Page 69 - Studio International - December 1970
P. 69
Directory of Selection oflithographs and prints. 9473).
Brusberg, 3000 Hanover, Friedrichswall 13 im
Twentieth-century artists in limited editions: Alexanco,
galleries_ Kubus, Germany (Tel. 2 35 74). Bellany, Berlewi, Crozier, etc.
Everyman Cinema Foyer, Holly Bush Vale,
Graphics by Altenbourg, Arp, Bellmer, Braque,
Chagall, Cimiotti, Dali, d'Arcangelo, etc.
Bucholz, 8 Munich 22, Maximilianstrasse 29 (Tel. NW3 (Tel. 01-435 4071).
Graphic artists mostly from Hampstead. 5-30 gns.
(0811) 29 88 41). Folio Fine Arts Ltd., 6 Stratford.Place, Wl (Tel.
Wide selection of graphics. Prices DM 40-2000. 01-493 9014).
Century, Thames Side, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 Prints from 1500 to present day. Also contemporary
2LJ. graphics. Prices £2-£400.
Note new address. Prints, lithographs and screenprints. Forum, 16 Market Street, Brighton, Sussex. (Tel.
Colophon, Piazza Cavour I, Milan 20121 (Tel. 0273-28578).
650 090). Aims to hold a representative stock of twentieth-
W P Avenue; Stocks multiples and a wide selection of prints pub century graphic work, with a bias towards the figurative.
Toronto (Tel. EMP 3-2174). lished by other presses. Latest editions: 4 silkscreens by Fulham, 361 New Kings Road, SW6 (Tel. 01-736
b th artists-Harvey, Roy Lichtenstein-Untitled (2) Hays_tack Landscape. 4578).
I artists- Alechinsky, Colour Print, 2 Motcomb Street, SWl, incor Screenprints and poetry prints produced in the gallery
Kokoschka, porating School Prints Ltd and Motcomb workshop. The gallery is closed to the public owing to
Lam, Leger, Mir6, Moore, Poliakoff, etc. Frames Ltd (Tel. 01-235 4567 /8). reorganization. All enquiries for prints to 01-736 4578.
3 St W 01-493 Original lithographs (signe� and numbered) by Braque, Furneaux, 23 Church Road, Wimbledon, SW19
4226). Marini, Miro. Large editions of original graphics by (Tel. 01 946 4114).
L of Editions Dufy, Moore, Picasso, Topolski, Tunnard etc. 4000 Prints by contemporary artists. Prices 5-20 gns.
A'.lecto. Holds monthly changing exhibitions of graphics. colour prints, 2 hire schemes. Prices £1-£700. Gallery 1640-1445 Crescent Street, Montreal 1Q7,
East S New Compass, 178 West Regent Street, Glasgow C2 Canada (Tel. 849-2906).
York 100022 (Tel. PLAZA 2-0124). (Tel. 041-221 6370). ' Open longer than any other Canadian gallery dealing
Prints by Christensen, Frankenthaler and Hock Permanent Print Section includes works by print exclusively in original prints. Mounts shows regularly.
ney, including Six Fai Tales by the Brothers"Grimm. makers throughout UK. Principal stockists of'leading Gemini G.E.L., 8365 Melrose Avenue, Los
Angela Lisle Street, 01- Scottish contemporary printmakers. Stockists of Marl Angeles, California 90069 .(Tel. 651-0516 and 651-
734 0240). borough Graphics. 0513).
Prints in stock by the following artists: Berry, Hughes, Compendium, 2a Salisbury Road, Moseley, Prints and publishes original graphics and sculpture
Kunst, Neiland, Phillips, Rothenstein, Schmidt, Smith, Birmingham 13 (Tel. 021-449 0811). multiples by noted contemporary artists. Recent print
Sutton and Yale. In January the Gallory is mounting a Specializing in screen, etching and lino prints by releases by Kelly, Lichenstein, Rauschenberg and
of b c artists. British artists. Stella. Recent three-dimensional objects by Lichten
T w w un Compendium 2, 137 Fulham Road, SWl (Tel. stein and Oldenburg.
limited postcards made from those originals. Artists so 01-589 0646). Godard Lefort, 1490 Sherbrooke Guest, Montreaf
far in the show are: Beuys, Boyd, Brecht, Leslie Evans, In graphics the gallery folio contains the work of 109, Canada (Tel. (514) 932-8620).
Hamilton, Hockney, Hughes, Iannone; Lovell-, artists both established and new to the London scene. Godard Multiples, a branch of Galerie Godard Lefort,
Phillips, Rot, Wewerka. Court, 0stergada 24, Copenhagen K, Denmark specializes in the graphic work of international and
Annely Juda Fine Art, 11-: ... 12 Mews, Tel. 1120 50). Canadian artists represented by the ,main gallery.
W (Tel. 01-580 7593). Retail outlet for Court Graphics. Artists include Balle, The Multiple Gallery edits and publishes albums of
b C Carzou, Brands, Daskaloff, Rooskens, Vielfaure etc. prints and multiples by Canadian artists.
Gramse, Cross Keys, Wycombe End, Beaconsfield (Tel. Gorner and Millard, 58/60 Ken�ay Road, SW5
Green, Hadad, by Berrocal; 049 46 4012). (Tel. 01-373 0652 or 7411).
Romeo and Juliet, Mini-David. Prints available by the following: Alechinsky, Barker, Wide selection oflithographs, etchings and screenprints
A 33 01-730 Kelly, Koster, Sutton, Thomson, etc. Prices 5-40 gns. published by the gallery, Prices £10-;C35.
0444). Crossley, 4 Crossley Street, Melbourne, Australia Grabowski, 84 Sloane Avenue, SW-3 (Tel. 01-589
Graphics by Hockney, Tilson, etc. 5-200 gns. (Tel. 662 1271). 1868).
Anthony Dawson, 12 Marlborough Court, Pem Established in 1966, the only gallery in Australia deal Contemporary prints by British and Polish artists.
broke Road, W8 (Tel. 01-937 6213). ing exclusively in original prints. Publishers of Edition Prices 12-50 gns.
contem Crossley, lithographs and original prints. Grosvenor, 3g Davies Street, Wl (Tel. 01-629
i by Curwen, 1 Colville Place, Wl (Tel. 01-636 1459). 0891).
appointment at the above address. Lithographs from the Curwen Studio and prints by Grosvenor is the first UK gallery to show works by
S BS 4QP over 200 artists. Curwen editions may be hired. living Soviet artists. Graphics selections, Art Nouveau
(Tel. 0272-20742). David Stuart, Contemporary, Pre-Columbian lithographs and posters by Alphonse Mucha, graphics
of printmakers - and Primitive ,:\Its, 807 N. La Cienega Blvd, Los of the twenties. Grosvenor Gallery posters.
(catalogue sheets Over 400 original prints Angeles, California 90069 (Tel. OL 2-7422). Hansen-Fuller, 228 Grant Avenue, San Francisco,
by· all major British Handles the contemporary works of artists: Altoon, California 94108 (Tel. )415) 982 4212).
print publishers. Unframed prices £6-£450. Multiples Andrews, Beasley, Copley, etc. Handles graphics from Gemini G.E.L.
by Unlimited, Maximal, Museum of Modern Art, NY. Der Spiegel, 5 Cologne 1, Richartztrasse 10 (Tel. Harcus-Krakow, 167 Newb ury Street, Boston,
Ars K 8000 C,. Den (0221) 21 56 77). Mass. 02116 (Tel. 617 262-4483).
mark. Edition portfolios in stock include sets by Anuszkiewicz, Original graphics and multiples by Albers, Anuskie
Alternating exhibitions of graphics from various coun Brecht, Fruhtrunk, Geiger, Krieg, Morellet. Edition wicz, Bush, d'Arcangelo, Indiana,Johns, etc.
of well- MAT multiples and selection of graphics available. Heiner Friedrich, Munich 22, Maximilian
known artists. On permanent are works by Desmond Page, 2 Ar gy ll Road, W8 (Tel. 01-937 strasse 13 (Tel. 0811 29 50 21).
Albers, Geiger, Hockney, Johns, Jones, 0804). Editions by Judd, DM 11,000 (DM 900 each); LeWitt,
K K Rauschen A very good selection of Pop artists, especially the work DM 2100; Palermo,DM90-900;Richter, DM 150-750.
berg, etc. Copenhagen Pilestraede 43, of Richard Hamilton and David Hockney. First Howard 'Roberts, 49 Westgate Street, Cardiff
3, 1112 Copenhagen K, Denmark. prints by Brendan Nciland. Prices £25-£500. (Tel. 0222 22938).
A Wa S Farn- De Vorzon, 7441 N. La Cienega Boulevard, Los Main suppliers for lithographs, etchings, contemporary
ham, Surrey (Tel. 025 13 3208). Angeles, California 90069. prints etc., for this part of the UK since 195 7.
L include: Original graphics by the Masters. Ikon Ltd., Swallow Street, Birmingham 1 (Tel.
Ayrton, Bicat, Coutu, Hermes, Kelly, Koster, etc. Dickerson, Larkin, 6 Queens Mansions, 230
Axiom, 79 Duke Street, Wl (Tel. 01-493 6646). West End Lane, NW6 (Tel. 01-242 2570, 01-435 021 643 0708).
Contemporary prints by Antonakos, Baertling, Calde Contemporary prints and multiples Prices 3s to £30.
H Lim, 8156). International Editions Inc., 115 East 23rd
Private dealers in original prints and multiples. Sole
Morley, Peire, Plumb, etc. Prices £5-£65. dealers in Jeffrey Edwards in the UK. Prices £15-£650. Street, New York 10010 (Tel. (212) 673 8240).
Lane, 4EJ Unlimited editions of graphics, multiple objects,
(Tel. 0865-49280). Don Quixote, 4 Seymour Place, Wl (Tel. 01-262 posters, tapestries, art books and catalogues.
700 prints of which up to 300 are now 9111). Kasmin, 118 New Bond Street, WIY ODQ (Tel.
displayed in a wall-hanging unit. Prices £2-£80. Spanish engraving and lithography. 01-629 2821-2).
2 West 57th St York Dresdnere, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5, Graphics by artists exhibiting with the gallery,
Cl 7 7480). Canada (Tel. (416) 923-4662). occasionally Johns. Prices from 20 gns.
Prints by George, Liberman, Porter, etc. Lithographs, etchings, woodcuts, Iino-cuts, etc., by the Kovler, 952 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
Hants following artists: Braque, Chagall, Ciry, Clave, etc. Illinois 60611 (Tel. 642-8420).
(Tel. 026 476 278). Drian, 5-7 Porchester Place, W2 (Tel. 01-723 Master prints from the sixteenth century to the