Page 30 - Studio International - September 1970
P. 30

rotate suns and their systems.' We still don't   Bukharin, the editor of Pravda,  continued to   directed is a natural conclusion from our
      know enough about Malevich's philosophical   resist Lenin's wishes for another two years,   entire system of planning'. 21
      position, but this sounds very reminiscent of   in 1923 the organization was finally dissolved.   In architecture the same pattern appeared.
      the Proudhonian affirmation of 'incessant                                            The 1929 'All-Russian Society of Prole-
      metamorphosis'. And it was Malevich who   III                                        tarian Architects' ( W. 0 .P.R.A.) criticized lef-
      wrote : 'the ensign of anarchy is the ensign of   It was from this period that developed the   tist groups for replacing content by function,
      our "ego" '.19                            official alternatives to the Proletkult's 'rightful'   and began the move towards heavy, monu-
      But, as with authoritarianism in general, it   leadership of artistic affairs; and also the new   mental design. The 1930 meeting of the Party
      was the threat to organizational control as   official styles of Socialist Realism in painting   Central Committee endorsed their actions,
      much as to theory which prompted action   and monumentalist classicism in architecture.   commenting that the 'harmful and utopian
      against the autonomy of artists' organizations.   In 1922 some 'previously leftist' pupils of   schemes' of the left 'which take into account
      Lenin had objected to an independent role for   Tatlin and Malevich stated their dis-  neither the material resources of the country
      the trade unions, why should he allow it for   satisfaction with 'further analytical scholastic   nor the degree of preparedness of the popula-
      the arts ?                                wanderings' in their first exhibition of the   tion, would inevitably have led to an enor-
      In the August of 1920 Lenin's enquiry of Pro-  `New Society of Painters'  (Nozh); and in the   mous waste of means and to the complete
      fessor M. N. Pokrovsky, Deputy Commissar   same year the revived pro-realist Peredvizhniki   discrediting of the very idea of the Socialist
      for Education, concerning the jurisdictionial   group gave the impetus to the foundation of   reorganization of life'. But even at this late
      status of the Proletkult  was occasioned by his   the 'Association of Artists of Revolutionary   stage there seemed some hope: the projects of
      fears that its autonomy was damaging to the   Russia'  (A.K.H.R.R.), within which painters   Leonidov and Chernikov significantly ex-
      `democratic centralism' formally established   like Brodsky developed a Socialist Realism,   tended earlier formalist spatial conceptions,
      that month in the famous 21st Article of the   whose ideological premises came to be not   and the 1930 publication (in Vienna) of
      conditions of admission to the Comintern. The   dissimilar to those later developed in Nazi   Lissitzky's  Russland  encouraged such foreign
      admission of the Commissariat that it sub-  Germany. 'Art belongs to the people', said   architects as May and Taut to come to Russia
      sidized the Proletkult led to action. Its 'special   Lenin, 'it must be intelligible to the masses   (though, of course, they were disappointed),22
      ideas', Lenin felt, were a diversion from   and loved by them'.20  By 1929, all artists and   and probably helped to elicit the large foreign
      Marxism, as was its wish to foster a national   architects were organized into a single co-  entry to the Palace of the Soviets Competi-
      proletarian culture despite, as Louis Fischer   operative, the  Vsekokhudozhnik; and the April   tion.23   And the Soviet press insisted that the
      puts it, 'the non-proletarian nature of the   1932 resolution 'On Reconstruction of Liter-  new Palace 'must not look like the works of the
      majority and the non-cultured condition of   ary-Artistic Organizations' specified that no   past, must be specifically proletarian'. But the
      the proletariat'. What was needed was 'not   independent or unofficial groups were per-  selection panel by-passed the submissions of
      the invention  of a new proletarian culture but   mitted and that the party had the rights of   Le Corbusier, Gropius, Lubetkin, Mendel-
      the development of the best forms, traditions, and   artistic direction. Lunacharsky, who had   sohn, Perret, Poelzig and others, settling
      results of existing culture from the viewpoint of   switched his support to the right in 1924,   eventually for the 'megalomaniac mode of
      the philosophy of Marxism and the living con-  commented : 'All the aims of the Soviet State   scraped classicism' of B. M. Iofan, whose pro-
      ditions and struggle of the Proletariat in the   and of the Soviet State alone are creative   ject was, however, elaborated up until 1937,
      period of its dictatorship'. This was, in fact, a   aims, emancipative and constructive aims in   when it looked like 'a telescopic weddin
      denunciation of the idea of a revolutionary art   the widest sense of the word.... To point out   cake'. Lunacharsky commented : 'The pro-
      for a revolutionary state. Although the   the direction in which the artistic forces, the   letarians also have the right to colonnades'.
      Proletkult,  aided by Lunacharsky and by    artistic attention, the artistic talents should be    Thus the activist vanguardism of revolu-
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