Page 48 - Studio International - September 1970
P. 48

Roland Brener                             your work and mine could never be described   some extent, the relative size and shape of
                                                in similar terms, I think that it co-exists   each element, are determined according to
      and Peter Hide                            harmoniously and, at the same time, mutually,   visual criteria. Thus mechanical function
                                                as critical comment on each other's work.
                                                                                           determines the general nature of a sculpture
                                                HIDE : To my mind, you have always attempted   while visual criteria determine the specific.
      a written                                 to create an immediate response : surprise is   The size of a sculpture depends on two factors,
                                                the end for which you allow yourself the   firstly that a piece must relate to human scale,
      discussion                                widest possible freedom of means. Permanence   and, secondly, the fact that from a mechanical
                                                                                           viewpoint every structure has a particular,
                                                 has never been an important factor in your
                                                work; all of it was conceived and executed   ideal size.
                                                quickly, and much of it was destroyed in an   In conclusion I would add that I have rarely
                                                equally summary manner. I think that       been able to site my sculptures satisfactorily;
                                                probably your most recent works, the string   this is unfortunate as the site, obviously, influ-
                                                and balsa-wood installations, are nearest in   ences the scale of a piece. I feel it important
                                                spirit to your ideas and represent a significant   to say that, spacious though the depot is, it is
                                                move towards a 'theatre situation'.        still a compromise in this respect.
                                                Looking back, I think the precedents for such   BRENER:  I have always been impressed with
                                                a 'theatre situation' have been apparent in   your obstinacy and self-sufficiency with regard
                                                your work for some time. Your pseudo-      to your work. I'm not sure that your blinkered
                                                architectural structures seem to illuminate   concentration of energy and resources is as
                                                this, in that they function less as objects and   ascribable to integrity as it is to your sense of
                                                more as scenarios. I think this idea of the   security as an artist. The most obvious quali-
                                                sculpture as a scenario has led you on to   ties in your work, its strength, weight, massive-
                                                elevating the site of the sculpture into an inte-  ness and durability, seem also to be information
                                                gral part of it, as in the string and balsa-wood   about those aspects of your personality you
                                                installations.                             deem most suitable for posterity. Your whole
                                                BRENER: My installation at Stockwell will be   style is the antithesis of an avant-garde artist's
                                                illuminated by black light and so, on this   approach: dogged application and a vision
                                                occasion, the site will not be integral, except   uncontaminated by what, to you, seem trivial
                                                in terms of size, or even be visible. The work   and passing fads, will in the end become
                                                is also new for me in that I intend using   recognized as attitudes fundamental to your
                                                figurative or symbolic elements.           work, and hence of value. I think this is the
      Roland Brener                             As you said, the balsa-wood and string space-  key to an appreciation of your work: to the
      Untitled 1970
      Fishing rods, weights, cord and plaster ducks   installations were the most personally philo-  viewer it is either rather bland and pointless
                                                sophic works of mine to date in that they were   structure, or it can be profound in a purely
      Peter Hide                                made in a few hours at practically no cost,   non-literary sense for those with ascetic taste—
      Tank 1970
      Steel                                     had no value, used little enough material for   its bleak monumentality assuming signifi-
                                                me to fit the whole lot into my pockets and   cance if one is not only responsive to immedi-
      ROLAND BRENER AND PETER HIDE WILL BE      yet filled large areas of formal spaces dramati-  acy of effect. It is unequivocal, but difficult
      EXHIBITING TOGETHER FROM 15 SEPTEMBER TO   cally, in a visual sense. Most important, the   to evaluate and respond to.
      15 OCTOBER AT STOCKWELL DEPOT,            quite insubstantial materials never appeared   Ultimately, you would be satisfied by the
      COMBERMERE ROAD, LONDON SW9               over-extended or attenuated : in no way do I   knowledge that you had created an edifice
                                                identify my work with 'anti-form' art.     that will still be standing in a century's time
      BRENER:  No  one who is familiar with us will   At the moment, in order to maintain my   —a feat comparable to the design and con-
      be surprised that the artists at Stockwell   interest in art, I feel that I must introduce   struction of a great bridge would satisfy all
      Depot are not exhibiting again as a group.   social or other comment into my work and to   your ambitions.
      Precisely for this reason many people will be   this purpose I shall probably use recognizable
      surprised that the two of us have chosen to   or familiar elements. Unfortunately I can't   BRENER: It would be naive of us to regard the
      show together.                            say more about my contribution to the exhibi-  encouragement we have received from the
      HIDE:  The reasons against holding a third   tion as, unlike your more deliberate method,   civil-servants at the Tate, Whitechapel and
      show were made obvious in the second. The   I won't know exactly what I'm showing till a   ICA as genuine recognition. Our position as
      show was by no means unsuccessful, but its   few days before the opening.            artists, in fact, hasn't changed at all: we are
      impact was lost, partly through a lack of com-  HIDE :  One characteristic I feel our works   still solely responsible for creating any oppor-
      mon direction, partly through an uncomfort-  share is dynamism. Many of them rely on   tunities to show our work. I suspect that we
      able variation in the quality of the work, and   being held together by weights, wire, or   have even retarded their attitudes further, for,
      finally because there was insufficient space to   something, they have the potentiality of   by existing viably outside the commercial
      go round. Inevitably, some people suffered   movement, even disintegration. Unlike you,   system of galleries, we are performing a social
       more than others. The importance of all these   though, I feel my approach to sculpture is   service that should be the responsibility of the
       factors was borne out by the two group shows   essentially corporeal. I allow myself to:be con-  institutions. However, as we now take our
       held in Scandinavia and it became obvious   ditioned by the demands of the physical   independence for granted, whether or not
       that an alternative must be found.        world, especially gravity and the nature of   constructive change occurs in the sponsored
      BRENER:  At the time of the first show the   material.                               establishment is no longer of much concern
      group seemed to have much in common, yet   My work is always made up of separate ele-  to us.
       now, with the exception of Roelof Louw and   ments, each of which has a structural function,   HIDE : This show means a way of demonstrat-
      yourself, I am either indifferent to or em-  consequently an element's presence is dictated   ing the independence of the Depot, and above
       barassed by the work of the others, and would   by mechanical necessity rather than visual   all, our independence as artists from the
      not choose to show with them again. Though    preference. Factors of surface finish and, to    imposition of any established art world.  	q
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