Page 60 - Studio International - February 1970
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On Exhibition lately shown at the Basle Museum, Basle, 6 Cup, Ting ware. Porcelain with moulded
Switzerland, and now on view at the Gimpel design under an ivory glaze, diameter 3 in.,
Fils Gallery, February 3 to March 7. Sung dynasty, eleventh to twelfth century,
London 1 La Bagarre, india ink and coloured 4 Real Flowers and Painted Hats 1969, oil on from the Chinese Art exhibition at the
crayon, 13 x 11 in., by Théophile Steinlen board, 48 x 31 in., from an exhibition of Victoria and Albert Museum till March 18.
(ex. coll: Jeanne Campagne) from the show twenty-five oil paintings by Norman Gilbert Included are outstanding examples of the
of recent acquisitions at the Ewan Phillips at the Upper Grosvenor Galleries from bronze art of the Shang and Chou periods;
Gallery. Steinlen is only one of the well-known February 17 to March 7. Gilbert was born in metalwork and sculptural pieces from the
nineteenth- and twentieth-century artists Trinidad of Scottish parents in 1926. His medieval centuries; and a superb series of
whose work is represented. Paintings, draw- education was undertaken in Scotland where ceramic wares ranging from the Neolithic
ings and sculpture by Rodin, Barye, Derain he has lived since 1948 despite dismissal from period to the Ch'ing dynasty, from the Mount
and Moore among others, are also available. Glasgow School of Art for being unteachable Trust collection by the late Captain Vivian
The exhibition continues till the first week and rejection some years later, when he tried Bulkeley-Johnson. The collection is on loan
in March. Prices £20 to £25,000. Edinburgh College of Art, as being 'a to the Museum and will tour the provinces
Orange in deep cadmium with venetian 1969, dangerous influence to have around'. after its London showing.
oil on canvas, 6 ft 10 in. x 11 ft, by Patrick 5 Detail from Snake on Wheels 1969, gloss on 7 Bodhisattva. Figure, dry lacquer, 20½ in.
Heron, from an exhibition of his most recent hardboard, 4 x 3 ft, by Patrick Hughes, high, Sung dynasty; about thirteenth
work at the Waddington Gallery II, till from an exhibition of his work which will century, from the same exhibition.
February 7. inaugurate the Angela Flowers Gallery,
3 Untitled, brush drawing by Alan Davie, opening above the AIA Gallery in Lisle
from an exhibition of 350 of his drawings Street, on February 11.