here the impetus did not come                                         cultural-political document in modern times. And it
                                                    `struggle-federation'),  Kultur,  etc. forms part of the
          from advanced artists who were stifled lest                                         did not take long to make itself felt in a practical way.
                                                    emotional vocabulary of National Socialism.
          they disturb the ideal optimism which Nazi   3   Senger, a Swiss architect, published  The Crisis of   The custodians of all government and private museums
          painting showed. Concentrating on purely   Architecture (1928) and Moscow's Torch (1931), attacking   and art collections are busy removing the most hideous
          national utilitarian ends, painting became   the new architecture as part of an international   creations of a degenerate humanity and of a patho-
                                                    bolshevist plot to undermine culture. Le Corbusier   11 logical generation of "artists" '.
          idealistic, commemorative and mythological,
                                                    mentioned Senger's efforts `to create hostility to our    Cf. Robert J. Goldwater,  Primitivism in Modern
          and placed all stylistic or intellectual con-  endeavours at the exact moment when the final   Painting, New York, 1938.
          cerns in a secondary role. Similarly, any   decision was about to be made on who was to build the   12   The development of such ideas from Pinnies
          attempts towards intellectual detachment in   Palace of the League of Nations'.     through Nietzsche and beyond is summarized in Hans
          scholarship and criticism were outlawed.   4   The origins of the racialist interpretation of art go   Kohn,  Political Ideologies of the Twentieth Century,  3rd
                                                    back to writers like Max Nordau, Theodore Lothrop   edn., New York, 1966.
          Indeed, for Goebbels, the responsibility for
                                                    Stoddard, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, etc. In   13   No exact figure of confiscations can be given because
          the phenomenon of degeneration in art was                                           it appears that the accounts were tampered with to
                                                    Kunst und Rasse (1928), Schulze-Naumburg writes that
          in large measure laid at the door of art   `the battle of Weltanschauung to a large extent is fought   conceal 'unofficial' transactions by Nazi leaders.
          criticism: it had 'created the tendencies and   out in the field of art'. Sometimes the attempts to   14   Cf. 'Whether the material presented is true or
          the isms. It did not judge artistic development   associate art and racial characteristics produces pas-  untrue, the operator sincere or insincere, his aims
                                                    sages like Guenther's 'Was it the dinaric blood in the   "good" or "bad", is entirely irrelevant. What makes
          in terms of a healthy instinct linked to the
                                                    Nordic-dinaric Dürer which opened up in him the   behaviour propaganda is the manner in which the
          people, but only in terms of the emptiness of                                       material is presented, just as much as its content.'
                                                    southern art will, the dinaric blood, which is inclined to
          its intellectual abstractness'. 'The artist does   facilitate the transition of the soul across the Alps to   ( J. A. C. Brown,  Techniques of Persuasion,  Harmonds-
          not create for the artist', said Hitler, 'he   upper Italy?'                        worth, 1963.)
          creates for the people and we will see to it that   Darré was essentially an agricultural expert. His   15 i.e. `German-ness equals clarity'. For a discussion of
                                                    notions of Blut und Boden (blood and soil) were signifi-  this concept: Lane, Architecture and Politics, ch. VIII.
          henceforth the people will be called in to
                                                    cant for the new anti-urbanism.           16   Speer succeeded Paul Ludwig Troost, the designer
          judge its art.'                                                                     of the Munich House of German Art, after Troost's
                                                    6   The attention of radical architects to practical prob-
          By taking art from the artists and giving it to   lems from c.1924 ff. helped identify their style as   death in 1934, and later became a powerful member of
          the people (another aspect of the 'democratic'   machine-orientated, and it came to be called   the Nazi government.
          technique of totalitarianism), the scope of   `functionalist' (Zweckmässigkeit) or 'the new practicality'   17   Gustav Metzger, 'Automata in history',  Studio
                                                    or 'new objectivity' (die neue Sachlichkeit). I use the word   International,  March 1969, 107-9. If one accepts this
          propaganda was extended. But fine art itself
                                                    `practicality' to refer to such notions. The term was of   point of view, the evidence that certain Ring architects
          played but a limited part in this propaganda.                                       wished to continue their work under the Nazis will
                                                    course also used for post-expressionist painting (cf.
          Following the spirit of the 20s the Nazis   Fritz Schmalenbach, 'Die neue Sachlichkeit',  Art   appear very significant.
          employed a very broad range of propaganda   Bulletin XXII, 1940, 161-5).            18   Raum  (space) was the all-over dimension of the
          forms, and the most useful and effective were   7   For a summary of the scope of the Reichskultur-  creative process,  heimat  (homeland) its meaning and
                                                    kammer: Ernest K. Bramsted,  Goebbels and National   content, and  kulturlandschaft  (cultural landscape) its
          the recently extended fields of print, film and
                                                    Socialist Propaganda,  Michigan, 1965. There were seven   desired result Such concepts are discussed in Helmut
          radio. The inventions of the 'hot' 20s were                                         Lehmann-Haupt,  Art under a Dictatorship,  New York,
                                                    individual chambers, for literature, theatre, music, film,
          utilized to extend the sphere of Nazi influ-  fine arts, the press, and broadcasting. By the end of   1954.
          ence. In this total situation, space itself be-  1936 there were some 42,000 members of the Fine Arts
          came a strategic concept  (raum)  towards the   section. Only racial or political affiliation appears to   Photo credits.
                                                    have affected applications to the Reichskulturkammer.   The Wiener Library of the Institute of Contemporary
          cultural totality of a  kulturlandschaft  and it
                                                    Likewise, proscribed art falls mainly into the following   History: Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23.
          was manipulated in a controlled but rhetorical
                                                    categories: Jewish (e.g. Chaghall, Soutine), 'primitivis-  Marlborough Fine Art: Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12.
          way).  8                                  ing' expressionist (e.g. Heckel, Kirchner), leftist (e.g.   Lords Gallery: Nos. 8, 19, 20.
          Although the Nazis drew on modernist      Grosz, Dix), and 'bolshevik' Bauhaus (e.g. Kandinsky,   The Imperial War Museum and the National Film
          idioms their art was, of course, in no sense a    Klee). Nazi party membership did not itself prevent    Archive: Nos. 13, 14, 16.
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