Page 34 - Studio International - December 1971
P. 34

intelligent—and essential—respect for the   that are pure Atget; they are almost invariably better   photographs from the belle époque would of course be
      soaked-up blacks and burned-up whites in a   designed than the ones that have gone 'modern'—i.e.,   enormously interesting, as Jean Roman's Paris Fin de
                                                debased-Bauhaus—in their lettering.       Siècle, trans. James Emmons (New York, 196o), and
      number of the pictures." Such an edition might
                                                29  See also in this connection the superb picture of   the 1966 number of Camera to which I have already
      need subsidizing by a foundation, but it would   trees, a pissoir, and advertisement-covered walls in   referred demonstrate. To put one together, however,
      immensely deserve and repay it, since for the   Camera (December 1966), p 57. So far as I know, the   one would need a considerably more acute critical eye
                                                picture had never been reproduced earlier. This is one   than Mr Trouenberg displays. It isn't really a surprise
      first time something like justice would have been
                                                of the surprises that I referred to at the outset of this   to find Mr Trouenberg remarking blandly in his
      done to one of the greatest twentieth-century   paper. The other is the photograph of the urn. Both, it   concluding paragraph that 'the formal question of
      artists. And those of us who know and love Atget   seems worth noting, came from private collections—  whether photography is an art may never be fully
                                                respectively those of M Yvan Christ and M André   resolved.' (p 28).
      already would not have to piece him together
                                                Jammes.                                   40 The subject of photographic printing is a highly
      from at least sixteen different printed sources   'Polite Essays (London, 1937), p 167.   complex one, both technically and esthetically. Atget's
      and even then not be confident that there aren't   31  'Entretien avec Georges Franju', Positif, 25-26   pictures, for instance, now exist for us in at least eight
                                                (1957), p. 18.                            different styles of more or less plausible printing—
      pictures still to come that are as great as any by
                                                32  Leroy, p. 8.                          those of the three books that I have referred to, that of
      him that we now have.41                   "Abbott, 'Atget; Forerunner' (November), p 76.   Camera, that of Miss Abbott's portfolio of prints made
                                                34The series, it can be added here, was apparently   by herself from Atget's negatives, that of at least one
      26  See Walker Evans, American Photographs (New   commissioned to illustrate a book on prostitution by   travelling show, also made from Atget's negatives,
      York, 1938), and Robert Frank, Les Americains (Paris   the painter André Dignimont. So far as I have been   and that (or rather those, for they are not
      1958). The two photographs by Evans that I refer to   able to discover, the book never appeared.   homogeneous) of the prints made by Atget and his
      in the next sentence are to be found on pp 28. and 87   "Miss Abbott's own superb portraits of Atget himself   wife. A whole paper could be written on this subject. I
      of American Photographs.                  must of course be mentioned at this point.   can only affirm here that of the reproductions that
      27Frank himself acknowledges indebtedness to Evans   36  See Dorothea Lange and Paul Schuster Taylor,   have been published so far, the ones in Camera seem
      in U.S. Camera 1958 (New York, 1957), p 9o, but of   An American Exodus (New York, 1930).   to me the best.
      course it is patent in his work itself. I have been told   37   For the mingled benefits and drawbacks of Strand's   411 will add that Mr Katz seems to me absolutely
      that he studied formally under Alexey Brodovitch.   approach, see especially Un Paese, text by Cesare   right when he says that Atget's oeuvre 'belongs in a
      However, the technical 'wrongness' of Brodovitch's   Zavattini (n.p., 1955). Several of the portraits in it are   public institution or a major collection of modern art,
      Ballet; zoo Photographs, text by Edwin Denby (New   masterpieces.                   where administrative and scholarly care can be
      York, 1945), is very different in form from either   38  World of Atget, xix.       provided by endowment or foundation funds. There
      Evans's or Frank's.                       39As to Mr Trottenberg's quasi-documentary   should be an Atget Room in a museum, with a
      28There are still a good many store-fronts in France   ambition, an intelligent anthology of really live    continuous, changing exhibition.' (35)

                                                                                          12 Maison Close
                                                                                          13 Waste-paper men
                                                                                          14 Tramp's hut
                                                                                          15 Boulangerie
                                                                                          16 Urn amid nettles

                                                                                          17 The night-club `L'Enfer'
                                                                                          18 Urn with geraniums in front of pond
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