Page 57 - Studio International - November 1970
P. 57

pronounces  Seek  the first piece of computer   statistical record of who is supposed to have   visitor is invited to play with Antin. Antin has
          art by calling it a paradigm for the idea of   visited the exhibition. Clearly Haacke is out   constructed a 'conversation room' in which
          making art— as though the arrangement and   to demonstrate the inherent political contra-  the visitor is offered a tape-recorded word, or
          re-arrangement of 2-inch blocks partook in   dictions in the art predicament, as he did at   two or three words, around which he is
          some way of the artist's process).        the Museum of Modern Art, and his statistical   invited to build a story, preferably a true one.
          Not far from the scurrying gerbils and the   activities are not ironic in the least. Like   Then, he can listen to the previous stories
          baffled grappler stands John Goodyear who   others playing in this field, and like the whole   with his own added, in a collage of themati-
          introduces quite another attitude. His reseach   American school of sociologists who have long   cally-linked exercises in language and human
          is relatively 'personalized', being independent   since departed from the intelligent humanism   inquiry. I don't exactly understand how this
          of computers, but tied to Burnham's idea by   (yes, let's use that word) of Europeans such as   becomes software, despite the tape recorder
          the fact of his collecting facts. Goodyear   Max Weber or Adorno, Haacke unconsciously   device. It clearly remains in the hands of the
          makes what he calls a text of the Thermal   makes several dangerous assumptions. The   artist, who might be said to be using the great
          Experience Zone. In good scientific orderly   first is that 'they' can be classified. That is,   well of language, as shared by individuals, to
          sequences he takes sweat samples, measures   museumgoers. Or, as publishers, Hollywood   draw up the essentials for his own work. It
          them and graphs them, attempting, as he   and TV magnates call them, 'the public'. The   uses individual experience as a resource, as
          claims, to make people aware of neglected   second is that people submit to questionnaires   the story-teller has always done. It sets up a
          senses. This exaggerated reprise of the old   (even by machines) and answer candidly.   controlled situation of language and com-
          synesthesia cult, and the rapturous discoveries   Advertising agencies live on this hideous   munication, as writers naturally do, and par-
          of new orders and new senses in the first   assumption. Finally, that such superficially   takes of the software orientation only insofar
          decade of the century, is tempered by the   acquired information can be the basis of   as it appears to be 'information' gathering.
          light irony that masquerades as scientific   responsible judgments. I have always felt, and   Finally, Antin's work is the antithesis of most
          method and the contemporary appeal of the   still feel, that statistics in the social sciences are   of softwarehouse rhetoric.
          absurd (always with us, but in so many differ-  menacing, and tend toward unconscious   I think the same can be said for John Giorno's
          ent versions that it is still piqueing. Good-  totalitarian thinking. Neither the admittedly   Poetry Systems  which is a poetic idea that
          year's humour provides a rare moment in a   alluring machine querying visitors nor the   quite escapes easy McLuhanizing. Passengers
          basically bloody earnest show.)           printout statistics proves who, exactly, was   on the software trip can carry their transistors
          Statistical play, being a clear output of com-  there. The moment we begin to think who   with them, tuning in on a host of poets read-
          puter psychology, figures high in the modes   `they' are statistically, we have ceded to   ing their verses and messages, much as 'they'
          presented here by those who have more or less   totalitarianism. (Burnham by the way tends   out there carry the ballgames in the World
          been classified as 'artists'. The accumulation   to think that way too. He is omniscient and   Series with them.
          of information for its own sake is a national   seems to know exactly how everyone has an   The poetic gestures in the show include a
          vice which needs appropriate correctives in   art experience, or how everyone doesn't  have   really nice idea of Douglas Huebler, one of the
          the form of art or philosophy with bracing   one, or how 'they' close out or open up to   usual brace of 'conceptualists' participating,
          doses of humour. Whether or not Hans      cybernetic implications. And yet, there is   who invites anyone to participate in the
          Haacke's contribution contains any of those   never a way of knowing who precisely will be   transposition of 'information' by writing
          elements is, as Burnham concedes, a moot   moved by what, which is why art survives.)   down an authentic secret in exchange for
          point.                                    On the other side of the information-gathering   which he will get a photocopy of someone
          Haacke, wiring into the mother computer,   process is the poet David Antin whose con-  else's authentic secret—shades of the old
          has set up a video questionnaire which    tribution is one of the few genuinely oriented   surrealist party games, but still effective
          records both facts (Where were you born?   toward art—Antin is obviously an artist to the   because the word secret has its secret ways.
          Male or Female? Native Tongue? etc.) and   bone. Not that he sets out to achieve art. His   Briefly, here are some other categories of soft-
          opinions (Are you against the war in Viet-  experiment,  The Conversationalist,  is presen-  ware : Philosophic investigation, as performed
          nam ?) ; processes them and gives a running    ted more in the spirit of a game which the    by Agnes Denes who uses a computer to
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