Page 22 - Studio International - June 1971
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as effective as possible, thereby hoping to avoid   the exhibition. Buren assured me of his good   time for the opening on February 1) which he
     the usual clutter and confusion typical of most   intentions and said that he was willing to   drafted, to read as follows :
     group shows which evidence little or no   proceed knowing of my reservations. I might   A number of participating artists in the Guggenheim
     consideration for the needs of the work. I   add that every artist but Buren executing work   International Exhibition felt that their work was
     therefore devised a rough breakdown of the   specificially for the International provided a   compromised and endangered by the presence of
     museum space into something resembling a   working drawing or plan for consideration;   my work in the exhibition. They exerted pressure on
     plausible scheme, which was promptly upset by   Buren was reluctant to provide details for his   the Museum to remove my piece with the threat
    several artists who either preferred a different   proposal. Between October and mid-December,   of withdrawing their own work.
    space or changed their minds about how they   when I received a letter from Buren (asking   Because of this fact, and because my work, which
    should be represented.                     whether he could use the museum space as we   was executed for the exhibition, partially obscured
       This is of course not a radically different   had discussed it), there ensued a number of   the works of a number of other participants in the
     procedure from that obtaining in any exhibition:   transatlantic telephone calls in which I   exhibition from certain viewpoints in the Museum
     the curator and the artists invariably    repeatedly expressed my hesitation about the   space, the Museum's decision was to give me the
     `compromise' to a certain extent, but only in   indoor part of his project. As late as December   opportunity to show my work outside the context
     the best interests of the exhibition. The   20, Buren wrote saying that he could not proceed   of the Guggenheim International Exhibition.
     responsibility for his work rests with the artist;   with his indoor project unless he had floor plans   To give the public an opportunity to understand
     the responsibility for the presentation of that   of the museum. Transatlantic discussions   the conflict, the work will be on view for one week
     works rests with the curator; given the   continued without any resolution of the problem,   after the Guggenheim International closes.
     differences of approach between artist and   but having no wish to prejudge a project which   Shortly after the opening Buren decided
     curator on the one hand and the curator's   I had not seen and for which no specific   against showing at all; he subsequently returned
     obligation to consider restrictions in museum   dimensions existed, I agreed to send him the   to Europe. q
     policy and practices on the other, it is a very   floor plans. At no time, however, did I give   DIANE WALDMAN
    strenuous exercise at best. The problems   Buren an unqualified commitment to show his
     accelerate when the curator is no longer dealing   banner since it remained to be seen in
     with just the work at hand, i.e., when an artist   conjunction with the other work in the   The cancellation of Haacke's exhibition:
     is no longer alive, but with the work and the   exhibition. Buren delayed his arrival to New York   Thomas M. Messer's 'misgivings'
     artist, and becomes even more aggravated   until just prior to the opening of the exhibition.   The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
     when the work has yet to be created. In addition,   The Buren banner, installed the day before   1071 Fifth Avenue, New York City 10028
     to these problems, the spiral structure of the   the exhibition was scheduled to open, was in   March 19, 1971
     museum is such that one change invariably   direct conflict with the work of the other artists
     affects another and in this particular instance   in the exhibition and this factor alone prompted   Dear Hans Haacke:
     threatened to trigger a chain reaction down the   the removal of his work. This issue was one of   You asked me to write to you about my
     ramp. For example, Richard Long changed his   incompatibility: there was simply no way of   misgivings concerning your implementation of
     plan (and location) three times, the third time   reconciling Buren's project with the other work   the planned Haacke show at the Guggenheim
     arriving at this successful solution for the top   in the exhibition. The unity of the exhibition, as   Museum. Let me therefore review the whole
     ramp. Several artists were asked to move to   well as the singular identity of each work was, as   matter:
     accommodate other artists : Sol LeWitt and   I have stated before, a well-considered aspect of   When we began our joint exhibition project,
     Dan Flavin moved out of the High Gallery to   the Guggenheim International. It was this   you outlined a three-fold investigation and
     allow for Michael Heizer's projection; in all   unity that Buren disrupted by placing the   proposed to devote separate exhibits to
     instances, the exhibition took shape in a far   banner in such a way (and of such dimensions)   physical, biological, and social systems. From
     more satisfying way than originally planned   as to obscure the visibility of numerous works   subsequent detailed outlines, it appeared that
     (Flavin and LeWitt subsequently stated this).   in the exhibition. The banner made it literally   the social category would include a real-estate
     For this reason I agreed to the changes. I should   impossible to see Long, Flavin, Merz, De Maria,   survey pointing through word and picture to
     add that participation by an artist in a group   etc., etc. in their totality. Buren's insistence that   alleged social malpractices. You would name,
     show would seem to imply accommodation with   he was the injured party was actually refuted by   and thereby publicly expose, individuals and
     the other artists in the show and this proved to   LeWitt, Merz, Long and Darboven the evening   companies whom you consider to be at fault.
     be the case for all concerned, with the   before the exhibition was scheduled to open   After consultation with the Foundation's
     unfortunate exception of Daniel Buren. When   when they told Buren that it was his work that   president and with advice from our legal
     he first spoke to me in October of 197o in New   was comprising their own. Although a number   counsel, I must inform you that we cannot go
     York, he indicated his wish to use the centre   of the artists signed a statement which Buren   along with such an exhibition outline.
     well of the museum as one part of a two-part   actively solicited, saying in effect that he should   From a legal point of view it appears very
     plan (the other part was to be suspended between   be in the show, none of them withdrew from the   doubtful that your findings could be so verified
     two buildings outside the museum). I expressed   exhibition (with the•exception of Carl Andre,   as to be unassailable if a libel suit were directed
     great reservations that the indoor part would   who arrived from India well after the   against The Solomon R. Guggenheim
     interfere with the work of the other artists in the   exhibition had opened, and who withdrew largely   Foundation. Verification of your charge would
     show and made specific reference to the Merz   because he was dissatisfied with his work in   be beyond our capacity while, on the other hand,
     spiral which would run around the interior   the show) although there was some pressure on   unchecked acceptance of your allegations could
     balustrade of the museum. Buren claimed shortly   them to do so. No one, least of all myself,   have consequences that we are not prepared to
     thereafter to have checked with Merz and said   wished to exclude Buren from the exhibition,   risk.
     that Merz had expressed no objection; at that   and I offered to hang just the outdoor part of the   Considered from the vantage point of the
     point, since the exhibition was in the embryonic   two-part plan, or to assist him in executing   Museum's purpose and function, a muckraking
     stage and so many of the artists had not yet   another work for the exhibition; he refused both   venture under the auspices of The Solomon R.
     determined what they would finally do, it was   suggestions. LeWitt then proposed that Buren   Guggenheim Foundation also raises serious
     impossible for me to give carte blanche to Buren.   have a week by himself at the end of the show,   questions. We have held consistently that under
     In fact I had great reservations about the piece   or show with the group during the last two   our Charter we are pursuing esthetic and
     and informed Buren that I would not be able to   weeks. Buren decided to show alone and   educational objectives that are self-sufficient
     accept it if it interfered with any other work in    requested that the museum post a statement (in    and without ulterior motive. On those grounds,

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