Page 57 - Studio International - March 1970
P. 57
Outside London 7 Nativity 69 by Group 9 Politicians November 1969, PVA on 11 Garden, July 1968, acrylic on canvas,
One Four (John Berry, Mauro Kaunst, canvas, by Michael Bassi from the first one- 60 x 48 in., by Martin Froy from a show of
Brian Yale) from an exhibition of their work, man show of his paintings, at the Peterloo his paintings and drawings, some dating
with particular emphasis on 'Multiples', at Gallery, Manchester March 3 to 26. Bassi back to when he was Gregory Fellow in
the Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh from studied at Edinburgh College of Art from painting at the University of Leeds in the
February 20 to March 21. Particular speciali- 1963-7, in which latter year he was also an early fifties, which can be seen at the Park
ties of Group One Four are their 'Compack' RSA finalist. He was born in 1944 and lives Square Gallery, Leeds from March 10 to
and 'Eurominiprotopack'. After Edinburgh, in Edinburgh. April 4. Prices £15 to £400.
`Compack' and 'Eurominiprotopack' will go 10 A Section of a Coniferous Tree's Bark, oil on 12 Scala, screen print, print by Jeffrey
on to Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museum. canvas, 50 x 36 in., by Audrey Davies from Steele from the 56 Group Wales Graphic
Prices at Demarco's are from £5 to £200. an exhibition of her paintings and those of Exhibition at the Ikon Gallery, Birmingham,
8 To do with Landscape, sculpture in ceramic, John Holmes at the Compendium Gallery, March 10 to 28. The 56 Group consists of
30 in. high, by Gordon Baldwin from an Birmingham from March 3 to 23. John twenty-one artists who live or work in Wales.
exhibition entitled 'Design 70' showing work Holmes's work is based on the Derbyshire It receives support from the Welsh Arts
by Gordon Baldwin, sculpture; John Make- environment. Audrey Davies's chief interest Council. Thirteen members take part in this
peace, furniture; Ann Sutton, textile lies in the Herefordshire landscape and its exhibition of 47 drawings, prints, gouaches,
construction—at the Oxford Gallery till seasonal variations. The painting illustrated multiples, etc. The show will continue at the
March 18. here is based on a micro-photograph. Audrey Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool from April 27
Davies's prices go from 18 to 60 guineas. to May 16. Prices 4s to £35 (mainly