Page 26 - Studio International - July August 1971
P. 26

`True Patriot Love':                      A major exhibition of work by Joyce Wieland   development of Canadian perfumes called
                                                is at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa,   Arctic Passion and Sweet Beaver.
      Joyce Wieland at                          until 8 August. Entitled 'True Patriot Love', the
                                                exhibition has been organized by the Gallery's
      the National                              curator of contemporary Canadian art, Pierre
                                                Théberge, and comprises thirty-five works by
      Gallery of Canada                         the artist—ranging from quilted cloth
                                                assemblages and drawings to photography and
                                                films. Joyce Wieland's films include Rat Life
                                                and Diet in North America—in which political
                                                suspects escape from the United States to
                                                Canada to take up organic gardening—and La
                                                Raison Avant la Passion, 'a lyrical look at Canada'
                                                and its Prime Minister. Among her interests are
                                                an active concern with environmental problems,
                                                the devising of nationalist recipes (Canadian
                                                Nationalists' Soup—red and white), and the

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