Page 44 - Studio International - December 1970
P. 44
Least event ship appear to be in accord, but whereas these Language used as a means of maintaining an
came from an overlap among different established event, a steady-state, and
as a habit. . . scientific disciplines, noit is a stratagem. Language used as a means of inserting a
change-of-state, may use the same marks,
In this perspective, a least event is incidence the same noises, the same syntax—or not.
how basic is of not-nothing on nothing, for a least instant ...
the basis of structure in events. If this binary The distinguishing feature may be discovered
physics? state were a random occurrence there would only in the context in which either appears.
be no world of any kind other than the single
There is another distinction between attitudes
characteristic, 'not-nothing'. That events to a situation, which becomes clear in the area
John Latham recur on the widest range of time-bases, of initial assumptions ....
compulsively and regularly, requires a third
explanatory element. If we were to examine Statements and descriptions purporting to tell
the concept 'habit', is there not an event that us what the world is like may carry an
takes place again, when the initial circum- insistence to the extent of its constituting
stances turn up again? It may be possible to 'belief' —a long-term event image that
cite neurological patterns that accompany persists. Activity associated with this has
the habit and 'cause' it but this could be to been called 'science'. Its committed
confuse impulse with means. On the primitive principle is based on Similar description,
scale there is no such possibility and the thought to comprise a body of 'know-
tendency to take place, on whatever scale and ledge'.
Is there an activity that defies its own defini- with whatever strength, is referred to as
tion by denying the validity of any given insistence. A stable event-pattern with a time-
definition ? base below a certain level will appear as an
inert fixture—until it is interrupted, at which
There is a term— juncture a measure of the stability and insis-
NOIT tence of the image will be manifested as
which specifies an intention by its method of `energy'.
derivation— (the suffix `-tion')
and which states gratuitously an axiomatic An activity that defies its own definition by
base (no it) for the conception of all things denying validity to any given definition.
making up the 'real' world ... and the terms or
language which are used to describe that. The introduction of the noit concept is neces-
`NO IT' should be taken to mean that the sary to an account of language.
solid material world is not neuter, as well as
proposing that the solidity is an effect of pri- If a fundamental error exists in the mental
mary principles. This is drawn from a premise installations of a power structure, a popula-
whereby the concept 'particle' as a non- tion, or aggregate, it will carry with it a A complementary activity exists which uses
reducible element is discarded on the basis certain insistence while the instability is not Difference. In this connection it seems
that it is not minimal with respect to time, and clear. 'Error' is described as a non-overlap proper that all possibilities for the engi-
that notions associated with it are inconsistent. between an assumed picture and its object, neering of conceptual material falling
In physics the minimal entity is still thought and the signs of it are instability and declining within this group on whatever event-
of as particle ... as for example : insistence. However, a fixed idea of a kind base and using whatever 'medium'
Is it not possible, one must ask, to split the that is basic to many activities may be neces- acknowledged as obverse to 'science'.
elementary particles ? If the answer to this sary to the long-term development of the unit.
question is 'yes' then they are not atoms, Threats to the existence of that system are Motivation and Structure have become one
not indivisible units. If it is `no' then one just like attempts to interrupt any stable and the same. q
has to explain why it should be impossible system—but the 'energy' output in this level of
to split the elementary particles. activity is seen as 'psychological'. In the * Introduction to Psychophysical Cosmology; The 0 structure;
(Heisenberg, Natural Science address, unstable situation certain ideas will seek to and ISMI publications (Institute for the Study of
Athens 1964) occupy the same areas, and will insist on Mental images; now c/o Anita Koshen, 43 Rosslyn Hill,
London NW3)
countering them to their innate capacity.
Here lies the body.
Here and now it may be agreed that we have
A terminology that is so firmly embedded in such an unstable situation, as a population.
the premise that 'matter' is somewhere a solid And in it, if there is one tactic open to the
is in great diff iculty, and the resultant pro- incoming idea or long-term event that has a
blems and compensatory devices for reassuring chance of persuading and winning by means
everybody that all is well show up in every that can be respected unconditionally, it is in
department of life. Noit proposes a different this activity that defies its definition.
logic that places extension in time in the key
dimension of 'real' phenomena, and proceeds Is this what people mean when they say 'art' ?
from there to suggest that a least event could
lead to the apparent but very misleading If the answer to this question is 'yes' it is
`particle'. In this conception the observations possible to look at the situation freshly without Least event as a habit 1970
of Gregory and Kohsen* in which causality is semantic mazes, and with a tactical device 1 litre vacuum flask contained
within 5-litre vacuum glass
replaced by the idea of informational relation- for dissolving them. Courtesy: Lisson Gallery, London