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Galleries dealing                         N.Y. 10021. Dealing in graphics of contemporary   (Tel. 924 7339). Distributors of Gemini and Abrams
                                                      American artists.
                                                                                                originals and full range of Picasso.
            in graphics                               Colophon, Piazza Cavour I, Milano 20121 (Tel.   Everyman Cinema Foyer, Holly Bush Vale,
                                                      650 090). Latest editions: 4 silkscreens Roy
                                                      Lichtenstein, Untitled (2), Haystack, Landscape.   London NW3 (Tel. 01-435 4071). Graphic artists
                                                      Colour Print Gallery, 2 Motcomb Street, London   mostly from Hampstead. 5-30 guineas.
                                                      SW1 X8JU (Tel. 01-235 4567/8). Original signed
                                                      graphics by Delvaux, Braque, Chagall, Dali. Large   Flatsfixed Gallery/Events, 453 West Broadway,
                                                      editions original graphics by Henry Moore, John   New York N.Y. 10012. Original graphics and
                                                      Nash, Feliks Topolski etc. Prices £3 to £800.   multiples by young artists, sold at reasonable prices.
                                                      Original garden sculpture and smaller pieces. Prices   Works best described as fresh and inventive. Largely
                                                      £30 to £500.                              figurative, superreal, and photographic prints.
                                                      Compass, 178 West Regent Street, Glasgow C2   Forum, 16 Market Street, Brighton, Sussex (Tel.
                                                      (Tel. 041-221 6370). Works by printmakers   0273-28578). Representative stock of twentieth-
                                                      throughout UK. Stockists of Scottish contemporary   century graphics.
                                                      printmakers.                              Furneaux, 23 Church Road, Wimbledon, London
                                                      Compendium, 2a Salisbury Road, Moseley,   SW19 (Tel. 01-946 4114). Prints by contemporary
                                                      Birmingham 13 (Tel. 021-449 0811). Screen, etching   artists. Prices £5-£30.
            Albert White, 25 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto 5   and lino prints by British artists.
            (Tel. 923 8804). Canadian artists-Riopelle,   Compendium 2,137 Fulham Road, London SW3   Gallery 1640, 1445 Crescent Street, Montreal 107
            Berkovitz, Harvey, Watson. Also Alechinsky, Carzou,   (Tel. 01-589 0646). Artists both established and new   (Tel. 849 2906). Original Canadian and international
            Chagall, Cocteau, Gribaudo, Kokoschka, Lam, Le   to the London scene.               prints.
            Corbusier, Léger, Miró, Moore, Poliakoff, Calder.   Comsky Gallery, 8432 Melrose Place, Los Angeles,   Gemini G.E.L., 8365 Melrose Avenue, Los
            Allan Frumkin Gallery, 62o North Michigan   California 90069.                       Angeles, California 90069 (Tel. 6510516 and
            Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611 (Tel. (312) 787 0563).   Court, Ostergada 24, Copenhagen K (Tel. 1120 5o).   65 0513). Printers and publishers of original
            Specialists in German Expressionists, French   Retail outlet for Court Graphics. Artists include   limited editions in hand lithography, hand silkscreen,
            nineteenth- and early twentieth-century and   Balle, Brands, Daskaloff, Rooskens, Vielfaure etc.   and 3-dimensional objects for noted contemporary
            contemporary American prints.             Contract Graphics, 5116 Morningside, Houston,   artists. Print projects recently completed by Josef
            André Emmerich, 41 East 57th Street, New York   Texas 7705 (Tel. (713) 524 1593). Forthcoming   Albers, Ron Davis, Sam Francis, Jasper Johns, Ken
            N.Y. 10022. (Tel. Plaza 2-0124). Bush, Christensen,   shows of drawings and graphics by Billy Al Bengston,   Price, Robert Rauschenberg, and Frank Stella.
            Frankenthaler, Hockney.                   Billy Sullivan, Richard Pettibone, Joe Goode,   Godard Multiples, 1490 Sherbrook Ouest, Montreal
            Angela Flowers Gallery, 3 and 4 Portland Mews,   Richard Haas. Dealing in prints and drawings :   109 (Tel. (514) 932 8620). Specialize in the graphic
            D'Arblay Street, London WI (Tel. 01-734 0240).   Ruscha, Conner, Card, Mueller, Celmins, Shields,   work of the international and Canadian artists
            Arakawa, Boyd & Evans, Ian Breakwell, Patrick   Bruch, McGlasson, Novros, Duran, Smith, Dine etc.   represented by Galerie Godard Lefort.
            Hughes, Brendan Neiland, Tom Phillips, Stefan   To be published next Spring-four portraits of Jane   Gorner and Millard, 58/6o Kenway Road, London
            Wewerka.                                  Forth by Billy Sullivan.                  SW5 (Tel. 01-373 0652/7411). Wide selection of
            Annely Juda Fine Art, 11-12 Tottenham Mews,   Crossley, 4 Crossley Street, Melbourne, Australia   lithographs, etchings and screenprints published by
            London WI (Tel. 01-58o 7593). Ayres, Butler,   (Tel. 662 1271). Established in 1966, the only gallery   the main gallery. Prices £10-£35.
            Campigli, Carter, Caulfield, Delvaux, Friedlaender,   in Australia dealing exclusively in original prints.   Grosvenor, 48-49 South Molton Street, London
            Goldschmidt, Gramse, Green, Hadad, Hamilton,   Publishers of Edition Crossley, lithographs and   W1 Y2 JU (Tel. 01-629 0891). Art nouveau
            Herscovitz, Hockney, Léger, Picasso etc.   original prints.                         lithographs and posters by Alphonse Mucha, Cheret,
            Anschel, 33e Kings Road, London SW3 (Tel.   Curwen, I Colville Place, Whitfield Street, London   Steinlen and others. Graphics of the twenties. Erté
           01-730 0444). Graphics by Hockney, Paolozzi,   W1 (Tel. 01-636 1459). Lithographs from the   and Gerald Scarfe limited editions, and Soviet
            Hamilton, Allen Jones, Ivor Abrahams, Wewerka,   Curwen Studio and prints in all media including   graphics including Anatoli Kaplan's illustration of
           Ed Ruscha, Joe Goode, and many others. £5-£200.   Moore, Piper, Frink, Davie, Hepworth and   Sholem Aleichem Stories.
           Anthony Dawson, 12 Marlborough Court,      Gentleman.
           Pembroke Road, London W8 (Tel. 01-602 6213).                                         Hansen-Fuller, 228 Grant Avenue, San Francisco,
           Original prints, drawings and paintings by British   DM Gallery, 72 Fulham Road, London SW3 (Tel.   California 94108 (Tel. (415) 982 4212). Handle
           and international artists. View by appointment.   01-589 8208). Multiples and graphics from over 50   graphics for Gemini G.E.L.
           Arnolfini, 45 Queen Square, Bristol BSI 4QP (Tel.   international artists including Apple, Adami,   Harcus-Krakow, 167 Newbury Street, Boston,
           0272 20742). Nine exhibitions every year of original   Bocola, Caulfield, Dine, Denny, Frink, Graham,   Massachusetts 02116 (Tel. 617 262 4483). Albers,
           prints by British printmakers-catalogue sheets on   Hamilton, Hockney, Indiana, Jones, Motherwell,   Arakawa, Bush, Christo, Dubuffet, Dine,
            request. Also changing stock of 400 British prints   Paolozzi, Ruscha, Pasmore, Rivers, and many new   Frankenthaler, Hoyland, Indiana, Johns, Kelly,
            prices from £6-£450.                      younger artists.                          LeWitt, Lichtenstein, Lindner, Motherwell,
           Ars Studeo, Esplanaden 7, 1263 Copenhagen K,   Dain Gallery, 1018 Madison Avenue, New York,   Nevelson, Noland, Oldenburg, Olitski, Rauschenberg,
            Denmark. Supported by wholesales to museums,   N.Y. 10021. Original graphics, by Miró, Picasso,   Riley, Ruscha, Stella, Twombly, Warhol.
           libraries and collectors of portfolios of international   Matisse, Dubuffet, Johns, etc.   Heiner Friedrich, 5 Köln I, Lindenstrasse 20
           art. On permanent show: graphics and multiples by   David Stuart, 807 N. Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles,   (Tel. 0221/210168), 8 Munchen 22, Maximilianstrasse
            Dine, Soto, Johns, Kelly, Jones, Krushenick, Kitaj,   California 90069 (Tel. OL 2- 7422). Contemporary   15 (Tel. 0811/ 29 50 21). Editions by Flavin, Judd,
            Lichtenstein, Oldenburg, Hamilton, etc.   painting and sculpture, Pre-Columbian and primitive   LeWitt, Palermo, Richter, Sandback, etc.
                                                      arts. Copley, Foulkes, Ramos, Voulkos, etc.   Howard Roberts, 49 Westgate Street, Cardiff (Tel.
            Bear Lane Gallery, 6 Bear Lane, Oxford OXI 4EJ   Denise René/Hans Mayer, D-4000 Düsseldorf, Mühlenstrasse   0222 22938). Main suppliers for lithographs, etchings,
            (Tel. 0865 49280). Over 700 prints in stock, of which                               contemporary prints, etc., for this part of the UK
            up to 300 are now displayed in a wall-hanging unit.   Der Spiegel, 5 Köln I, Richartzstrasse 10 (Tel.   since 1957.
            Prices £2-£80.                            (0221) 21 56 77), has a new Wewerka portfolio,   Hundred Acres, 456 West Broadway, New York
            Bertha Schaefer, 41 East 57th Street, New York   plus prints by Albers, Antes, Arp, Christo, Ernst,   N.Y. 10012 (Tel. 212 533 2250).
            N.Y. 10022 (Tel. 755 3330). Painting and sculptures   Fruhtrunk, Girke, Jacquet, Krieg, Mavignier,
            of the twentieth century. Sole representative in North   Morellet, Vasarely, Wewerka.   Ikon Ltd., Swallow Street, Birmingham I (Tel.
           America for the etched Inguru series of the Spanish   Desmond Page, 32 Campden Grove, London   021 643 0708). Contemporary prints. Prices 30p to £30.
           artist, Eduardo Chillida.                  W8 4JQ (Tel. 01-937 0804). Graphics by Richard
            Betty Parsons, 24 West 57th Street, New York   Hamilton and David Hockney. Also Ivor Abrahams,   Jack Glenn Gallery, 2831 East Coast Highway,
            N.Y. 10019 (Tel. CI 7480). Prints by Liberman,   Peter Blake, Patrick Caulfield, Robyn Denny, etc.   Corona Del Mar, California 92625. (Tel. (714) 675
            Sterne, Steinberg, etc.                   De Vorzon, 7441 N. La Cienega Boulevard, Los   8020). Graphics by Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns,
            Boadicea, 15 Beauchamp Place, London SW3 (Tel.   Angeles, California 90069. Original graphics by old   Lichtenstein, Noland, Oldenburg, John Gem Clarke,
            01-584 2682)                              masters.                                  Dine, etc.
            Brusberg, 3000 Hannover, Friedrichswall 13 im   Dickerson Larkin, 6 Queens Mansions, 23o West   Jefferson Place, 2144 P Street, NW, Washington
            Kubus (Tel. 05 11 26623). Gallery editions from   End Lane, London NW6 (Tel. 01-242 2570/   DC, 20037 (Tel. 202 293 1655). Involved with artists
            Werner Berges, Erich Hauser, Bernhard Jager, Jens   435 8156). Private dealers in original prints Dine,   who live and work in Washington.
            Lausen, Arnold Leissler, Wolfgang Oppermann, Peter   Edwards, Hamilton, Hockney, etc. £20-£500.   Galeria Juana Mordo, Villanuoeva 7, Madrid
            Paul, Reiner Schwarz, Jan Voss and Paul Wunderlich.   Don Quixote, 4 Seymour Place, London WI (Tel.   (Tel. 225 1172). Spanish modern art.
            Buchholz, 8 Munchen 22, Maximilianstrasse 29   01-262 9111). Spanish graphics, engravings and
            (Tel. (0811) 29 88 41). Wide selection of graphics.   lithographs.                  Kasmin, 118 New Bond Street, London WIY ODQ
           Prices DM 40-2000.                         Dresdnere, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5,   (Tel. 01-629 2821/2). Graphics by English and
            Bykert, 24 East 81st Street, New York (Tel.   Canada (Tel. (416) 923 4662). Braque, Chagall, Ciry,   American artists. Prices from £40.
            988 5220). David Novros, Dorothea Rockburne,   Clave, etc.                          Kovler, 952 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
            Ralph Humphrey, Bill Bollinger, Deborah Remington,   Drian, 517 Porchester Place, London W2 (Tel.   Illinois 60611 (Tel. 642 8420). Master prints from
            Brice Marden, Michael Snow, Jan Dibbets, Chuck   01-723 9473). Twentieth-century artists in limited   sixteenth to twentieth century.
            Close, Peter Gourfain, Bob Duran.         editions: Alexanco, Bellany, Berlewi, Crozier, etc.   Kümmel, 5 Köln 41, Maarweg 15 (Tel. 49 45 43).
            Castelli Graphics, 4 East 77th Street, New York    Dunkelman, 5 Bedford Road, Toronto 5, Ontario    Contemporary artists. Prices from DM 4.
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