Page 34 - Studio International - July August 1971
P. 34

Three exhibitions at the Hayward

      Frank Whitford on Böcklin and Hodler
      William Tucker on Henri Laurens

                                                                                                      Ferdinand Hodler
                                                                                                    Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau above a
                                                                                                    Sea of Mist 1908
                                                                                                    Oil on canvas
                                                                                                    67.5 x 91.5 cm.
                                                                                                    Coll: Professor Arthur Stoll,
                                                                                                    2  Arnold Böcklin
                                                                                                    Combat of the Centaurs 1873
                                                                                                    Oil on canvas
                                                                                                    105 x 195 cm.
                                                                                                    Coll: Offentliche Kunstsammlung,

      Hodler and Böcklin are a joke. Or that, at least,   Even Klimt's work underwent a change which   imaginings convincing. Böcklin was so popular
      is what they have become at the hands of   can be traced to Hodler's influence, and there   that large celebrations were held in Germany
      writers anxious to prove that all painting   is no doubt that the young Schiele drew   and Switzerland on his seventieth birthday.
      produced by German-speaking artists in the   heavily on his example.                Exhibitions were staged in Berlin, Hamburg
      nineteenth century is worth no more than a   Even greater claims than this can be made on   and Basle, and a glut of Böcklin monographs
      mention. And the fact that Böcklin was one of   Hodler's behalf. In 1923 Fritz Burger published   suddenly appeared. Clearly Böcklin should be
      Hitler's favourite painters hardly helps matters.   his Cézanne und Hodler, a book which, in   taken seriously if only for the light this and
      Even most of the reviews of these, the first   Germany at least, became very influential and   similar stories throw upon the preferences of the
      large-scale exhibitions of Hodler and Böcklin in   which put forward the case, convincing then if   German public of that time.
      Britain, have been patronizing or calculatingly   not now, that Hodler and Cézanne, in their -   Böcklin's reputation began to decline not
      cool.                                     common concern for pictorial and natural   long after his death in 1901, soon reached its
        Perhaps the reviewers are right. Perhaps   structure, were the only true fathers of modern   nadir and has remained there ever since. In
      Böcklin is no more than a Swiss Watts, and   art. It is impossible to go as far as Burger, but   1905 Julius Meier-Graefe, the man most
      Hodler a man born too early to understand   Hodler's interest in formal organization, his   responsible for introducing modern art to
      where he should have been going, and too late   belief that a painting is an autonomous object   Germany, published a famous polemical essay
      to be able to fulfil his promise as an allegorist.   parallel to and not a reproduction of nature, and   called Der Fall Böcklin, The Case of Böcklin,
      Perhaps these painters today are simply worth   his continuing search for the simple and direct   in which he suggests that, for all their invention
      the scant footnotes they are given in art   make him unique among German, or for that   and fantasy, Böcklin's paintings are ruined by a
      historical texts and little more.         matter Swiss artists at that time.        lack of spiritual depth and too little concern for
        Yet their art historical importance is    Both Hodler and Böcklin became          form. In short, they could not have been
      considerable enough. Böcklin's work, prized   enormously popular in their own lifetime.   seriously meant, and cannot therefore be taken
      during his lifetime but rejected almost   Böcklin's reputation was considerable and even   seriously. Surprisingly, Meier-Graefe preferred
      immediately after his death, became a rich   Jacob Burckhardt wrote about the poetic depth   Hans von Marées to Böcklin, another German-
      source of inspiration for the Surrealists, and   he found in Böcklin's paintings, suggesting that   speaking artist who spent most of his life in
      for Dali and de Chirico in particular. To see   they were objects for meditation, that they   Rome, and a painter far less imaginative than
      The Island of the Dead, to be struck by its   provided the imagination with the powerful   Böcklin.
      evocation of total silence and arrested time, is to   stimulus it needed for self-discovery. Böcklin   It is easy to come out against Böcklin with
      know why. Hodler made perhaps the greatest   invented a mythology, depicted a world, which,   Meier-Graefe. In spite of a group of truly
      impression on the Vienna Secession of any   with its unusual mixture of the Classical and   memorable images (and unfortunately The
      single foreign painter. He regularly exhibited   Germanic, exercised a powerful hold over the   Island of the Dead is the only one of them
      there from 1900 onwards, and in 1904 was   German imagination, and he developed a   exhibited at the Hayward) it is impossible to
      given the main room in the Secession building.   technique which made even his most extreme    take his curious mythology seriously and
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