Page 91 - Studio International - July August 1970
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and highly unverified. Schwarz makes no   Faith or good works ?                     is not enough. In the end it looks like a
         attempt to trace in depth the technical nature   Op  Art  by Cyril Barrett. 192 pp. 20 colour   reluctance to commit oneself to anything.
         of Duchamp's activity. The important trans-  plates, 45 half-tone illustrations and 54 line-  Fr Barrett gives us an historical introduction,
         itional period, which began in 1911, is in-  block illustrations. Studio Vista. 84s.   from Turner and Impressionism onwards, a
         sufficiently researched. No new facts are                                           useful section on the main optical effects and
         brought to light and Schwarz relies heavily on   The key issue of Father Barrett's book con-  their exploitation by artists, and then a rather
         common knowledge. Whenever a fact is      fronts us even before we have opened it. Printed   short section on the main propagators of Op
         acknowledged he goes off on a tangent and   on its see-through jacket is a pattern of black   in Britain and America and on the Continent.
         attempts to 'interpret' it. There is an exces-  lines. The same pattern is repeated on the   There are quite a number of not very signific-
         sive use of psychoanalytical cliché. Duchamp's   cover of the book. As we handle the thing,   ant mistakes (the oddest of which is the notion
         own comments, which are quoted extensively   small movements between jacket and book   that, a propos some Balla decorations, the word
         in the text, are often dismissed, patro-  produce quite powerful moiré effects. Nobody   `casa' is the recipient's Christian name).
         nizingly, particularly when they contradict   is credited with the design or invention. Is it   Some mistakes or mis-steerings are more
         the author's theories. Schwarz falls down on   a work of art ?                      worrying. For instance, Fr Barrett talks of the
         several counts. In 1923, Duchamp 'retired'   It's not a question we can evade when what   optical flicker in a Mondrian painting of 1917,
         and, notwithstanding his avowed indifference,   you and I may accept as an art form, but   one of the 'plus and minus' pictures, and gives
         became an assiduous conservator of his own   many others have challenged, derives as   us a hard black on hard white line-block
         works. The inherent implications of this   directly as Op has done from scientific dia-  illustration of it. Has he ever seen the original ?
         should have been discussed. The author's   grams and demonstrations. Fr Barrett,    He says that in Britain 'the earliest Op paint-
         estimation of Duchamp's achievement is    lecturer in aesthetics and philosophy, knows   ings seem to have been done by Steele in
         negligible. There is no real comparative   this. He is quite generous with quotations   1950'. If it matters, could we have more
         evaluation. He treats Duchamp in isolation,   from critics (mostly American) and also from   information and more evidence?
         consults the witchdoctors Jung and Freud,   artists that relegate Op to the category of   A friend tells me I should at this point declare
         and milks the diagnosis throughout the entire   mindless trickery. But he fails to provide an   the fact that I was educated by Benedictines
         monograph. A lot of stuff has been written   answer. He asserts that Op artists do not use   and thus am not likely to be objective about
         about Duchamp over the past fifty years or so,   the devices they do use for their own sake   a book by a Jesuit. I declare it, though it all
         both for and against. Schwarz cites only the   (whatever that would mean), that Op images   seems a long time ago and another world. My
         fans. The book should have been more critical,   produce psychological reactions of a partic-  point about books about art that are really
         more of a polemic. Duchamp is overrated,   ular sort (the same reactions in everybody,   books about selected words about art seems
         anyway. Schwarz is too reverent, too ecstatic,   some would say, thus making Op the most   more relevant. Perhaps, so help me, it's all
         and at times delirious. Duchamp doesn't   democratic medium ever), and that therefore   the same thing. 	q
         deserve this kind of adulation. No one does.   Op artists, however much or little they con-  NORBERT LYNTON
         In many ways, the text is a disservice to the   sciously direct their choices, are in the
         artist. The definitive book has yet to be writ-  communication business like every other artist.
         ten. Apparently, this one was endorsed and   It happens I agree with this as a general   Contributors
         finally approved by Duchamp. He must have   theory but it doesn't satisfy me and wouldn't   Andrew Forge, painter and writer, is Head
         been pulling Schwarz's leg. Or perhaps he   even amuse a non-believer. Do we have to   of the Department of Painting at Gold-
         envisioned it as a posthumous joke. 	q    assert, for Op's sake, that diagrams and   smith's College, London....  Paul Oliver is
                                                   demonstrations cannot ever produce compar-  Head of the Department of Arts and History
         Don Judd remarked somewhere that Ameri-   able reactions? Better not. Do we then have   at the Architectural Association School of
         cans have for a century or so pretended to   to talk of intention? The artist's, the specta-  Architecture. ... John Elderfield read fine
         values and art which they did not have and   tor's ? How shall we know what the intention   art at Leeds University and is a painter, art
         ignored those which they did have. In her   was/is ?                                historian and lecturer at Winchester School
         preface to  American Painting of the Nineteenth   Take the case of Albers. Fr Barrett honours   of  Art....Norbert Lynton,  formerly  Head
         Century Barbara Novak discusses the two main   him as one of the creators of Op through   of  the Fine Art History Department at the
         purposes of the book. Primarily, it is an   example  and  teaching. No one would want   Chelsea School of Art, is now Director of
         attempt to isolate characteristics of American   to exclude his black-and-white line structures   Exhibitions for the Arts Council of Great
         art that seem to be specifically indigenous.   from the Op canon. But what about the   Britain....  George Melly,  television critic
         What makes these qualities indigenous 'is   Homage to the Square paintings ? Albers hasn't   for  The Observer,  is the author of a new
         not their uniqueness to America but rather   said and Fr Barrett hasn't asked. After stress-  book on pop culture entitled  Revolt into
         the frequency or constancy of their occurrence   ing the control and subtlety of Albers's colour   Styles  which will be published by Penguin
         within continuing American traditions. Cer-  modulation he drops the matter with, 'If this   Books in the autumn....  Timothy Hilton
         tain concerns, qualities of form, and modes of   is Op, then it is Op at its gentlest'.   studied at the Courtauld ' Institute and is
         procedure seem to occur again and again,   That 'if' is pretty unnerving in a book intended   writing a book on Ruskin.... Frank Whit-
         though time and circumstances may have    to be definitive. Significantly, it surfaces at a   ford is a  contributing editor to  Studio
         changed'. The second purpose of the book is   moment, one of the very few moments, when   International....  Bernard Denvir, principal
         didactic, and is an attempt to provide an   Fr Barrett is considering actual Op produc-  lecturer in art  history at Ravensbourne
         intermediary literature, between survey and   tions. I'll admit here to a dislike of books   College of Art and Design, is London corres-
         monograph, of intensive essays on key figures   about art, especially about particular areas of   pondent for Art International.... Christopher
         of the period. Miss Novak situates her thesis   art, that stay too long on the level of broad   Fox is studying at the Slade School of Art....
         between the eighteenth century and the    theory and adduce as evidence not works but   Jonathan Benthall is currently acting as
         present, and is thus able to discuss the subject   statements. Any book on Op is likely to em-  adviser to the Institute of Contemporary Arts
         within a reciprocal tradition.            body quotations from Vasarely, Soto, Riley,   for an exhibition of Dr Hans Jenny's work on
         Much of the available literature on this sub-  Seitz, Ehrenzweig, etc. But manipulating a   vibration and periodicity....Anthony Fros-
         ject in this country is mediocre. This book   plethora of statements from these and others,   haug is a freelance photographer and printer.
         is first-rate.  	q                        usually without giving their date or occasion,   ...Ronald Rees lectures at Birmingham
         RONNIE REES                               sometimes even without naming the author,    College of Art and Lanchester Polytechnic.
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