Page 33 - Studio International - February 1970
P. 33

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          more self-contained  Adam.  There was the   tile softness of the canvas texture omni-  an urge to work in free-standing sculpture;
          unique The Voice. Its whitenesses are colouris-  present through the thin matte pigment. This   and Here I, made in wood and plaster at the
          tically differentiated by the discretion between   warm softness holds the crisp cool 'logic' of   time he was under pressure to complete
          enamel and egg-tempera (yes, egg-tempera,   the bands' placement, so that one's empathy   paintings for his 1951 exhibition, seems an
          with its thirteenth-century heritage). As an   with any vertical carries a gently ordered   inevitable concretion of Newman's concern
          all-over 'white on white' painting it has the   participation with the 'we' of others.  The   with the physicality of the vertical. Again, it
          softness of a vowel slightly wider than square—  Wild  is more physically violent : itself a   is not just the material uprights which
          and it is more romantically 'impure' in the   material 'zip' as tall as the others but less than   achieve this, but the relation between two
          subjectivity of its expression than the non-  two inches wide, its dominating, searing gash   verticals establishing a spatial place  (alluded
           colour geometry-related absolutisms of earlier   of shiny cadmium red impasto seems to   to in Concord) around which one can walk. As
           Malevich or later Reinhardt. There were the   squeeze the translucent ultramarine base pig-  in  The Wild,  the rough edges of one vertical
           extraordinary  Vir Heroicus Sublimis  and  The   ment into tenuously spatial lateral edges   slow vision along its axis and, with the slight
           Wild: both using physical proportions with a   crispened by the edges of the frame which   curve closing the verticals towards the top,
           dramatically externally directed scale, con-  accentuates the painting's protrusion from   help to maintain attention  within  the piece.
           trasts of hue and intensity rather than tonal   the wall. On one hand,  The Wild is like an   This curve (seldom evident in photographs)
           value in colour, and strongly tactile experien-  attenuated slice of the left side of Joshua,  a   and the proportions of the base(s) also help
           ces of pigment and canvas.  Vir Heroicus Sub-  small painting exhibited simultaneously; but   to make Here I seem to rise, rather than to be
           limis  has an almost 18-foot width which fills   its extreme contrasts in scale of colour, pig-  gravitationally rooted in the existentially
           one's lateral vision and dominates one's   ment, and physical proportions create an   morose clay footwork of Giacometti's Walking
           personal 'place' experience. Its close har-  energy which bursts through its character as a   Men.  The base also accentuates the interval
           monies of colour—of intensities and hue   physical line to radiate vitality into its en-  between spatial and material verticals as a
           between the flat-edged vertical zips and   vironment.                               place 'other' than everyday usable space—a
           lateral expanse of red— complement the tac-   From The Wild, it is not a surprising jump to    place as specially artistic in its human stance
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