Page 26 - Studio International - February 1970
P. 26
News `I don't know much about art but I know what Art and Idea 1970: Two intensive courses in
I like and I'm prepared to put my money where Painting and Design are sponsored by the Inter-
my mouth is. I'm betting I know what other people national School in Spain, dates July 18 to August 1
and notes will buy', says Angela Flowers, who is taking the and August 1 to 15. The location is the city of
plunge and opening a new gallery next month Ronda, chosen for its exceptional setting and light,
which may well prove to be London's hardest to and the courses are intended for professionals and
find since it's two floors up over the AIA Gallery serious amateurs. The teachers are Harry Thubron,
in Lisle Street. Terry Frost and John Hoyland. A few vacancies
may still be available for people making their own
The invitation to an exhibition entitled 'the travel and lodging arrangements. Enquiries should
Cosmic Oven' at the Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, be made direct to : The Secretary, The Inter-
John Lennon's show of drawings at the London is printed on flimsy graph paper and announces national School in Spain, Casa de Mondragón,
Arts Gallery in Bond Street was raided by police `F. Scott Fitzgerald. Newscast—Bullring, Birming- Ronda, Spain. Tel. Ronda 871313.
on January 16. Six plainclothesmen, one of them ham. Dog. Nuclear fallout shelters, USA. Take one
an inspector, two uniformed policemen and a Wall Street Journal once a day. 40 long-legged Les Levine's latest venture, or the latest to
photographer arrived with a warrant at eleven in girls. They perform every day of the year, and they come to our attention, is into the field of publish-
the morning. They remained till two-thirty, search- present a sight that cannot be missed.' The exhibi- ing. Culture Hero—'a fanzine of the super stars'—is
ing the entire premises, and left finally with eight tion, which opened on 13 January, is of the work published monthly by N.I.L. from 119 Bowery,
pictures from Lennon's show but nothing else. A of Colin Hitchmough. New York, and is edited by Claudia Dreifus. In a
Picasso of a copulating couple and a Rembrandt of typical underground press format and on typical
Joseph seducing Potifar's wife were not considered Five artists—Larry Bell, Michael Asher, Franz underground press paper, Culture Hero deals with
offensive enough for inclusion—a favourable con- Walther, Robert Morris, Dan Flavin, and a typical underground press subject matter—inter-
trast with the behaviour of the Australian police as collaborative group each given an area of the views with pop stars, and other members of the
reported in the correspondence columns of this Museum of Modern Art New York's ground floor cross-cultural elite, art coverage, sex uncoverage,
issue. The raid, in fact, was conducted with the galleries and garden in which to work, have poetry, etc. There is a mildly scurrilous column
utmost decorum throughout. Whether a prosecu- created an exhibition called 'Spaces' which will packed with entertaining New York art gossip, an
tion will follow is not yet known. be open to the public till March 1. account of 'Telephone Art' in Chicago, etc.
Maurice Tuchman's 'Art and Technology' pro- The eight sculptors who in October 1969 exhi- The Computer Arts Society's fifth bulletin
gramme at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art bited their work at the Stockwell Depot, Comber- Page includes a review of the collected writings of
has been chosen to be one of the seven exhibits in mere Road, SW9 have been invited to Norway. Michael Noll of Bell Telephone Inc., who is best
the United States Pavilion at the Japan World The Exhibition, called 'Stockwell Depot Sculp- known for his psychological experiments based on
Exposition in Osaka this year. Eight American tors', opened on Saturday January 24 at the Mondrian's Composition with Lines and a computer-
artists will present works comprised of strobe lights, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo and continues until generated picture resembling it.
gas plasmas, film, pseudo-scopic mirrors and other February 13, 1970. Five of the sculptors have done
technological tools. The exhibition, with addi- special installations and have been invited to Artists' materials: Rowney's retail showroom in
tional work by sixteen artists, returns to the Los Norway as guests of the Kunstnernes Hus and the Percy Street, London Wl, has been redesigned on
Angeles County Museum in 1971. British Council. (These are Brener, Fagin, Hems- self-selection lines.
worth, Hide and Louw.) The Exhibition will then
The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York travel to the Goteborgs Konstmuseum, Gothen- E.A.T. announces an exhibition, 'Projects out-
is exhibiting its collection of medieval iron-work burg, Sweden where it will open on March 7. side Art', to be held at Automation House, 49
for the first time at the Cloisters. The exhibition Negotiations are under way for it to be seen in East 68th St, New York City, in October 1970.
continues till June 12. further museums in Hamburg and Rotterdam. Projects for the exhibition will deal with such sub-
This will be the first time all the sculptors at the jects as education, health, housing, concern for the
Two new galleries have recently opened in Lon- Stockwell Depot have exhibited together abroad, natural environment, climate control, transporta-
don: the Sigi Krauss Gallery at 29 Neal Street, and the tour has been organized by Nigel Green- tion, energy production and distribution, com-
WC2 and the new Arts Unlimited Gallery at 80 wood Inc. Ltd. with assistance from the British munication, food production and distribution,
Grosvenor Street, Wl. Council. women's environment, cooking, entertainment,
sports, etc. They will be developed by five teams of
artists, engineers, scientists and other professionals
THE working in collaboration.
Charles Biederman's article, 'A Note on New
STUDIO Arts', published in the January issue of Studio
International, should have appeared with the follow-
ing addition which was received too late for
inclusion: 'This article was written specifically for
the catalogue of my Hayward Gallery exhibition
75 years ago September—October 1969 and is published here
It is not quite to the credit of London as a centre of without change. In my view it deals with a crucially
artistic feeling that it should be notoriously such a important problem relevant to the determination
bad place for artists. Perhaps the cause of this is to of future art. So far this problem has been very
be sought in the fact that London is the one great superficially, therefore irrelevantly, considered
market for the works of the old masters and other with chauvinism from both sides of the Atlantic,
painters of the past. What money it has to spend is particularly and significantly, by the French and
lavished in the sale-rooms, where pictures are the Americans. C.B.'
bought less as pleasant possessions than as objects
A Space of Five Times, the social-surrealistic for secure investment. Correction: In the January issue (p 6) William
environment at the Grabowski Gallery, London Scott was listed as the first prize winner at the
till February 13, is the work of Geoff MacEwan, 50 years ago John Moores Liverpool exhibition in 1959. In fact
Maggi Hambling and Harry Biggin. It was origin- The British Institute of Industrial Art. William Scott was awarded the first prize for a
ally presented by the three artists as their Post- This Institute came into existence early in 1919 at British painting by a British jury under the chair-
graduate Diploma in Fine Art at the Slade in 1969, the instance of two Government departments— the manship of Eric Newton, which also awarded
but it has been revised for this showing. Above: Board of Education and the Board of Trade. a French painting prize to Paul Reyberolle and a
part of the 'social area' and its clock. Briefly stated, the primary purpose for which the sculpture prize to Hubert Dalwood. A jury of
Institute has been established is to secure for art foreign critics (A. M. Hammacher, G. C. Argan
The Howard Wise Gallery is currently showing full recognition in the new order of things and and Kurt Martin) subsequently awarded a grand
Paul Williams' first one-man exhibition of kinetic especially to foster a closer alliance between art and prize to Patrick Heron, whose painting was chosen
light works. The next exhibition, starting on industry than has hitherto existed. A concerted out of twenty-five British and twenty-five French
February 21, is 'Magnetic Fields' by Takis. effort of this kind is long overdue with us. works selected by the British jury.